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Emergency Messages Dissemination Challenges Through Connected Vehicles for Efficient Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review

Recent growth in transport and wireless communication technologies has aided the evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS is based on different types of transportation modes like road, rail, ocean and aviation. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a technology that considers moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a wireless communication network. VANET has emerged as a resourceful approach to enhance the road safety. Road safety has become a critical issue in recent years. Emergency incidents such as accidents, heavy traffic and road damages are the main causes of the inefficiency of the traffic flow. These occurrences do not only create the congestion on the road but also increase the fuel consumption and pollute the environment. Emergency messages notify the drivers about road accidents and congestions, and how to avoid the dangerous zones. This paper classifies the emergency messages schemes into three categories based on relay node, clustering and infrastructure. The capabilities and limitations of the emergency messages schemes are investigated in terms of dissemination process, message forward techniques, road awareness and performance metrics. Moreover, it highlights VANET-based challenges and open research problems to provide the solutions for a safer, more efficient and sustainable future ITS.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
Journal Name
International Society For The Study Of Vernacular Settlements
Responding to Environmental Changes through Resilient Urban Design: Insights from Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Communications And Network
Link and Cost Optimization of FTTH Network Implementation through GPON Technology

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
The Journal Of Immunology
Extracellular Histones Inhibit Complement Activation through Interacting with Complement Component 4
Abstract<p>Complement activation leads to membrane attack complex formation, which can lyse not only pathogens but also host cells. Histones can be released from the lysed or damaged cells and serve as a major type of damage-associated molecular pattern, but their effects on the complement system are not clear. In this study, we pulled down two major proteins from human serum using histone-conjugated beads: one was C-reactive protein and the other was C4, as identified by mass spectrometry. In surface plasmon resonance analysis, histone H3 and H4 showed stronger binding to C4 than other histones, with KD around 1 nM. The interaction did not affect C4 cleavage to C4a and C4b. Because histones bin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Pedestrian Walking Speed Through the Religious Occasions in Iraq

The design of safe pedestrian facilities usually depends on the assessment of pedestrian characteristics and behavior. In this investigation, pedestrian walking speed through the religious occasion have been monitored at three locations, Al- Kadhimiya (Imam AL-Kadim), Najaf and Karbala (Imam AL-Husain) holy shrines. Video captures of the pedestrian through their walking to the two holy shrines have been prepared and analyzed for walking speed, gender, age groups, and clothing tradition. The pedestrian sample size is 468, 501, and 447 for Al- Kadhimiya, Karbala, and Najaf respectively. When the gender is taken into consideration, it can be noted that the walking speed of male and female pedestrian is (0.97, 1.68, and 1.63

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Environmental benefits through Storage, Exchange of thermal energy in smart city

The aim of this study is to look at  the potential of a  local sustainable energy network in  a pre-existing context to develop a novel design beneficial to the environment. Nowadays, the concept of smart cities is still in the developmental phase/stage   andwe are currently residing in a transitional period, therefore it is very important to discover new solutions that show direct benefits the people may get from  transforming their city from a traditional to a smart city. Using experience and knowledge of successful projects in various European and non-European smart cities, this study attempts to demonstrate the practical potential of gradually moving existing cities to t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations methods in building the state's image through Cyberspace

The researcher has studied in his research (International Public Relations methods in building the state's image through Cyberspace)
, analytical study of the Facebook and twitter pages for British foreign office , the role was played by the International Public Relations in building the mental image of British , especially after the new media and internet have became influential role in political life . and became an important tools used by political institutions as ministries of foreign affairs in the twenty: one century .
The researcher identified the problem of this study with the following question:
(what is the role of the International Public Relations in building the mental image of state through Cyberspace)
To answer

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التغير والاستقرار في سلوك الاسهم العادية خلال الفواصل الزمنية "دراسة تطبيقية لعينة من المصارف في بورصة عمان"

Knowing the conduct of the common stocks during the different intervals of time (quarterly and yearly) is an important step in choosing and administrating the portfolio of common stocks which be in accordance with the tendency of the investor toward risk and revenues. This is an attempt to understand the behavior of this common stocks in Amman stock Exchange to discover the extent of change in its behavior for employing them by the managers in identifying the accurate and beneficed investments , which meet the ambitions of Arab investor.    


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أشهر العلماء العرب المسلمين وإسهاماتهم في علم الفلك من خلال كتاب سير أعلام النبلاء للذهبي (ت748هـ / 1348م)

The Arabs muslim , throughout the historical ages, had many and varied contributions in various fields of science and knowledge, and in all scientific disciplines. They were preceded by scholars of other sects, so their books were translated into Arabic and they added to it many of their scientific research and writings that affected Arab and Islamic libraries, as these scientific research turned into basic references for the benefit of students of science in this field, and they did not stop at that, but built observatories, and invented They developed many astronomical devices in their time and observed the planets and stars, drew maps for them and determined their locations

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Nonparametric statistical study for the crime motives on a sample of inmates in Khartoum State prisons

The aim of the research was to investigate the use of non-parametric tests in the analysis of the questionnaire and how to choose the appropriate test for testing the hypothesis of the study of crime motives in Khartoum State. The data were collected through the primary sources by designing a questionnaire and distributed to a sample of inmates in Khartoum state; the data were analysis by SPSS program using the analytical statistical method through using some of the suitable non-parametric tests for each case. The most important results of the research were: there was significant relationship between the type of crime and the age group therefore, we found that the age group (20-29) was the most frequent crime particularly, the fi

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Power-Efficient Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenters using Heuristic Assisted Enhanced Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization

    The increase in cloud computing services and the large-scale construction of data centers led to excessive power consumption. Datacenters contain a large number of servers where the major power consumption takes place. An efficient virtual machine placement algorithm is substantial to attain energy consumption minimization and improve resource utilization through reducing the number of operating servers. In this paper, an enhanced discrete particle swarm optimization (EDPSO) is proposed. The enhancement of the discrete PSO algorithm is achieved through modifying the velocity update equation to bound the resultant particles and ensuring feasibility. Furthermore, EDPSO is assisted by two heuristic algorithms random first fit (RFF) a

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