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Emergency Messages Dissemination Challenges Through Connected Vehicles for Efficient Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review
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Recent growth in transport and wireless communication technologies has aided the evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS is based on different types of transportation modes like road, rail, ocean and aviation. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a technology that considers moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a wireless communication network. VANET has emerged as a resourceful approach to enhance the road safety. Road safety has become a critical issue in recent years. Emergency incidents such as accidents, heavy traffic and road damages are the main causes of the inefficiency of the traffic flow. These occurrences do not only create the congestion on the road but also increase the fuel consumption and pollute the environment. Emergency messages notify the drivers about road accidents and congestions, and how to avoid the dangerous zones. This paper classifies the emergency messages schemes into three categories based on relay node, clustering and infrastructure. The capabilities and limitations of the emergency messages schemes are investigated in terms of dissemination process, message forward techniques, road awareness and performance metrics. Moreover, it highlights VANET-based challenges and open research problems to provide the solutions for a safer, more efficient and sustainable future ITS.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of market orientation and the commitment of employees to performance
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أستهدفت الدراسة اختبار أثر التوجه السوقي والتزام العاملين على أداء المنظمة المسوقة لخدمات النقل الجوي. حيث تم اختيار شركة الخطوط الجوية الملكية الأردنية كمجال تطبيقي.وقد اعتمدت الدراسة في قياس المتغيرات على مقاييس مختبرة وقد تأكد صحتها وثباتها لقياس المتغيرات في البيئة الحالية.  وقد بينت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي الذي استخدمت فيه أساليب إحصائية مختلفة بالاستعانة ببرنامج SPSS))

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
امثلة على تقديرات الامكان الاعظم غير الوحيدة
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افرض ان (X1, X2, …. , Xn) هي عينة عشوائية من توزيع له دالة احتمالية الكثافة . المثال المعتاد في مثل هكذا تقدير للامكان الاعظم (MLE)  هو ليس وحيد باخذ  ليكون كثافة منتظمة عليه، مثل .

انظر [Bicked and Doksum (1977, P111)] او [Hogg and Craig (1978, P(207)] بالاضافة الى احضار بعض الامور غير الطبيعية.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constructivism Theory in International Relations (Case Study on the War on Terrorism)
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        The topic of the research revolves around constructivist theory, which is one of the most important theories that added weight to the theoretical and epistemological field of international relations. The constructivist theory studies international relations from a completely different side of theories by focusing on the social aspects of international relations, and by looking at international relations as social constructs. Ideas, cultures, norms, standards and language play a major role in their formation. The study also examines the state of the war on terrorism as it represents one of the most international cases in which its composition and composition coincide with constructive ideas and a

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internet banking services and their impact on customer's: Applied Research on Sample of Iraqi Commercial Banks
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This research examines the issue of Internet banking services and their impact on customer's perceived value to know the potential of Iraqi commercial Banks to provide Internet banking services as well as determine the customer's level of perception of the value of such services. The research aims to demonstrate the effect that Internet banking services have on the customer's perceived value and to find how online banking services can be used to add value that the customer perceive. The main findings were that research sample banks don't have a sophisticated network of electronic Windows through which banking services are provided to allow customers to manage their accounts, and perform various operational operations through the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analysing Iraqi Railways Network by Applying Specific Criteria Using the GIS Techniques
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The railways network is one of the huge infrastructure projects. Therefore, dealing with these projects such as analyzing and developing should be done using appropriate tools, i.e. GIS tools. Because, traditional methods will consume resources, time, money and the results maybe not accurate. In this research, the train stations in all of Iraq’s provinces were studied and analyzed using network analysis, which is one of the most powerful techniques within GIS. A free trial copy of ArcGIS®10.2 software was used in this research in order to achieve the aim of this study. The analysis of current train stations has been done depending on the road network, because people used roads to reach those train stations. The data layers for this st

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Secondary Metabolite Crude of Metarhizum anisopliea Fungus on the Second Larval Stage of the Housefly Musca domestica
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         The house flies Musca domestica )Diptera:musidae) are the primary carrier of many pathogens such as cholera, typhoid, anthrax, and others. The use of chemical pesticides as a basic method of control leads to many problems at the environmental and health level. The use of safe alternatives to chemical pesticides has become an urgent necessity. The research aims to find biological alternatives that are environment-friendly and non-pathogenic to humans in controlling house flies through the possibility of extracting and diagnosing some secondary metabolites produced by the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae and testing their effects on the second larval stage of house flies using different treatment methods that include

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of nanocapsules and extract of Metarhizium anisopliae in inhibiting acetylcholine esterase enzyme in Musca domestica larvae.
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M. domestica is the most important insect that transmit pathogens for diseases in the world. The use of nanotechnology is eco-friendly method in control pests. The study aims to investigate the feasibility of bio-manufacturing nanocapsules of fungal secondary metabolites in order to improve the efficiency of metabolite and assess their inhibitory effect on the acetylcholine esterase enzyme in housefly larvae. An equal mixture of organic solvents, ethyl acetate and dichloromethane, was used to extract the metabolic products of the fungus M. anisopliae, (PEG4000) and chitosan was used in the preparation of nanocapsules. The results of the DLS granular size assay showed that the size of the extract particles and the size of the chitosan and

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المحددات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للبطالة في السودان -دراسة قياسية باستخدام انحدار المركبات الرئيسة للمدة (1981-2015م)
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Considering the magnitude of its economic, social and political impact, unemployment represents a crucial challenge confronting the majority of the countries of the world. The problem of the study was the high rates of unemployment in Sudan and the inability of economic growth rates to keep pace with the steady increases in unemployment rates during the study period. This study aimed to identify the economic and social variables influencing unemployment rate in Sudan, in addition to measuring the impact of these variables over the period (1981-2015). Data were collected from databases of the World Bank and Atlas of the World's data .The study hypothesized the presence of statistically significant and direct relationship between u

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المخاطرة السياسية وانعكاساتها على تدفقات الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر
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        The searchers opinions are variant in determining the extent of impacting political risk in the host country on foreign direct investment decision. (Aharoni,1966) found, in his questionary study for group of foreign companies operating in India, that a political stability is one of the two most important factors, besides the market size, in the attraction of foreign investment, and its availability means that whether this  specific country  is good for foreign investment. On the other side, (Green and Benntt, 1972) are present a variant opinion to Aharonis opinion. They are reach to result state that a political instability do not impact on the general distribution of foreign i

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
المتغيرات الاقتصادية العالمية المعاصرة وآثارها على الاقتصادات العربية
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The Arab economy suffers from many structural imbalances problems which are getting complicated by the appearance of the world economic variables.

This change held risky challenges for the Arab economies in the light of unsuitable regional and international conditions. Since that it has been very essential  for the Arab experts, especially those related to economy and politics, to face those new challenges or, at least, adapt with them believing that they can have both positive and negative impacts on the Arab economy.

This study has acquired its importance in the light of the critical levels the Arab economy reached out of the world economic variables, resulting in long-term

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