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Studying the Role of IFN-γ, Vitamin C, SOD, LH, FSH, APA and ACA in Toxoplasma gondii Infected Miscarriage Women
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This study is designed to detect the level of cytokine IFN-γ concentration, and some antioxidants, including super oxide dismutase (SOD) and Vitamin C, and to estimate the level of sex hormones (FSH and LH), and to determine auto-antibodies (antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) IgG\IgM, and anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) IgG\IgM) and to estimate the blood parameters in 51 miscarriage women infected with T.gondii distributed depending on the type of antibodies. Additionally, 39 volunteers non-infected with T.gondii included (19 miscarriage women, 10 pregnant women and 10 non-pregnant women). ELISA and spectrophotometer method were used in this study. The results of IFN-γ showed a significant increase)p<0.05) in the level of IFN-γ  in women infected with T.gondii compared with volunteer groups. The current study shows a significant difference in the level of hormones, where the concentration of LH hormone increased in married non-pregnant women compared with other groups, while the concentration of FSH hormone increased in toxoplasmosis women compared with volunteer groups. The results of antioxidants showed no significant difference in Vitamin C activity in infected women compared with volunteer groups, while super oxide dismutase (SOD) activity was significantly lower in infected women compared with volunteer groups. The results of autoantibodies showed a significant difference in anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) IgM level, the highest level was in aborted women infected with acute infection (IgM Ab), while the anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) IgG level recorded the highest level in aborted women infected with both acute and chronic infection (IgG&IgM)). The results showed no significant difference in antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) IgM level in infected women when compared to the volunteer groups, while the results showed significant difference in antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) IgG level, where the highest concentration was in the volunteer groups (pregnant and non-pregnant married women). The results of blood parameters showed significant differences in differential leucocytes except for Basophils and Monocytes, and the results showed significant differences in differential erythrocytes, HB, PLT, and PCV.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The mucosal and systemic immune status for diabetic and non-diabetic Dentialvcolar infected patients
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From a group of 60 patients with dentoalveolar infections among which 10 were diabetic and 10 non-diabetic were elected as test group as well as 10 normal subjects as control group. Six Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus anginousus were diagnosed in the first and second group of the patients the immune status of the patients and control subject were tested by pathogen specific antibody titre, neotrophil NBT reduction phagocytosis and leukocyte inhibition LIF. Diabetic patients with dentoalveolar infection shows decreased specific antibody titers, subnormal neutrophil NBT phagocytic % as well as non significant LIF % in comparison non diabetic reveal high specific antibody titers against , high neutrophil NBT% and significant LIF% re

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Income Tax in Iraq and the Treatment of Married Women in Charge
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   Iraqi legislator taxation  married women in charge of the income tax treatment of the man in charge of tax and the application of the principle of equality of individuals to bear public burdens. The factor legislator women in charge of special treatment in some cases, taking into account the circumstances family allow  tax in the case of whether she was married to a man is unable to completely work and does not have a resource, as well as giving the legislator allow for her children. it observed that the amount of allowing still little is notcommensurate with the high cost of living in addition to limiting the tax allowances granted within the limits of the taxpayer and his immediate family did not take the legisla

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Existential Psychological Crisis Among Battered Women to Non-Battered Women in the Republic of Yemen
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The research deals with a very important issue that affects women, an important segment of the society. This is because women are the basis of the family and the pillar of the society. Thus, the aim of the research is to examine the level and dimensions of the emotional and existential psychological crisis at the sample of the study. It further aims to investigate the statistical significant difference at the level of (0.05) regarding the feeling of the existential psychological crisis among battered and non-battered women. To reveal the objectives of the study, the researcher applied the existential psychological crisis scale to a sample of (72) women, divided into two groups: (35) battered women, who have been chosen purposefully. Thos

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Study the Effects of Methotrexate with and without Vitamin A on Some Biochemical and Histological Parameters in Male Rabbits
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The present study aims to evaluate the effects of methotrexate (MTX) with and without vitamin A (Vit. A) on some biochemical parameters and histological structure in male rabbits liver. Twenty male rabbits weighing 1250-1480 gm were divided into four equal number groups. The first group was given 2 ml distilled water as control group. The second group was given MTX (20 mg/kg), the third group was given Vit. A (5000 IU), while the fourth group was given MTX (20 mg/kg) +Vit. A (5000 IU) in alternative days. Following four weeks of treatment, lipid profile total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), [low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)]; in addition to thyroid hormones tr

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human Dignity and the Problem of Women Cutting Off Prayer: Women Cutting Off Prayer
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Our creator has honored human beings and granted them a noble place, the provisions of the Islamic system are designed to strengthen and consolidate this dignity and respect. Since women are human beings, they have their respect, status and dignity. There are some prophetic sayings concerning women that may be understood as contrary to this value, the value of dignity and respect for human beings. One example is the Hadith of a woman cutting off a man’s prayer if she passed in front of his prayer. The study examines this topic and presents answers for it.


In dealing with the subject, the study followed the descriptive, analytical and deductive approach of mentioning legislative texts, analyzing them and deducing

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
C-Reactive Protein and Cholesterol level In Male Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
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Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level in serum is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes ,this relationship is likely to be the cause it means elevated CRP leads to T2D in future . Our objective was to examine CRP in male Type 2 Diabetes(T2D) patients in different age ,we studied 120 male subjects divided to two groups according to their age. First group A age (31 - 40) year old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age: second group B age (41 – 50) years old ,60 person )30 control & 30 T2D patients(,3 person for each same age. We examined blood sugar ,cholesterol and CRP in each group. and we toke the mean of samples in the same age in each data in all the 4 groups. Our data shows that CRP

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Impact of Osteoporosis on Teeth Decay in relation to Salivary Vitamin D among Menopause in Baghdad city, Iraq
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Background: Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder that has an impact on general health, dental health and salivary composition. The mineralization of teeth happens simultaneously with that of the skeleton, but if mineral metabolism is disrupted, tooth failures will resemble those that affect bone tissue. Vitamin D plays a key role in bone and tooth mineralization.

Objective: to evaluate the impact of osteoporosis on teeth decay in relation to salivary vitamin D among menopause in Baghdad city.

Subjects and Methods: This study was cross sectional study. The study group consists of

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Irrigated Women News   In the historical and literary fluorescence of Andalusia
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Andalusian women enjoyed much historical news in the fluorescence of Andalusia, describing it as beautiful and good cohabitation, as the men were involved in conquests, including those who were wives of the caliphs, including scientists, singers, and adept writers Hassan and tongue, in addition to the acquisition of masters in slave markets in Cordoba, Seville and many cities, In addition, Andalusian women enjoy freedom in their relationship with men and have been reflected in the historical fluorescence of Andalusia, such as the book of the history of Ibn Abdul Malik bin Habib al-Alberi (d. And the collar of the dove repented in intimacy and thousands of Ibn Hazm al-Qurtubi (d. 456 AH / 1065 CE), the book of Hilla al-Sayra of Ibn al-Wel

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Haematological and Demographic Study in Children Infected with Enterobiasis in Al Diwaniyah Province, Iraq
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     Enterobius vermicularis infection is considered as one of the important causes of anaemia and malnutrition among children. This topic has recently received an increased amount of attention.  The objective of this study is to evaluate the demographical, anthropometrical, nutritional, and  haematological status of E. vermicularis infection among children. This study was conducted in Al Diwaniyah province, south of Iraq, for the period of October 2020 to the end of January 2021. The study included 122 children from both genders (males, n= 61, and females, n=61) and their ages ranged between 1 and 14 years. Nutritional status, body mass index (BMI), BMI percentile, and weight- for- age Z score were evaluated for some particip

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying some Immunological and Hormonal profiles in Infertile Male
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The present study was designed to evaluate the immunological status in a sample of Iraqi males with primary infertility and them age range18-55 years, who were attending the Centre of Infertility and in vitro Fertilization (Kamal Al-Samaraie Hospital, Baghdad) during the period December 2008 – April 2009. They were divided into three groups; 40 patients with anti-sperm antibodies (ASA), 20 patients with Asthenozoospermia (AST) and 20 patients with azoospermia (AZO). In adition to20 fertile males was as control group. The parameters of evaluations were standard seminal fluid analysis, anti-sperm antibodies and anti-mitochondrial antibodies in serum, Therefore, two types of samples were collected from each subject; seminal fluid and blood.

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