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Spectroscopy Characterization of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Degradation by Different Kinds of Accelerated Aging
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            This paper presents a sight about the chemical structure deformation of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA) samples according to the change ratio of rate constant values. Spectroscopy kinetics fluorescence curves are fitted for two characteristic wavelength domains of fluorescent intensities. The short wavelengths (320-400 nm) domain show spectra overlapping, while at long wavelengths (400-800 nm) domain spectra are arranged in regular for each specific accelerated aging time. The ratio of kinetics rate constant at long wavelengths to kinetics rate constant of short wavelengths is the criterion of the degree chemical structure deformation. Molar extrinsic coefficient relies on the chemical structure change. Through absorbance measurement, EVA samples have been classified into two groups. Presence of Cyasorb additive is the key point of the ranking. The effect of three different accelerated aging of dry (115 oC), damp (85% moisture, 85 oC), and irradiated (UV, 65 oC) aging have been considered for two samples of each group over different aging time. Spectroscopy of absorbance and fluorescent for aged samples have been discussed. In general, Cyasorb adding causes higher chemical structure deformation for the EVA sample. The most effective factor is the damp aging and the less one is the UV irradiation aging, while the biggest chemical structure change of Cyasorb-free sample is produced by damp aging and the less by dry heat.   

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Information Security (ijcsis)
Finite State Automata Generator for DNA Motif Template as Preparation Step for Motif Mining
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There are many tools and S/W systems to generate finite state automata, FSA, due to its importance in modeling and simulation and its wide variety of applications. However, no appropriate tool that can generate finite state automata, FSA, for DNA motif template due to the huge size of the motif template. In addition to the optional paths in the motif structure which are represented by the gap. These reasons lead to the unavailability of the specifications of the automata to be generated. This absence of specifications makes the generating process very difficult. This paper presents a novel algorithm to construct FSAs for DNA motif templates. This research is the first research presents the problem of generating FSAs for DNA motif temp

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Karbala Journal Of Physical Education Sciences
Effect of use a designed device to develop some biochemical variables for rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics
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The research included five sections containing the first section on the introduction o research and its importance and was addressed to the importance of the game of gymnastic and skilled parallel bars effectiveness and the importance of biochemical variables, either the research problem that there is a difference in learning this skill and difficulty in learning may be one of the most important reasons are falling and injury Has a negative impact on the performance and lack of sense of movement of is one of the obstacles in the completion of the skill and the goal of research to design a device that helps in the development of biochemical changes to skill of rear vault dismount with one-half twist on parallel bars in gymnastics . And the n

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Managerial Skills and It`s Role in Strengthening the Competitive Edge of Companies: A Case Study in the General Company for Construction Industries
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This research tries to reveal how to manage and control the competitive edge for business by building managerial skills in various organizational levels. Our research aims at finding out the nature of various technical, human and in tellectual skills of a new president whose superiority is his competitive ness in the application field at general company for construe tioual  industriesand testing the surveyed minor and major changes through a questionnaire to collect information from officials. The sample was composed of (45) director. The data was analyzed  using some methods and statistical programs. The most prominent of these is (SPSS) that was used to extract the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt / Egyptology
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Objective: To suggest a weighted measure to diagnose the reasons for the low student success ratios in mathematics concerning the third grade of intermediate schools in light of components educational system represented by: [Students, Teachers, Curriculum, and Environmental reasons (others reasons)] assuming differentiated and interrelated components, Also the effectiveness forming of these components according to the gender variable. Methods: Data collection tools were prepared by constructing two questionnaires for each of (Students and Teachers), which included a number of items that involved some domains for studied components of educational system, which demonstrated a high level of validity and reliability in the pilot study, in addi

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 22 2014
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Physics
Comparison between shell model and self-consistent mean field calculations for ground charge density distributions and elastic form factors of 12C and 16O nuclei
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The combined effectiveness of magnetic force and heat\mass transfer on peristaltic transportation “Hyperbolic Tangent” Nanofluid in a Slopping Non-Regular Non-symmetric Channel.
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Abstract<p>in the present article, we present the peristaltic motion of “Hyperbolic Tangent nanofluid” by a porous area in a two dimensional non-regular a symmetric channel with an inclination under the impact of inclination angle under the impact of inclined magnetic force, the convection conditions of “heat and mass transfer” will be showed. The matter of the paper will be further simplified with the assumptions of long wave length and less “Reynolds number”. we are solved the coupled non-linear equations by using technical analysis of “Regular perturbation method” of series solutions. We are worked out the basic equations of continuity, motion, temperature, and volume fraction</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Two Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae M, Beauveria bassiana Vand the Pesticide ICON onLarvae, Pupa and Adult House Fly Musca domestica L
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 A study was conductedto determine thethe effects of two insect pathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae and Beauvaria bassiana In biological control and comparing, insecticide, Icon, on larva , pupa and adults stage of house fly  was tested. The results  revealed non-significantly superiority differences in the percentages of cumulative death between the recommended concentration of Icon and the M.anisopliae(2 × 1011), but the results showed, significant difference in accumulation death between M. anisoplia ( 2 × 1011 ) and  B. bassiana were found at the same concentration, the accumulation death of  M.anisoplia reached to 100, 80, 95% for larval, pupa and stage after 96  hours respectively,  com

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Positive images in the Holy Quran The story of Solomon - peace be upon him - in Surat An-Naml is a model An objective study
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God Almighty put in his great book secrets that do not end, and wonders that do not expire, for he is the one from which the scholars are not satisfied, and he does not create due to the multitude of response, and it is the comprehensive and inhibitory book that God conceals to the worlds, and he challenged the two heavyweights to come up with something like it.

At all times, issues arise in the Noble Qur’an that fit the needs of the people of that time and their culture, for it is an eternal book, characterized by the ability to give, extend and respond to addressing the problems of the age and its variables, when the Arabs had little luck at the time of the message’s descent from the scientific culture, and their proficienc

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Chemical Bonding of Heterometallic Trinuclear Cluster Containing Cobalt and Ruthenium: [(Cp*Co) (CpRu)2 (μ3-H) (μ-H)3] using QTAIM Approach
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The topological parameters of the metal-metal and metal-ligand bonding interactions in a trinuclear tetrahydrido cluster [(Cp*Co) (CpRu)2 (μ3-H) (μ-H)3]1 (Cp* = η5 -C5Me4Et), (Cp = η5 -C5Me5), was explored by using the Quantum Theory of Atoms-in-Molecules (QTAIM). The properties of bond critical points such as the bond delocalization indices δ (A, B), the electron density ρ(r), the local kinetic energy density G(r), the Laplacian of the electron density ∇2ρ(r), the local energy density H(r), the local potential energy density V(r) and ellipticity ε(r) are compared with data from earlier organometallic system studies. A comparison of the topological processes of different atom-atom interactions has become possible than

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