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The Effect of MHD on a Longitudinal Flow of a Fractional Maxwell Fluid between Two Coaxial Cylinders

      In this paper fractional Maxwell fluid equation has been solved. The solution is in the Mettag-Leffler form. For  the corresponding solutions for ordinary Maxwell fluid are obtained as limiting case of general solutions. Finally, the effects of different parameters on the velocity and shear stress profile are analyzed through plotting the velocity and shear stress profile.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Association between Enhancing Learning Needs and Demographic Characteristic of Patients with Myocardial Infarction: العلاقة بين تعزيز احتياجات التعلم والخصائص الديموغرافية لمرضى احتشاء عضلة القلب


Objectives: To find out the association between enhancing learning needs and demographic characteristic of (gender, education level and age).

Methods: This study was conducted on purposive sample was selected to obtain representative and accurate data consisting of (90) patients who are in a peroid of recovering from myocardial infarction at Missan Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, (10) patients were excluded for the pilot study, Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis approach of frequency, percentage,  and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Results: The study finding shows, there was sign

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة القادسية للعلوم الرياضية
The impact of leverage in two different environments on the development of weapons and arms explosion strength on some physiological indicators and the accuracy of the performance of the service and crushing volleyball skills

ھدف البحث الـــــى : ١ -إعداد تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على بعض المؤشرات الفسیولوجیة لتطویر القوة الانفجاریة ودقة مھارتي الأرسال والضرب الساحق بالكرة الطائرة . ٢ -التعرف على تأثیر تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على بعض المؤشرات الفسیولوجیة لتطویر القوة الانفجاریة.. ٣ -التعرف على تأثیر تدریبات القوة الارتدادیة في وسطین متباینین على دقة مھارتي الأرسال والضرب الساحق بالكرة الطائرة

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)

Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun (1959) appeared at the beginning of renewed political activity on the part of the blacks; it is a pamphlet about the dream of recognition of black people and the confusion of purposes and means to reach such recognition. It embodies ideas that have been uncommon on the Broadway stage in any period. Situations such as a black family moving into an all-white neighborhood were not familiar before this time; they were just beginning to emerge. In depicting this so realistically, Hansberry depends more on her personal experience as an African American embittered by social prejudices and discrimination. 

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Illegal migration and the European Union " a perusal of securing the phenomenon"

Abstract This study seeks to deal academically with how the EU treats clandestine immigration, through adopting a purley security approach, based on the European understanding of security threats posed to the security of communities and States in EU at all levels. So they agreed upon criminalizing this threat within the bloc while using repressive tools and steps to limit illegal immigrants flow to European territories. Accordingly, the EU gave the phenomen a security character. So it takes it from low politics level , that of employment and economic field to that of high politics, as a new security problem lying within a new security language embraced by ruling European elites, in other words EU touched on this issue as a speech act emp

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing strategic leadership practices in the light of transparency and organizational citizenship behavior - A field study of a sample of the staff of the Office of the Inspector General at the Iraqi Ministry of Culture

Diversity the terms and practice the organizational filed with different concepts and environment, which Iraqi environment part from them. Some organizational in Iraqi environment leave its basic oriented to agreement with the leader desire, their fore this research focus tow basic variable (organizational citizenship behavior & transparence), we supposition which is dependent to explanation the response variable (strategic leadership). The results justification in part and not justification in another part. For example the organizational citizenship behavior effect on some parte of the strategic leadership. The transparence have faraway to fly from the relation with organizational citizenship behavior and strategic leadershi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Business incubators the entrance of organizations to shift towards pioneering performance a study by a number of employees of the technical education organizations in mosul

     The importance of this research is due to its importance goals, Which are about the attempt of researchers to investigate the probability of depending on businesses, environments to transform organizations, performance in away that enhance the leading  role of organizations  in their environments , and through views of a number of the staff working in the foundation of technical institutes in Mosul.  .

     After deciding the methodology of the study that ,in one hand ,performs the goals of the study , and achieving a suitable theoretical framework to present the concepts of businesses, environments and the leadin

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Arabic Alphabets Using a Combination of a Convolutional Neural Network and the Morphological Gradient Method

The field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of converting an image of text into a machine-readable text format. The classification of Arabic manuscripts in general is part of this field. In recent years, the processing of Arabian image databases by deep learning architectures has experienced a remarkable development. However, this remains insufficient to satisfy the enormous wealth of Arabic manuscripts. In this research, a deep learning architecture is used to address the issue of classifying Arabic letters written by hand. The method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture as a self-extractor and classifier. Considering the nature of the dataset images (binary images), the contours of the alphabet

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Science International (lahore)

The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led - in one of its aspect - until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation - which is involved in counterterrorism - should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conf

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Ablation Speed on the Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructures Via Pulsed Laser Ablation of Asphalt in Ethanol

Pulsed liquid laser ablation is considered a green method for the synthesis of nanostructures because there are no byproducts formed after the ablation. In this paper, a fiber laser of wavelength 1.064 µm, peak power of 1 mJ, pulse duration of 120 ns, and repetition rate of 20 kHz, was used to produce carbon nanostructures including carbon nanospheres and carbon nanorods from the ablation of asphalt in ethanol at ablation speeds of (100, 75, 50, 10 mm/s).  The morphology, composition and optical properties of the synthesized samples were studied experimentally using FESEM, HRTEM, EDS, and UV-vis spectrophotometer. Results showed that the band gap energy decreased with decreasing the ablation speed (increasing the ablation time), the mi

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of TV Programs in Spreading the Culture of Community for Peace: Studying the Attitudes of the Publics towards a Program entitled Mosamih Kareem on YouTube

The fundamental problem in determining the role of television programs in broadcasting the culture of community for peace through studying almosamig kareem program by studying the topics addressed in this program. It is a descriptive study and it follows the approach survey method.  In this study, the spatial framework is limited to the program of almosamih kareem on YouTube, while the temporal framework is concerned with the episodes that are raised on YouTube from the second half of 2014 to 2015 of almosamih kareem program. The fundamental problem in determining the role of television programs in broadcasting the culture of community for peace through studying almosamig kareem program by studying the topics addressed in this

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