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Evaluation of Different Nitrogen Management on Yield and Some of the Yield Components of Rice (Shiroudi cultivar)
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Nitrogen (N) is a key growth and yield-limiting factor in cultivated rice areas. This study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of different conditions of N application on rice yield and yield components (Shiroudi cultivar) in Babol (Mazandaran, Iran) during the 2015- 2016 season. A factorial experiment executed of a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) used in three iterations. In the first factor, treatments were four N amounts (including 50, 90, 130, and 170 kg N ha-1), while in the second factor, the treatments consisted of four different fertilizer splitting methods, including T1:70 % at the basal stage + 30 % at the maximum tillering stage, T2:1/3 at the basal stage + 1/3 at the maximum tillering stage + 1/3 at the panicle initiation, T3: 25 % at the basal stage + 50 % at the maximum tillering stage + 25 % at the panicle initiation, and T4: 25 % at the basal stage + 25 % at the maximum tillering stage + 50 % at the panicle initiation. The results illustrate only the number of panicles (m2) which was significantly impacted by the year (at the CI of 0.99). Different levels of N had effects on the panicle length, the percentage of filled grain (PFG), whole grain in a plant, and yield (at the CI of 0.95). The panicle length, the PFG, and yield were also significantly affected by different methods of N splitting (at the P-v of 0.01). The interaction of N amount × N splitting had a significant effect on the panicle length, the PFG, and yield (at the CI of 0.95).  In general, the most significant impact on the panicle length, the number of panicles (m2), the whole plant's grain, and yield observed after using 130 kg N ha-1.  Besides, T3 showed the most notable effect on all the studied indices except for the panicle length.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
DeepFake Detection Improvement for Images Based on a Proposed Method for Local Binary Pattern of the Multiple-Channel Color Space
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DeepFake is a concern for celebrities and everyone because it is simple to create. DeepFake images, especially high-quality ones, are difficult to detect using people, local descriptors, and current approaches. On the other hand, video manipulation detection is more accessible than an image, which many state-of-the-art systems offer. Moreover, the detection of video manipulation depends entirely on its detection through images. Many worked on DeepFake detection in images, but they had complex mathematical calculations in preprocessing steps, and many limitations, including that the face must be in front, the eyes have to be open, and the mouth should be open with the appearance of teeth, etc. Also, the accuracy of their counterfeit detectio

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 14 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Information Technology & Decision Making
A Decision Modeling Approach for Data Acquisition Systems of the Vehicle Industry Based on Interval-Valued Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set
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Modeling data acquisition systems (DASs) can support the vehicle industry in the development and design of sophisticated driver assistance systems. Modeling DASs on the basis of multiple criteria is considered as a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. Although literature reviews have provided models for DASs, the issue of imprecise, unclear, and ambiguous information remains unresolved. Compared with existing MCDM methods, the robustness of the fuzzy decision by opinion score method II (FDOSM II) and fuzzy weighted with zero inconsistency II (FWZIC II) is demonstrated for modeling the DASs. However, these methods are implemented in an intuitionistic fuzzy set environment that restricts the ability of experts to provide mem

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring of accounting conservatism practice in companies listed on Iraq stock exchange
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   The research aims to measure the accounting conservatism practice of listed companies in the Iraq stock exchange using Basu model to measure the degree of accounting conservatism in a sample of companies of (21) companies for the period from 2007 to 2011, the researcher found that most of the listed companies in the market exercised accounting conservatism when measurement and disclosure of the result of the activity and financial position and there is a variation in the degree of accounting conservatism between economic sectors , which included banking , investment , insurance , industry , agriculture , tourism and hotels.

   Because the practice of accounting conservatism properly

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Quality of IMRT and VMAT Treatment Planning Techniques (TPS) Using Indices of Achievement (IOA) Nasopharyngeal Cancer Plans
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Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) are comparable for nasopharyngeal cancerous radiation therapy. This research intends to analyze the high-quality plan using accomplishment, conformance, and homogeneity criteria.

The study involved 40 patients with a postnasal cancerous tumor. The patients underwent computed tomography (CT) simulation to scan the anatomical details of the patients' heads. Then, their data was forwarded to the treatment planning system (TPS) workstation for IMRT and VMAT planning. The plans were evaluated using the IOA, HI, and CI indices.

The nasopharynx coverage results consist of the GTV and PTV at 95%. The statistical study reveals that VMAT provides

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Performance of Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval Using Classification Based on Associations versus Jcolibri and FreeCBR: A Further Validation Study
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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The cement slurry is a mixture of cement, water and additives which is established at the surface for injecting inside hole. The compressive strength is considered the most important properties of slurry for testing the slurry reliability and is the ability of slurry to resist deformation and formation fluids. Compressive strength is governed by the sort of raw materials that include additives, cement structure, and exposure circumstances. In this work, we use micro silica like pozzolanic materials. Silica fume is very fine noncrystalline substantial. Silica fume can be utilized like material for supplemental cementations for increasing the compressive strength and durability of cement. Silica fume has very fine particles size less

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Publication Date
Thu May 03 2018
Journal Name
Online Journal Of Veterinary Research
Effect of Cutibacterium acnes cell free antigen (CFAg) immunization, levofloxacin and cinnamon oil on Cutibacterium acnes infection in rabbits
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Tuaimah GS, AQ Al-Awadi, Ahmed ME., Effect of Cutibacterium acnes cell free antigen (CFAg) immunization, levofloxacin and cinnamon oil on Cutibacterium acnes infection in rabbits, Onl J Vet Res., 22 (9):811-822, 2018. C. acnes causes acne vulgaris most commonly in 12-24 year olds. Five albino rabbits were immunized at day 1 and 14 with Cutibacterium acnes cell free antigen (CFAg) and then infected intradermally with 0.1 ml C. acnes suspension (2×108 cfu/ml) at day 30. Two groups of five infected rabbits were then treated at Day 30 with 0.5% levofloxacin or 0.2% cinnamon oil twice daily for 12 days. Five control rabbits were infected intradermally with 0.1 ml 2×108 cfu/ml Cutibacterium acnes n (2×108 cfu/ml). At day 42, skin test (mm), se

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 16 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Agricultural Research
Effect of seed priming on grain growth rate and effective filling period in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
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A field experiment was conducted during winter, 2015-16 with the objective to investigate the effect of bread wheat cultivars (Abu-Ghraib3, Ibaa99, and Alfeteh) and seed priming 100, 100, 150 mg L-1 of benzyl adenine, salicylic acid, gibberellic acid (GA3), respectively, ethanolic extract of Salix Sp., water extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra and distilled water (control) on grain growth rate (GGR), effective filling period (EFP) and accelerating of physiological maturity. Randomized complete block design with three replicates was applied. GA3×Ibaa99 surpassed others in grain yield (7.432 tonne ha-1) when gave the highest grain weight (45.13 mg grain-1) and GGR (1.5 mg grain-1 day-1) with the fastest time to start and end EFP (5 and 34 days), w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption and Kinetic Study of Methylene Blue dye on New Surface Derived from Copolymer (Melamine – Formaldehyde – Para- methyl Anisole)
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A new copolymer (MFA) was prepared from condensation of melamine (M) with p- methyl – anisole (A) in the presence of condensation agent like 37% (w/v) of formaldehyde. The new copolymer was characterized by elemental, IR and HNMR spectra. The chelating ion-exchange property of this polymer was studied for methylene blue dye in aqueous solution in 100-200ppm concentrations. The adsorption study was carried out over a wide range of pH, shaking time and in media of various kinetic parameters models. Thermal parameters like enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy of adsorption process of methylene blue on surface of MFA resin were determined on the basis of kinetic parameters at different temperatures. To describe the equilibrium of adsorp

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Satisfaction of Patients with Type II Diabetes on Health Service in Specialized Center for Endocrinology and Diabetes /Baghdad 2019
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Background: Patient satisfaction is of increasing importance and widely recognized as an important indicator of quality of the medical care. There was no homogeneous definition of patient satisfaction, since satisfaction concerns different aspects of care or settings, as well as care given by various professions.

Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the patients’ level of satisfaction with diabetes care and to identify the underlying factors influencing it.

Methods: This cross-sectional study had been conducted in the Specialized Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology in Baghdad Al- Rusafa 2018. Where150 type two diabetic patients attending their follow-up

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