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On The Normality Set of Linear Operators

            In this paper, the Normality set  will be investigated. Then, the study highlights some concepts properties and important results. In addition, it will prove that every operator with normality set has non trivial invariant subspace of  .


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Properties of Fuzzy Compact Linear Operators on Fuzzy Normed Spaces

In this paper the definition of fuzzy normed space is recalled and its basic properties. Then the definition of fuzzy compact operator from fuzzy normed space into another fuzzy normed space is introduced after that the proof of an operator is fuzzy compact if and only if the image of any fuzzy bounded sequence contains a convergent subsequence is given. At this point the basic properties of the vector space FC(V,U)of all fuzzy compact linear operators are investigated such as when U is complete and the sequence ( ) of fuzzy compact operators converges to an operator T then T must be fuzzy compact. Furthermore we see that when T is a fuzzy compact operator and S is a fuzzy bounded operator then the composition TS and ST are fuzzy compact

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On the Growth of Solutions of Second Order Linear Complex Differential Equations whose Coefficients Satisfy Certain Conditions

In this paper, we study the growth of solutions of the second order linear complex differential equations  insuring that any nontrivial solutions are of infinite order. It is assumed that the coefficients satisfy the extremal condition for Yang’s inequality and the extremal condition for Denjoy’s conjecture. The other condition is that one of the coefficients itself is a solution of the differential equation .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
On S-acts and bounded linear operators

The relation between faithful, finitely generated, separated acts and the one-to-one operators was investigated, and the associated S-act of coshT and its attributes have been examined. In this paper, we proved for any bounded Linear operators T, VcoshT is faithful and separated S-act, and if a Banach space V is finite-dimensional, VcoshT is infinitely generated.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Best Multiplier Approximation of Unbounded Periodic Functions in L_(p,∅_n ) (B),B=[0,2π] Using Discrete Linear Positive Operators

The purpose of this paper is to find the best multiplier approximation of unbounded functions in    –space by using some discrete linear positive operators. Also we will estimate the degree of the best multiplier approximation in term of modulus of continuity and the averaged modulus.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
A note on s-acts and bounded linear operators

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Linear Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Type Using Linear Programming Method

In this paper, a new technique is offered for solving three types of linear integral equations of the 2nd kind including Volterra-Fredholm integral equations (LVFIE) (as a general case), Volterra integral equations (LVIE) and Fredholm integral equations (LFIE) (as special cases). The new technique depends on approximating the solution to a polynomial of degree  and therefore reducing the problem to a linear programming problem(LPP), which will be solved to find the approximate solution of LVFIE. Moreover, quadrature methods including trapezoidal rule (TR), Simpson 1/3 rule (SR), Boole rule (BR), and Romberg integration formula (RI) are used to approximate the integrals that exist in LVFIE. Also, a comparison between those

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The aesthetic of structural relationships in linear formations

This research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
New Normality on Generalized Topological Spaces
Abstract<p>A space X is named a πp – normal if for each closed set F and each π – closed set F’ in X with F ∩ F’ = ∅, there are p – open sets U and V of X with U ∩ V = ∅ whereas F ⊆ U and F’ ⊆ V. Our work studies and discusses a new kind of normality in generalized topological spaces. We define ϑπp – normal, ϑ–mildly normal, & ϑ–almost normal, ϑp– normal, & ϑ–mildly p–normal, & ϑ–almost p-normal and ϑπ-normal space, and we discuss some of their properties.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy Linear Programming problems

ان الغرض من هذا البحث هو المزج بين القيود الضبابية والاحتمالية. كما يهدف الى مناقشة اكثر حالات مشكلات البرمجة الضبابية شيوعا وهي عندما تكون المشكلة الضبابية تتبع دالة الانتماء مرة دالة الاتنماء المثلثية مرة اخرى، من خلال التطبيق العملي والتجريبي. فضلا عن توظيف البرمجة الخطية الضبابية في معالجة مشكلات تخطيط وجدولة الإنتاج لشركة العراق لصناعة الأثاث، وكذلك تم استخدام الطرائق الكمية للتنبؤ بالطلب واعتماده

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results about Acts over Monoid and Bounded Linear Operators

This study delves into the properties of the associated act V over the monoid S of sinshT. It examines the relationship between faithful, finitely generated, and separated acts, as well as their connections to one-to-one and onto operators. Additionally, the correlation between acts over a monoid and modules over a ring is explored. Specifically, it is established that  functions as an act over S if and only if  functions as module, where T represents a nilpotent operator. Furthermore, it is proved that when T is onto operator and  is finitely generated, is guaranteed to be finite-dimensional. Prove that for any bounded operator the following,  is acting over S if and only if  is a module where T is a nilpotent operator, is a

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