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Histological Changes in the Lung and Liver of Mice Treated with Brake Pad Particles
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In the present study, the effects of brake pad particles of lung and liver histological sections were evaluated for (60) adult male mice. The animals were divided into three groups ( A,B,C) according to the periods of exposure (4, 8, and 12) weeks respectively exposed to brake pad particles in addition to the control groups (F) exposed to fresh air only. A special inhalation chamber designed locally has been used to expose the animals. The exposure to brake pad particles was (2.228) µg/m³ for 30 min/day, 5 days/week for (4,8and12) weeks respectively.

The examination in group (A) of the histological sections of the lung showed the thickness of interalveolar septa.  Also, a congestion of alveolar capillary was marked indicating pulmonary emphysema. The infiltration of alveolar macrophages showed the engulfed foreign particles (pad particles) within their cytoplasm, and peribronchial fibrosis. Group (B) showed the presence of pad particles (anthracosis), whereas the bronchial tree showed bronchitis with the bronchus-hyperplasia of mucin-producing cells (epithelial hyperplasia). Still another section showed an infiltration of mononuclear leukocytes and focal lobar necrosis. The third group (C), in turn, revealed acute interstitial bronchopneumonia with peribronchial focal necrosis and mild pulmonary edema with alveolar anthracosis.

As regards the liver, group (A) showed mild central venous congestion. Group (B), on the other hand, gave acute hepatitis, congestion of the central vein hyaline degeneration and mitotic figure having 2-3 nuclei. Severe congestion of the central vein with vascular amyloid deposition and most of the hepatocytes revealed coagulate necrosis in group (C). These changing tissues increased with increasing the exposure periods and were clearer in group (C) which was exposed for 12 weeks.

The continuous exposure to brake pad particles lead to damaging important body organs tissues and effect on human health, these particles can be considered as a type of pollutants added to air pollutants in different cities of Iraq.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Dual and Multiple AV Nodal Pathways, What is The Deference in Typical Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
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Abstractin adult typical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) consider most common paroxysmalsupraventricular tachycardia. Dual pathway idea still accepted and used widely and commonly. According tothe guide line, ablations of slow pathway still the first treatment with good success rate.Identify the electrophysiological difference of atrioventricular nodal pathways pre and post ablation.Electrophysiological study was done to 54 patients with only typical type AVNRTs; they were 40 (74%)females and 14 (26%) males. Divided into two groups G1 with 38 patients (70.4%) having one pathway andG2 with 16 patients (29.6%) with multiple pathway. After induction we study the clinical andelectrophysiological feature of tachycardia and s

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Isolation and Identification the Cyanobacterium: Scytonema hofmanni var. calcicolum as New Record in Iraqi Drinking Water.
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The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the cyanobacterium Scytonema hofmanni Var. calcicolum from the domestic drinking tanks as a new record in Iraqi drinking water. Scytonema hofmanni var. calcicolum, a filamentous freshwater cyanobacterium (blue-green alga). This alga was isolated from the walls of the domestic plastic water tanks in Al- karkh/ Baghdad city on July 2014. The sampling was performed by collecting three samples from this tanks, the three examined samples microscopically revealed the dominance of this cyanobacterium as unialgal in the studied samples. The results showed this alga has the ability to tolerate high temperature up to 42 Cº and very low light intensity inside the tanks which up to 10 μE/m²/s.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 03 2024
Journal Name
Al- Anbar Medical Journal
Hypervirulent and the Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella oxytoca: A New Emerging Pathogen in Baghdad Hospitals, Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of regional bond strength among different types of posts luted with different types of cement
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Background: This in vitro study was carried out to investigate the effect of post space regions (coronal, middle and apical), the effect of post types ( Manually Milled Zirconia post, Prefabricated Fiber post, prefabricated Zirconia post) and the type of cement used (GIC, self-adhesive resin cement) on the bond strength between the posts and root dentin by using push-out test. Material and methods: Forty eight mandibular premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons (single rooted) were instrumented with ProTaper system (hand use) and obturated with gutta percha for ProTaper using AH26® root canal sealer following the manufacturer instructions. After 24 hours, post space was prepared using Zirix and Glassix drills no.3 creating 8 mm dept

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Properties of Various Heat Storage Fluids used with Evacuated Tube of Solar Water Heater
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The aim of this work was to capture solar radiation and convert it into solar thermal energy by using a storage material and the heat transfer fluid like oil and water and comparison between them, we used the evacuated tube as a receiver for solar radiation, The results showed that the oil better than water as storage material and the heat transfer fluid and the effective thermal conductivity material and good for power level, rates and durations of charge and discharge cycles.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2014
Journal Name
Complex Metals
Formation of polymeric assemblies of six-coordinate metal complexes with mixed bridges of dicarboxylato-azido moieties
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New biscarboxylato zwitterionic ligands, namely bis(N-carboxylatoethyl)-4,4 -dipyridinum) L1 and bis(Ncarboxylatopropyl)-)-4,4 -dipyridinum) L2, were synthesized from the reaction of 4,4 -dipyridine with 3-bromopropanoic acid and 4-bromobutanoic acid, respectively. The reaction of these ligands and the azido coligand with some metal ions resulted in the formation of polymeric complexes of general formulae [Cr2(Ln)(N3)4]Cl2·H2O and [M2(Ln)(N3)4] xH2O, where (M = Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II); n = 1, 2; x = 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, and 1, respectively.) The oxygens of the carboxylato group are coordinated to the metal ion in a bidentate fashion. The mode of bonding and overall geometry of the complexes were determin

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 15 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Poultry Science
Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Different Levels of Arginine on Some Blood Traits of Laying Hens
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This experiment was carried out at the Field of Poultry, Department of Animal Resources, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, during the period from 1/5/2011 until 5/7/2011 to study the effect of adding arginine to laying hens diet on certain blood traits. A total of 100 Brown Lohmann laying hen chickens, 38 weeks of age, were randomly distributed into four treatment groups, with 25 hens for each treatment. Treatment groups were: T1: bird-fed diet with no additional arginine (control group); T2, T3, and T4: bird-fed diet supplemented with 0.4, 0.7, and 0.9%, respectively. Therefore, the total amounts of arginine in the four treatments (T1, T2, T3, and T4) become 1.1, 1.5, 1.8, and 2.0%, respectively. Results of this experiment rev

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The significance of the saying of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (has a vision) and the impact of this on the hadith, an applied study through the approximation of Refinement.
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This research revolves around the probing of those whom Ibn Hajar said, "He has a vision", its significance, and the ruling on the connection and transmission to it.  The number of narrators reached fifty-one (51) narrators, among whom it was said, “He has a vision, whether it is definite or possibly. Some of them had a vision and companionship.”They are eleven (11) narrators, And among them were those who had visions and had no company, and their number was twenty-one (21) narrators, and among them were those who had no vision and nor company, and their number is nineteen (19) narrators.
As a result , whoever said about him “has a vision” and has companions, his hadith is connected, even i

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Rawandi and His Book “Rahat Il-Sudoor and Ayat Il-Suroor” A historical Study in Content and Style
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The Rwandan author of comfort chests and verse pleasure of the most important historians of the Seljuks in the sixth century AH / twelfth century and belongs to the mostly ethnic scientists family has won favor with the Sultans of the Seljuks until he became the most famous Markhém is his main source of research sources with respect to the political and social history the Seljuks and the relationship of the Seljuk sultans of the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad.
The book included the history of the Seljuks from the time of statehood in the fifth century AH / atheist century AD until the death of the Sultan Tgrl bin Arslan year 590 AH / 1193 AD and then shed Akhawarzmeyen, and touched the author at the end of the book in separate chapters t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
الجامعة المستنصرية كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد
The possibility of adoption of hybrid cloud computing in Iraqi universities : an analytical study using technology acceptance model
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الناصر، عامر عبد الرزاق عبد المحسن والكبيسي، صلاح الدين عواد كريم. 2018. إمكانية تبني الحوسبة السحابية الهجينة في الجامعات العراقية : دراسة تحليلية باستخدام أنموذج القبول التكنولوجي. مجلة الإدا

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