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Histological Changes in the Lung and Liver of Mice Treated with Brake Pad Particles
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In the present study, the effects of brake pad particles of lung and liver histological sections were evaluated for (60) adult male mice. The animals were divided into three groups ( A,B,C) according to the periods of exposure (4, 8, and 12) weeks respectively exposed to brake pad particles in addition to the control groups (F) exposed to fresh air only. A special inhalation chamber designed locally has been used to expose the animals. The exposure to brake pad particles was (2.228) µg/m³ for 30 min/day, 5 days/week for (4,8and12) weeks respectively.

The examination in group (A) of the histological sections of the lung showed the thickness of interalveolar septa.  Also, a congestion of alveolar capillary was marked indicating pulmonary emphysema. The infiltration of alveolar macrophages showed the engulfed foreign particles (pad particles) within their cytoplasm, and peribronchial fibrosis. Group (B) showed the presence of pad particles (anthracosis), whereas the bronchial tree showed bronchitis with the bronchus-hyperplasia of mucin-producing cells (epithelial hyperplasia). Still another section showed an infiltration of mononuclear leukocytes and focal lobar necrosis. The third group (C), in turn, revealed acute interstitial bronchopneumonia with peribronchial focal necrosis and mild pulmonary edema with alveolar anthracosis.

As regards the liver, group (A) showed mild central venous congestion. Group (B), on the other hand, gave acute hepatitis, congestion of the central vein hyaline degeneration and mitotic figure having 2-3 nuclei. Severe congestion of the central vein with vascular amyloid deposition and most of the hepatocytes revealed coagulate necrosis in group (C). These changing tissues increased with increasing the exposure periods and were clearer in group (C) which was exposed for 12 weeks.

The continuous exposure to brake pad particles lead to damaging important body organs tissues and effect on human health, these particles can be considered as a type of pollutants added to air pollutants in different cities of Iraq.


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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation Of liver And Kidney Functions In Lung And Bladder Cancer Patients
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This study was performed at Nuclear Radiation Hospital in Baghdad for the period from
January 2011 to May 2011. 44 Blood samples were collected from patients suffered lung and
bladder cancer and 24 samples as healthy control individuals.
Routine liver functions tests were studied by measuring S.GPT, S.GOT and Kidney
function was evaluated by estimation of blood urea and creatinine in serum samples of
individuals studied.
It was observed that the incidence of lung and bladder cancer was higher in males than
females patients ( male 81.82 %, 72.73%, female18 .18%, 27.27% respectively).
Insignificant difference was noted among age of lung and bladder cancer patients
compared with control group. The results

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Aqueous Leaves Extract of Coriandrum sativum on Histological Structure and Liver Function of Male Albino mice
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Medicinal plants are used to treat various diseases although little is known about their toxicity. Coriandrum sativum is one of the most commonly plants that is used to treat several physiological disorders. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of C. sativum on the structure and function of liver in male albino mice. Thirty male mice were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1 untreated (control), Group 2 and 3 were administrated orally with the aqueous extract of the plant at dose 125 and 250 mg/kg. b. w. For 30 days. The effect of the extract on liver weights, biochemical parameters as well as histological study were assessed. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) observed in relative

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Patients with Liver Injuries Treated by Perihepatic Gauze Packing
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Background: The liver is one of the most common organs
injured after blunt abdominal trauma. The control of severe
hemorrhage remains a problem.
Methods: One-hundred thirty-eight patients diagnosed as
liver injury between 09/2003 and 08/2006 had been evaluated
prospectively in Al- Kindy Teaching Hospital.
A distinction was made between hemodynamically stable and
unstable patients. Different modalities of surgical procedures
were done concentrating on perihepatic gauze packing.
Results: (60 out of 138) patients included in the study were
clinically evaluated as hemodynamically stable. The average
abbreviated injury severity score (ISS) was 25. Twenty
patients underwent abdominal surgery. In 12 of them

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Hematological and Histopathological Changes in the Spleen of Male Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Treated with Meloxicam
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hiding the Type of Skin Texture in Mice based on Fuzzy Clustering Technique
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A substantial matter to confidential messages' interchange through the internet is transmission of information safely. For example, digital products' consumers and producers are keen for knowing those products are genuine and must be distinguished from worthless products. Encryption's science can be defined as the technique to embed the data in an images file, audio or videos in a style which should be met the safety requirements. Steganography is a portion of data concealment science that aiming to be reached a coveted security scale in the interchange of private not clear commercial and military data. This research offers a novel technique for steganography based on hiding data inside the clusters that resulted from fuzzy clustering. T

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Histopathological Studies of the Liver and Kidney in Mice Fed on Smut Wheat Infected with Tilletia
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The current study was designed to investigate the effect of Tilletia smut spores on histopathological changes in liver and kidney in mice. Twenty animals were divided into two equal groups, 10 mice each, control group fed on normal diet and the treated groups were fed on a mixture of 50% normal diet with 50% wheat infected with Tilletia for 30 days. Histopathological sections taken from liver and kidney treated with Tilletia revealed several alterations. The changes in liver included, multiple granulomatous lesions, area of coagulation necrosis, vacuolar degeneration in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, proliferation of hepatocytes with formation of pseudolobull which initiates for procancer. Whereas in the kidney, the changes included

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
A study effect Histological changes in Kidney
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 09 2016
Journal Name
Advances In Environmental Biology
A study effect Histological changes
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Changes in The Percentage of Spermato Genic Cells in White Mice Associated With Cadmium Administration
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The effect of different doses (75,100,150 ppm) and periods of

treatment (3,6,9 days) on the spermatognic cells in white mice was studied. It was found that there was a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the percentage of spermatogonia specially in concentration 1 00 and

150 ppm lasted six and nine days and of primary spermatocytes at period of nine days. A significant decrease (P<0.05) was noticed in the percentages of secondary spermatoytes and spermatids, while the percentage of sperms illustrated a significant increase for all concentrations and treatment periods.

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2016
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Morphological and histological study of the liver in migratory starling bird (Sturnus vulgaris)
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The present work was aimed to form the baseline data of normal morphological and histological structure features of liver in migratory starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Anatomically, the starling liver bird was dark red -brown in colour and located in the cranial third of the abdominal cavity and consisted of undivided lobes (left and right). The liver right lobe was larger than the left. Histological examination revealed that the liver parenchyma was covered by a connective tissue capsule which appears to be thicker in the rim of liver lobes than other area in the liver lobe. Liver parenchyma was arranged in an unlimited hepatic lobules, which composed of polygonal hepatocytes organized as irregular, radial interconnecting cords or laminae of o

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