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Hn-Domination in Graphs
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The aim of this article is to introduce a new definition of domination number in graphs called hn-domination number denoted by . This paper presents some properties which show the concepts of connected and independent hn-domination. Furthermore, some bounds of these parameters are determined, specifically, the impact on hn-domination parameter is studied thoroughly in this paper when a graph is modified by deleting or adding a vertex or deleting an edge.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of quality costs in improving the quality of health services
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Improving the quality of health services in the health sector is an important and necessary matter that must be taken care of and improved, and this study seeks to demonstrate the role of quality costs in improving the quality of health services and achieving a high level of quality to satisfy the beneficiaries and to provide health services of good quality, and the research concluded that the main point of service provision Good health is the costs of prevention and evaluation (costs of quality conformity) and attention to it, and that technical competition contributes greatly to the development of the level of quality, as well as the use of health and medical staff with competent expertise, and that the costs of internal failure and th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The Stylistic Development in the Crafts of the Sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat
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The present study aims at examining the stylistic development in the crafts of the sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat. It gives answers to the following two questions: what is the nature of the stylistic development? And what are these principles and techniques led him to this development? The researcher has used the descriptive, analytic approach in examining the selected five samples out of the sculptor’s displayed crafts. The observational technique is used as a tool of examination. Among the main findings are: integrating space in the cubic crafts, represented by the existence of holes within this general construction of that space; the evident influence of critical contemporary orientations through the direct insertion of recipients i

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The good and bad words in Surah Ibrahim, peace be upon him
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God who revived Balu. And the good word brought hard hearts after removing from them what had almost killed them of ignorance, injustice, hatred, hostility, estrangement, and irritation... So God replaced for them what was best with what was best in terms of knowledge and fairness, and what was corrupt, love, and altruism. So the example of a believer and a good word is like a tree with good roots and branches. Then I pray and greet the one who watered it from the pure and inexhaustible spring of Islam, our Master Muhammad, so that the valleys flowed in their capacity, and the crops grew, then they became thicker and became even, and their good fruits in behavi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Financial policy in the caliphate of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
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Praise be to God who has guided us, and we would not have been guided had it not been for the guidance of God Almighty. The life of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, represented the highest meanings of sacrifice, redemption, courage, heroism, patience, altruism, and truth, which were embodied in his unique personality, whose counterpart is rare, if not unparalleled in history. Except for the person of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace). In this research, we have presented pictures from the life of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), as we have clarified his life, upbringing, conversion to Islam and his ma

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Features of misleading thought in Quranic discourse and methods of confronting it
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Research summary

The Quranic discourse focused on a lot of vocabularies that carry goals that help man to acquire good, according to a methodology relies on adopting lofty ideas and values. The individual towards society, and the responsibility of society towards the individual. In our present age, the Muslim individual lives in a state of confrontation with deviant ideas, which unfortunately possess the means that make their impact great on society. The study concluded that the Holy Quran contains indicators and determinants of misguided and deviant thought, Which must be avoided because of the seriousness of its effects. Religion, in its general sense, represents a culture that transcends the limits of human ins

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them
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Research on sustainable design in Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them is essential to preserving the cultural heritage and authenticity of these industries while promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Lack of access to modern technologies, knowledge and resources may hinder the growth of these industries and their ability to compete in the global market. The research problem revolves around finding ways to develop sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries. The expected outcomes of this research include a clear definition of sustainable design, understanding the history of sustainable design in the craft industry, identifying different types of craft industries in Iraq, exploring the basic concepts of sustaina

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A New Vision in the Locality and the Factors of Forming Meander
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The research addressed an analytical field investigation of the locality of meander, the factors responsible of the locality of the meander at certain points of the stream other than others, and the role sequence of these factors in the formation process.
The research revealed that the location of forming the meander was associated closely with the scale structural composition of the bank materials from which the first stage of forming the curved stream, for the inhomogeneous or non-identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an activity of differential corrosion, while the homogeneous and identical opposite banks in their scale structural composition saw an identical corrosion activity in its intensity at both

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The deliberative dimension of the visual sign in the contemporary Iraqi poster
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The current research dealt with (the deliberative dimension of the visual sign in the contemporary Iraqi poster) in an attempt to identify the importance of the contemporary poster and the role of the international dimension of the visual sign of exceptional importance.
What is the international dimension of the visual mark?
- What is the effect of the visual label on the contemporary Iraqi poster?

The current research aims to identify the pragmatic dimension in the contemporary Iraqi poster.
Across the temporal and spatial research boundaries of the year (2000-2020) in Iraq. The limits of the objective research The limits of this study on the pragmatics in the visual sign and the determination of the relationship betwee

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of judicial accounting in improving the quality of financial reports
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     The quality of the financial reports depends on set of accounting standards ,most of wich have been studied for the purpose of ascertaining the relationship between the standard used and the quality of the financial reports that contribute significantly to improving the financial performance of the institution, Research aims to detect the relationship between forensic accounting and the quality of financial reports, The research included a key hypothesis that forensic accountability could be applied to improve the quality of financial reporting, A sample of gentlemen (external auditors, tax assessors, judges, university professors, shareholders)  (45

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Techniques of family guidance in the face of marital and marital problems
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Summary First: The importance of the study and the need for it: The society is composed of an integrated unit of groups and institutions that seek to achieve a specific goal within a system of salary, and the family remains the most influential institutions on the individual and the unity of society, with the roles and responsibilities of the individual and society, and through the continuation and strength of other social organizations derive their ability On the other hand, any break-up in the institution of the family is reflected negatively on the cohesion of society and its interdependence, and the causes of this disintegration vary from society to another, but family problems remain the main factor in obtaining it. Second: Study Ob

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