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Toxic Effects of Purified Microcystins from Soil Blue-Green Alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata on Tomato Plant Lycopersicon esculentum
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The current study included the isolation, purification and cultivation of blue-green alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata G.Schmidle from soil using the BG-11liquid culture medium for 60 days of cultivation. The growth constant (k) and generation time (G) were measured which (K=0.144) and (G=2.09 days).

Microcystins were purified and determined qualitatively and quantitatively from this alga by using the technique of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa Kits). The alga showed the ability to produce microcystins in concentration reached 1.47 µg/L for each 50 mg DW. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) aged two months were irrigated with three concentrations of purified microcystins 0.5 , 3.0 and 6.0 µg/L for 24 days. The results showed that the highest bioaccumulation of these toxins was found in the plant group treated with concentration 6.0 μg/L, with an average of 12.278 µg/L in the entire plant body, with a daily accumulation rate of 0.511 µg/day compared with control group and other treatments (p≤0.05).

 The highly accumulation of  toxin was found in roots followed in descending order by stems and leaves respectively and were directly proportional to the increased concentration of purified microcystins. The study indicated that there were significant changes (p≤0.05) in the plant height, length of roots and surface area of the leaves and the leaves appeared pale green in color, which increased with increasing the concentration of purified toxin. The obtained results also showed a significant decrease in the concentration of carbohydrates and chlorophylls by increasing concentrations of purified toxins.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The relationship between the rule of mental improvement and ugliness and the objectives of Sharia And its impact on rulings
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The research addresses a fundamental Islamic jurisprudential Purposeful issue, which is (Sharia), and to indicate the impact of this on Islamic jurisprudence, deriving rulings and extracting purposes, and to repel the illusion that this issue is only doctrinal, and clarifying the aspects of similarities and links between them by explaining the origin of deriving the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia) through the meanings and wisdom learned from the texts and the explanation of the rulings. The rulings of Islamic Law (Sharia) have urged bringing benefits and repelling harms, and that the path to do so is reason and its production. I began the research by defining the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia), then defining the rule of rational right

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Injury Prevention
972 The effectiveness of injury prevention program on reducing the incidence of lower limb injuries in adolescent male soccer players
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The highest incidence of injury is seen in adolescent playing pivoting sports such as soccer, basketball, and handball. Objective: To examine the effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention program in reducing knee and ankle injuries in adolescent male soccer players.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Carbon Fiber Volume Fraction and their Orientations on the Thermal Conductivity of the Polymer Composite Materials.
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      The effect of fiber volume fraction of the carbon fiber on the thermal conductivity of the polymer composite material was studied. Different percentages of carbon fibers were used (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%). Specimens were made in two groups for unsaturated polyester as a matrix and carbon fibers, first group has parallel arrangement of fibers and the second group has perpendicular arrangement of fibers on the thermal flow, Lee's disk method was used for testing the specimens. This study showed that the values of the of thermal conductivity of the specimens when the fibers arranged in parallel direction was higher than that when the fibers arranged in the perpendicular direction  


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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of Silicon di oxide Nano -Fillers reinforcement on some properties of heat cure polymethyl methacrylate denture base material
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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of addition of surface treated silicon dioxide Nano filler (SiO2) on some properties of heat cured acrylic resin denture base material (PMMA). The properties were impact strength, transvers strength, and surface hardness. Materials and methods: In addition to controlled group SiO2 powder was added to PMMA powder by weight in three different percentages 3%, 5% and 7%, mixed by probe ultra-sonication machine.120 specimens were constructed and divided into 3 groups according to the test (each group consist of 40 specimens) and each group was subdivided into 4 sub-groups according to the percentage of added SiO2 (finally each subgroup consist of 10 specimens). The tests conducte

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS and Studying the Effect of Concentration on Some its Electrical Properties.
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Preparation of superposed thin film (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS) with concentration of (x= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) at a temperature of substrate (Ts= 80 0C) by using Thermal Vacuum Evaporation System. The measurement of X-ray diffraction shows that the compounds CdTe, ZnS, (CdTe)1-xSex and (CdTe)1-xSex / ZnS have a polycrystalline structure, the C-V characteristic shows that the capacitance degrease by increasing the concentration (x) in reverse bias, while the I-V characteristic shows the current dark (Id) increase in forward and reverse bias by increasing (x) and the photocurrent (Iph) increase in reverse bias by increasing the concentration (x), the values of photocurrent are greater than from the values of the dark current for all concentrations

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the effect of fish on the optical properties of CuO membranes prepared in a way that thermal spraying chemical
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In this research study the effect of fish on the properties optical films thickness 1200-1800 and calculated energy gap Basra direct transport permitted and forbidden to membranes and urged decreasing values ??of Optical Energy Gap increase fish included accounts optical also calculate the constants visual as factories winding down and the refractive index and reflectivity membranes also by real part and imaginarythe dielectric constant

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The efficiency of Paecilomyce farinosus as biocontrol to larve stage on second ad sixith instar larve of Trogoderma granarium (Everts)
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The present study was conducted to determine the pathogenicity of Paecilomyces farinosus as biocontrol agents against Tragoderma granarium (khapra) under laboratory conditions with three concentrations ( 2.8 x 108 , 2.8 x 106 ,2.8 x104 spores/ ml). The laboratory results revealed that fungi showed it's higher pathogencity to larve stage on 2nd instar and 6th instar , although their capability differs according to the fungi concentrations this fungi caused higher mortality of 2nd larval instar 70% and 60% ,55% when it was used at concentrations 2 .8 x 106 ,2.8 x104 spores/ ml respectively. On the other hand on 6th larval instars 55% , 35% , 30% at concentrations ( 2.8 x 108 , 2.8 x 106 ,2.8 x104 spores/ ml) respectively, and the h

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Influence of Sn Dopant on the Some Structural and Optical Properties of Pure Cadmium Oxide(CdO) Thin Films
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 In this research , pure Cadmium Oxide thin films were prepared by  thermal  evaporation Under  vacuum  method , where  pure cadmium  metal was  deposited on  glass  Substrate in Room temperature (300K) at thickness (400 ± 30) nm with Deposition rate(1.1 ± 0.1) nm/sec   And  then  we  oxidize a pure  cadmium  Film  in Temperature ( 350ºC ) for  one  hour  with existence air flow.       This  research  contained  study of   the  influence  of  doping  process  by  Tin metal (Sn) with two different  ratios (1,3) %  at  substrate temperature (473K ) on th

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of The Variations Effect of Tngiston Lamp Lightening on Standard Deviation for the Captured ImagesVia Web Camera (ENET)
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  The system of work has been built , which consists of dark box with dimensions      (61 cm ï‚´74 cm ï‚´120 cm) when the distance between the testing image and the light source is (120   cm) .                                                                                    &n

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of initial credit ratingAnnouncement of bonds on stock prices: An analytical study in the Abu Dhabi Securities Market
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The purpose of the research is to investigate the response of stock prices of companies that issued debt instruments (bonds) listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange for information content from the Moody's first credit rating announcements for the period 1 January 2005 - 30 May 2017. The study methodology was used to verify the existence of this response by the market and the Market efficiency of the Semi-strong shape.  The research focused on testing the impact of the initial announcement.The research showed that there is an influential information content to announce credit ratings in stock prices, with different responses between negative and positive. It was also found that the industrial sectors sample research separately d

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