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Silver Nanoparticles and their Role in Gene Expression of Motility Gene motB and Repression of AI-2-Controlled Gene
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Antibiotic resistance is the capability of the strains to resist or protect themselves from the effects of an antibiotic. Such a resistance towards the current antimicrobials leads to the search of novel antimicrobials. Nanotechnology has been promising in different field of science and among it is the use of nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. The gastrointestinal tract seems to be the primary reservoir of uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) in humans. UPEC strains harbour the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infection. They cause serious ailments in terms of humans. They develop resistance and increase their virulence by forming biofilms. They also show a remarkable locomotory movement with the aid of autoinducer controlled genes (AI-2).

The present study is designed to investigate the expression levels of the AI-2 controlled genes and the motility genes in the presence of nanomaterials. RT PCR amplification together with the antibacterial and motility studies were done to compare the significant effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogen. S-adenosylmethionine assay was also done to confirm the role of the treatment on the repression of the AI-2 genes.  

The results showed silver nanoparticles have significant effect on the motility studies. The relative expression and repression of motB gene was under the control of AI-2 kinase protein. This confirms the possible role of the nanoparticles towards the pathogen UPEC. There was also an inhibition on the biofilm formation under the effect of the nanoparticle treatment. The study concludes that the silver nanoparticles could be used as a novel antibacterial agent against the UPEC strains and thereby inhibits the antibacterial resistance.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis, Identification and evaluation of antibacterial activity of some new substituted N-benzyl-5-Bromo Isatin
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This research includes synthesis of new heterocyclic derivatives of N-benzyl-5-bromoisatin. New 1, 2, 4-triazole, oxazoline and thiazoline derivatives of [N-benzyl-5-bromo-3-(Ethyliminoacetate)-indole-2-one] (2) have been synthesized. The preparation process started by the reaction of 5-bromoisatin with sodium hydride in dimethylformamide (DMF) at 0°C, gave suspension of sodium salt of 5-bromoisatin and subsequent reaction with benzylchloride to give N-benzyl-5-bromoisatin (1). Compound (1) reacted with ethylglycinate (Schiff base) obtained the intermediate compound (2) which reacted with different reagents in two ways. The first way, compound (2) reacted with (hydrazine hydrate, semicarbazide, phenylsemicarbazide and thiosemicarbazide)

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The impact of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Biofilm Formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa & Staphylococcus aureus
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The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of glucose and sodium chloride on biofilm formation by bacteria causing wound infection. For this purpose, 1% and 2% concentration of each of glucose and sodium chloride were used to test the biofilm formation potential of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which were the most common abundant bacteria that cause infection by biofilm. Each of the concentrations was kept in contact with the pathogenic bacteria for 24 hours. After the period of incubation, the concentration of 1% of glucose enhanced moderate biofilm formation capacity for (66% and 80%) on both bacteria respectively. The concentration of 2% glucose, on the other hand, led to a weak biofilm fo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical analysis of a concrete foundation under a combination of a dynamic and a seismic load
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Improving in assembling technology has provided machines of higher evaluation with better resistances and managed behavior. This machinery led to remarkably higher dynamic forces and therefore higher stresses. In this paper, a dynamic investigation of rectangular machine diesel and gas engines foundation at the top surface of one-layer dry sand with various states (i.e., loose, medium and dense) was carried out. The dynamic investigation is performed numerically by utilizing limited component programming, PLAXIS 3D. The soil is accepted as flexible totally plastic material submits to Mohr-Coulomb yield basis. A harmonic load is applied at the foundation with amplitude of 10 kPa at a frequency of (10, 15 and 20) HZ and se

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Different Conditions on Viability and Antagonistic Activity of Saccharomyces boulardii on Enteric Pathogenic Bacteria
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In this part of programme , different bacterial isolates mainly Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and Escherichia coli were used for antagonism with Saccharomyces boulardii under different conditions . S.boulardii was grown under aerobic conditions and antagonized with young overnight nutrient broth cultures of test bacterial isolates and other kept in refrigerator for a week after full growth . Young cultures were more susceptible to antagonistic effect of yeast compared to old cultures and on isolates grown on solid medium for 24 hr. S.boulardii grown under aerobic and microaerobic conditions and antagonized with overnight broth cultures of test bacterial isolates , The results revealed that aerobic cultures of yeast had more inhibito

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Structural and Optical Properties of SnS:F prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique
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Thin films of pure tin mono-sulfide SnS and tin mono-sulfide for (1,2,3,4)% fluorine SnS:F with Thicknesses of (0.85 ±0.05) ?m and (0.45±0.05) ?m respectively were prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique. the effect of doping of F on structural and optical properties has been studied. X-Ray diffraction analysis showed that the prepared films were polycrystalline with orthorhombic structure. It was found that doping increased the intensity of diffraction peaks. Optical properties of all samples were studied by recording the absorption and transmission spectrum in range of wave lengths (300-900) nm. The optical energy gap for direct forbidden transi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation with the educational environment of kindergartener
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The research aims at identifying the organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and defines the educational environment of kindergarten children. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted the organizational performance scale for (Saadi, 2016), which was applied to kindergarten teachers. The scale consists of (43) paragraphs, and has good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (84.0) in a retest method, and (87.0) using the formula Alpha Kronbach. Additionally, the researcher adopted the educational environment scale for (Radam, 2015); the scale consists of (66) paragraphs, and it enjoys a good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (89.0) method of reliability

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
International Information And Engineering Technology Association
Countermeasure of Riverbanks Local Scour and Deposition Using Different Shapes of Multiple Groynes with Different Spacing
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In current study a computation fluid dynamic (CFD) technique was used to investigate the effect of groynes shape and spacing on the scour pattern and the maximum scour depth in open channel flow. CFD model have been validated throughout comparing the numerical results with three previous experimental studies for a single groyne located in open channel with three different shapes (L, quadrant, and parabola shapes). The comparison revealed very good agreement between numerical results of the maximum scour depth with the results of all experimental models. Moreover, investigations of the effect of multi-groynes (three groynes and four groynes) arranged in parallel with constant spacing and also with variable spacing have been done, the

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences
Influence of Surrounding Air Temperature and Humidity upon the Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant
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Nowadays, energy demand continuously rises while energy stocks are dwindling. Using current resources more effectively is crucial for the world. A wide method to effectively utilize energy is to generate electricity using thermal gas turbines (GT). One of the most important problems that gas turbines suffer from is high ambient air temperature especially in summer. The current paper details the effects of ambient conditions on the performance of a gas turbine through energy audits taking into account the influence of ambient conditions on the specific heat capacity ( , isentropic exponent ( ) as well as the gas constant of air . A computer program was developed to examine the operation of a power plant at various ambient temperature

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 23 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Effect of Natural/ Synthetic Polymers and Super disintegrants on the Formulation of Zafirlukast Fast Dissolving Film
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Fast-dissolving films are one of the interested delivery systems for oral solid dosage forms to overcome swallowing difficulty for geriatric and pediatric patients. Zafirlukast (ZLK) is one of the most commonly used oral medication for treatment of asthmatic patients particularly mild to moderate cases. Oral fast dissolving films of ZLK were prepared using two different filming forming polymers, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC). Different concentrations of the 2 polymers were used to prepare 10 formulas. Other excipients were also added at various ratios to produce 10 different formulations. These were maltodextrin, crosspivodone, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and banana powder. In vitro c

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and numerical analysis of piled raft foundation with different length of piles under static loads
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In order to understand the effect of (length of pile / diameter of pile) ratio on the load carrying capacity and settlement reduction behavior of piled raft resting on loose sand, laboratory model tests were conducted on small-scale models. The parameters studied were the effect of pile length and the number of piles. The load settlement behavior obtained from the tests has been validated by using 3-D finite element in ABAQUS program, was adopted to understand the load carrying response of piled raft and settlement reduction. The results of experimental work show that the increase in (Lp/dp) ratio led to increase in load carrying capacity by piled raft from (19.75 to 29.35%), (14.18 to 28.87%) and (0 to 16.49%) , the maximum load carr

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