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Silver Nanoparticles and their Role in Gene Expression of Motility Gene motB and Repression of AI-2-Controlled Gene
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Antibiotic resistance is the capability of the strains to resist or protect themselves from the effects of an antibiotic. Such a resistance towards the current antimicrobials leads to the search of novel antimicrobials. Nanotechnology has been promising in different field of science and among it is the use of nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. The gastrointestinal tract seems to be the primary reservoir of uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) in humans. UPEC strains harbour the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infection. They cause serious ailments in terms of humans. They develop resistance and increase their virulence by forming biofilms. They also show a remarkable locomotory movement with the aid of autoinducer controlled genes (AI-2).

The present study is designed to investigate the expression levels of the AI-2 controlled genes and the motility genes in the presence of nanomaterials. RT PCR amplification together with the antibacterial and motility studies were done to compare the significant effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogen. S-adenosylmethionine assay was also done to confirm the role of the treatment on the repression of the AI-2 genes.  

The results showed silver nanoparticles have significant effect on the motility studies. The relative expression and repression of motB gene was under the control of AI-2 kinase protein. This confirms the possible role of the nanoparticles towards the pathogen UPEC. There was also an inhibition on the biofilm formation under the effect of the nanoparticle treatment. The study concludes that the silver nanoparticles could be used as a novel antibacterial agent against the UPEC strains and thereby inhibits the antibacterial resistance.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
Problametic of human body in post modern arts
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Explanation of article events , or discribing it establish to anderstanding an phenomenon which its effects still clear in the art , surching like this may be very usful in the analysis of new art , which considering one of the most important turns in the history of art . and if we look to human body in the art as existenc in the art , from it’s begening to the modern age . so we can understand the meaning of this existence and it’s directins which cover all the worid and the lead us to thiories and suggestion’s help in understand to this direction and the effects between our arts and the external directions.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The provisions of the autistic in criminal penalties
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  Thankfully Thank meets the grace and pushes us Blaneh and a curse, peace and blessings be upon the Prophet after him, and his family and companions, and after:

    This research deals with the subject of the provisions of the autistic in criminal penalties, one of the important issues, especially after the spread in abundance in our contemporary society, as the patient is characterized by autism in most of spaces of isolation and depression and aggressive behavior, and in some cases try autistic to commit suicide as a result of going through the psychological pressure , was this research to clarify what follows autistic criminal penalties as a result of the capital crime of self or without them, and the stat

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Social Heritage of Mamage in Baghdad City
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Marriage as a social case began Almighty God created Adam, peace be upon him then created from the rib Eve to be the first couple of human beings on the face of the earth and the formation of the first social family in the land, human and picked up this social reality through the generations, but in different shapes and purposes, but the mating process is one. So I got the divine religions and organized that life, especially in Islam, as explained every aspect of the life of the role and practice of marriage and had a large share in this organization and I got many Quranic verses and the Hadith.
With different civilizations, many of the marriage ceremony appeared in ancient societies take several forms of marriage.
But marriage and

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetic of structural relationships in linear formations
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This research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The transformation of power in contemporary western thought
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Abstract: In accordance with contemporary Western thinking, power is an organized force with a high ability to achieve stability and social security because it possesses tools based on rational organization, which helps it to control the behavior of the individual and society and prevent them from practicing the processes of exclusion and discrimination against others in pursuit of their interests and needs. Vision The philosophers and thinkers of the theory of social contract can consolidate it, which changed the form and nature of power from the traditional heritage to the constructionWhich has contributed to the development and development of civil society - Western political, and despite the success of this experiment, especially aft

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Topics of Iraq in the Arab International Press
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The research entitled "the Iraqi Topics in International Arab Press" is an analytical study of two newspapers: Al-Arab and Al-Hayat published in London from September 1-30, 2013.

      The Arab press is one of the cultural monuments Home stretches for culture and media of Arabs outside the Arab Homeland which made them international press targeting public Arab audience's not civil audiences in a particular country and formulating their contents on this basis taking into account intake affairs and issues that have been national or international.

        Because of this international presence of the Arab press, these newspa

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Legislative miracle in the light of the light
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After the use of trust in God, and after the completion of my research called (the legislative miracle in the light of Surat), which studies the miracle in general and then unique legislative miracle, which was the largest share of the research where I built my research on several topics dealt with in the first topic: definition of miracles language and terminology and address Also discussed the Quran and the challenge and miracles and the status of the Arabs in the eloquence and eloquence, and then the literature in the miracle and dealt with legislation based on the foundations of individual education, family building, community building, and the most important advantages of Islamic legislation and presented some examples of legislativ

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of Effecting Parameters in a Turning Operation
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        In this study multi objective optimization is utilized to optimize a turning operation to reveal the appropriate level of process features. The goal of this work is to evaluate the optimal combination of cutting parameters like feed, spindle speed, inclination angle and workpiece material to have a best surface quality Taguchi technique L9 mixed orthogonal array, has been adopted to optimize the roughness of surface. Three rods of length around (200 mm) for the three metals are used for this work. Each rod is divided into three parts with 50 mm length. For brass the optimum parametric mix for minimum Ra is A1, B1 and C3, i.e., at tool inclination angle (5), feedrate of 0.01, spindle speed of 120

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantics of words in the Holy Quran
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The lexical connotation is one of the types of connotation that linguists have dealt with, and stipulated in their studies, meaning access to the real meanings of the words, that the lexicon can address after tracing the real meaning of the metaphorical meanings, if any, and this is known to the semantics additional significance, and the rhetorical meaning Figuratively.
The miraculous Qur'an in its systems often refers to the metaphorical uses of the words as well as the real use. The significance of the words in the Holy Qur'an came in a variety of contexts, making each word a special significance that belongs to it exclusively. This is the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. The coming of the slow walk, with its eight words (came, came, cam

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The dualism in the poetry of Ahmed Bakheet
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The study of the (dualist antagonism) of a poet, will be determined by the poet's potential, and according to the system of concepts and creativity, and this means that there is a difference between the rooting of the meaning and its roots, and poetic sources by tracking the poets and their attitudes.
Therefore, poetry is a variable function according to the values ​​of the movement, which is the freedom and continuous fuel. With these units of measurement, can measure the dose (Ahmed Bakheet) of freedom and mechanisms of investment, Bakheet (moment) of the time of hair dimensions of the limits of his experience. This is what the researchers will address in their research.

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