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Silver Nanoparticles and their Role in Gene Expression of Motility Gene motB and Repression of AI-2-Controlled Gene
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Antibiotic resistance is the capability of the strains to resist or protect themselves from the effects of an antibiotic. Such a resistance towards the current antimicrobials leads to the search of novel antimicrobials. Nanotechnology has been promising in different field of science and among it is the use of nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. The gastrointestinal tract seems to be the primary reservoir of uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) in humans. UPEC strains harbour the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infection. They cause serious ailments in terms of humans. They develop resistance and increase their virulence by forming biofilms. They also show a remarkable locomotory movement with the aid of autoinducer controlled genes (AI-2).

The present study is designed to investigate the expression levels of the AI-2 controlled genes and the motility genes in the presence of nanomaterials. RT PCR amplification together with the antibacterial and motility studies were done to compare the significant effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogen. S-adenosylmethionine assay was also done to confirm the role of the treatment on the repression of the AI-2 genes.  

The results showed silver nanoparticles have significant effect on the motility studies. The relative expression and repression of motB gene was under the control of AI-2 kinase protein. This confirms the possible role of the nanoparticles towards the pathogen UPEC. There was also an inhibition on the biofilm formation under the effect of the nanoparticle treatment. The study concludes that the silver nanoparticles could be used as a novel antibacterial agent against the UPEC strains and thereby inhibits the antibacterial resistance.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 20 2022
Journal Name
Papers In Physics
Electronic and optical properties of nickel-doped ceria: A computational modelling study
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Cerium oxide CeO2, or ceria, has gained increasing interest owing to its excellent catalytic applications. Under the framework of density functional theory (DFT), this contribution demonstrates the effect that introducing the element nickel (Ni) into the ceria lattice has on its electronic, structural, and optical characteristics. Electronic density of states (DOSs) analysis shows that Ni integration leads to a shrinkage of Ce 4f states and improvement of Ni 3d states in the bottom of the conduction band. Furthermore, the calculated optical absorption spectra of an Ni-doped CeO2 system shifts towards longer visible light and infrared regions. Results indicate that Ni-doping a CeO2 system would result in a decrease of the band gap. Finally,

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Testing and Commissioning of a Low-Speed Wind Tunnel (LSWT) Test Section
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The calibration of a low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) test section had been made in the present work. The tunnel was designed and constructed at the Aerodynamics Lab. in the Mechanical Engineering Department/University of Baghdad. The test section design speed is 70 m/s. Frictional loses and uniformity of the flow inside the test section had been tested and calibrated based on the British standards for flow inside ducts and conduits. Pitot-static tube, boundary layer Pitot tube were the main instruments which were used in the present work to measure the flow characteristics with emphasize on the velocity uniformity and boundary layer growth along the walls of the test section. It is found that the maximum calibrated velocity for empty test sect

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Sorption of Nitrate Salts from Wastewater without and with Modification Orange Peel
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This investigation deals with the use of orange peel (OP) waste as adsorbent for removal of nitrate (NO3) from simulated wastewater. Orange peel prepared in two conditions dried at 60C° (OPD) and burning at 500 °C (OPB). The effect of pH: 2-10, contact time: 30- 180 min, sorbent weight: 0.5- 3.0 g were considered. The optimal pH value for NO3 adsorption was found to be 2.0 for both adsorbents. The equilibrium data were analyzed using Langmuir and  Freundlich isotherm models. Freundlich model was found to fit the equilibrium data very well with high-correlation coefficient (R2). The adsorption kinetics was found to follow pseudo-second-order rate kinetic model, with a good correlation (R2

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparative Study of New Re-Ni-Mo/Al2o3 and Conventional Hydrodesulphurization Catalyst
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New types of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalyst Re-Ni-Mo/ γ-Al2O3 was prepared and tested separately with two prepared conventional HDS catalysts (Ni-Mo/ γ-Al2O3 and Co-Mo//γ-Al2O3) by using a pilot plant hydrotreatment unit. Activities of three prepared hydrodesulfurization catalysts were examined in hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of atmospheric gas oil at different temperatures 275 to 350 °C and LHSV 1 to 4 h-1, the reactions conducted under constant pressure 40 bar and H2/HC ratio 500 ml/ml .Moreover, the hydrogenation of aromatic (HAD) in gas oil has been studied. HDS was much improved by adding promoter Re to the Ni-Mo/Al2O3

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study and Mathematical Modelling of Zinc Removal by Reverse Osmosis Membranes
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In this study, aromatic polyamide reverse osmosis membranes were used to remove zinc ions from electroplating wastewater. Influence of different operating conditions such as time, zinc concentration and pressure on reverse osmosis process efficiency was studied.  The experimental results showed, concentration of zinc in permeate increase with increases of time from 0 to 70 min, and flux of water through membrane decline with time. While, the concentrations of zinc in permeate increase with the increase in feed zinc concentration (10–300 mg/l), flux decrease with the increment of feed concentration. The raise of pressure from 1 to 4 bar, the zinc concentration decreases and the flux increase. The highest recovery percentage was fou

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparative Study of New Re-Ni-Mo/Al2o3 and Conventional Hydrodesulphurization Catalyst
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New types of hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalyst Re-Ni-Mo/ γ-Al2O3 was prepared and tested separately with two prepared conventional HDS catalysts (Ni-Mo/ γ-Al2O3 and Co-Mo//γ-Al2O3) by using a pilot plant hydrotreatment unit. Activities of three prepared hydrodesulfurization catalysts were examined in hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of atmospheric gas oil at different temperatures 275 to 350 °C and LHSV 1 to 4 h-1, the reactions conducted under constant pressure 40 bar and H2/HC ratio 500 ml/ml .Moreover, the hydrogenation of aromatic (HAD) in gas oil has been studied. HDS was much improved by adding promoter Re to the Ni-Mo/Al2O3 catalyst. The results showed that Re-Ni-Mo/ γ-Al2O3 have more activity in desulfurization than Ni-Mo//γ-Al2O3

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Enhancing the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using mono and hybrid fibers
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Abstract<p>This investigation aims to study some properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by mono or hybrid fibers of different sizes and types. In this research, the considered lightweight aggregate was Light Expanded Clay Aggregate while the adopted fibers included hooked, straight, polypropylene, and glass. Eleven lightweight concrete mixes were considered, These mixes comprised of; one plain concrete mix (without fibers), two reinforced concrete mixtures of mono fiber (hooked or straight fibers), six reinforced concrete mixtures of double hybrid fibers, and two reinforced concrete mixtures of triple hybrid fibers. Hardened concrete properties were investigated in this study. G</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Production a Digital Map with the Aid of Total Station and (GIS)
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Geographic information system (GIS) is utilized in a variety of tasks such as, resource management, urban planning, emergency planning in case of accident, and rapid response etc. The aim of this study is to produce a digital map with the aid of GIS and a survey data. A survey data is conducted with Total Station technique on sanitary planning positions. The campus of Baghdad University is chosen to test the execution and accuracy of the results for sewer manholes locations. During the field survey, Total Station (Nikon Nivo) is used to identify the 3-D coordinates for each location. Finally, Geographical Information System (GIS) are utilized to present the digital map of the network sewer pipe line to the end users. Although Geographic Inf

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Study and Mathematical Modelling of Zinc Removal by Reverse Osmosis Membranes
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In this study, aromatic polyamide reverse osmosis membranes were used to remove zinc ions from electroplating wastewater. Influence of different operating conditions such as time, zinc concentration and pressure on reverse osmosis process efficiency was studied. The experimental results showed, concentration of zinc in permeate increase with increases of time from 0 to 70 min, and flux of water through membrane decline with time. While, the concentrations of zinc in permeate increase with the increase in feed zinc concentration (10–300 mg/l), flux decrease with the increment of feed concentration. The raise of pressure from 1 to 4 bar, the zinc concentration decreases and the flux increase. The highest recovery percentage was found is 54.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering 5263
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This study is concerned with the derivation of differential equation of motion for the free coupled vertical – torsional and lateral vibration of opened thin-walled curved beams. The curved beam to be considered in this study is of isotropic opened thin – walled (I) section with equal top and bottom flanges. The derivation depends on Hamilton's principle which required finding the potential and kinetic energy of the curved beam section due to internal stresses and all types of movements (Vertical,Torsional and Lateral) .The effect of restrained warping displacement is also considered in this study. Three differential equations are derived for vertical, torsional and lateral movement .and approximate solutions are developed by using the

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