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Silver Nanoparticles and their Role in Gene Expression of Motility Gene motB and Repression of AI-2-Controlled Gene
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Antibiotic resistance is the capability of the strains to resist or protect themselves from the effects of an antibiotic. Such a resistance towards the current antimicrobials leads to the search of novel antimicrobials. Nanotechnology has been promising in different field of science and among it is the use of nanoparticles as antibacterial agents. The gastrointestinal tract seems to be the primary reservoir of uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC) in humans. UPEC strains harbour the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infection. They cause serious ailments in terms of humans. They develop resistance and increase their virulence by forming biofilms. They also show a remarkable locomotory movement with the aid of autoinducer controlled genes (AI-2).

The present study is designed to investigate the expression levels of the AI-2 controlled genes and the motility genes in the presence of nanomaterials. RT PCR amplification together with the antibacterial and motility studies were done to compare the significant effect of silver nanoparticles on the pathogen. S-adenosylmethionine assay was also done to confirm the role of the treatment on the repression of the AI-2 genes.  

The results showed silver nanoparticles have significant effect on the motility studies. The relative expression and repression of motB gene was under the control of AI-2 kinase protein. This confirms the possible role of the nanoparticles towards the pathogen UPEC. There was also an inhibition on the biofilm formation under the effect of the nanoparticle treatment. The study concludes that the silver nanoparticles could be used as a novel antibacterial agent against the UPEC strains and thereby inhibits the antibacterial resistance.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studing Effect of Temperature on Some Mechanical Properties of Single And Hybrid Composites
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 In this research,we are studied impact strength, bending and compression strength of composites including the epoxy resin as a  matrix , with gawaian red wood flour ,Russian white wood flour ,glass powder and rock wool fibers as reinforcement materials with volume fraction (20%) for all samples,and compared them in different conditions of  temperatures.         The results have shown that the impact strength increased with the reinforcement with (particles and fibers),and at high temperatures for all samples prepared,and also observed an increase in elasticity coefficient of  epoxy composites filled with (different particles) and decreased in elasticity coefficient of epoxy com

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of He:Ne Laser on Viability and Growth Rate of Leishmania Major
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An isolate of Leishmania major was grown on the semisolid medium and incubated at 26ºC. The isolate was irradiated by He: Ne laser (632.8 nm, 10 mW) at exposure times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes in their respective order. The unirradiated groups represent control group. Growth rate and percentage of viability were examined during six days after irradiation. The change in these two parameters reflects the effect of irradiation on the parasite. The results refers that the general growth effected by irradiation in comparison with un irradiation group, The growth rate of parasite decrease with increasing the exposure time in comparison with control group. Parasite viability decrease with irradiation and the percentage of living cell dec

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of polyaniline polymer and using it as a Vapor sensor of acids
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 Polyaniline organic Semiconductor polymer was prepared by oxidation polymerization by adding hydrochloric acid concentration of 0.1M and potassium per sulfate concentration of 0.2M to 0.1M of aniline at room temperature, the polymer was deposited at glass substrate, the structural and optical properties were studies through UV-VIS, IR, XRD measurements, films have been operated as a sensor of vapor  H2SO4 and HCl  acids.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effect of Cigarette and Water Pipe Smoking on Some of Blood Parameter
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Current study aimed to investigate the effect of cigarette and water pipe smoking on smoker immunity comparing to non smoker. Twenty blood samples were collected from smoker students and twenty blood samples from non smoker students from Baghdad university in 2014.The results showed that there was increase in W.B.Cs total count in smoker group comparing to non smoker in a significant differences P<0.05. The differential W.B.Cs count results shows that there are increase was neutrophiles and Monocytes while there is decrease in lymphocytes in smoker group comparing to non smokers in a significant differences P<0.05 .Also the results revealed that there is an increase in percentage of phagocytosis to Staphyllociccus aureus bacteria b

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Aggregate Gradation and Filler Type on Marshall Properties of Asphalt Concrete
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As asphalt concrete wearing course (ACWC) is the top layer in the pavement structure, the material should be able to sustain stresses caused by direct traffic loading. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of aggregate gradation and mineral filler type on Marshall Properties.  A detailed laboratory study is carried out by preparing asphalt mixtures specimens using locally available materials including asphalt binder (40-50) penetration grade, two types of aggregate gradation representing SCRB and ROAD NOTE 31 specifications and two types of  mineral filler including limestone dust and coal fly ash. Four types of mixtures were prepared and tested. The first type included SCRB specification and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Computational Optimization of the Radial and Spiral Distortion Aberration Coefficients of Magnetic Deflector
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Abstract:The optimum design of the magnetic deflector with the lowest values of the radial and spiral distortion aberration coefficients was computed. The optimized calculations were made using three models, Glaser bell-shaped, Grivet-lenz and exponential models. By using the optimum axial field distribution, the pole pieces shape which gave rise to those field distributions was found by using the reconstruction method. The calculations show that the results of the three models coincide at the lower values of the excitation parameter. In general the Glaser- bell shaped model gives the optimum results at the whole range of the excitation parameter under investigation.The negative values of the spiral distortion aberration coefficient appears

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of new poly diimides from reaction of poly acryloyl chloride and diamides.
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Five N-substituted poly diimides were prepared by two steps. First step was included the preparation of five N-substituted diamides by reaction of adipoyl chloride with different amines .The second step was involved reaction of diamides with poly acryloyl chloride to obtain five new poly diimides having different physical properties which may used in different applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of CuI concentration on structural and optical properties of PVA: CuI nanocomposites
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The nanocomposite on the base of synthesis Copper iodide
nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA/CuI) with different
concentration of CuI were obtained using casting technique.
PVA/CuI polymer composite samples have been prepared and
subjected to characterizations using FTIR spectroscopy, The FTIR
spectral analysis shows remarkable variation of the absorption peak
positions with increasing CuI concentration. The obtained results by
X-ray diffraction indicated the formation of cubic CuI particles. The
effects of CuI concentrations on the optical properties of the PVA
films were studied in the region of wavelength, (190-1100) nm.
From the derivation of Tauc's relation it was found that the direct
allowed t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The experiment was conducted using Potato( Solanum tuberosum L.) at the eastern Radwaniyah at private field during fall season 2020/2021 and spring 2021 to study the effect of nitrogen levels to 350, 275, 200 kg N h-1 ( N1, N2, N3) and phosphorous to 100, 180, 360 kg P2O5 h-1 ( P1, P2, P3) and potassium to 100, 200, 300 kg K2O h-1 ( K1, K2, K3) to vegetative growth and yield of industrial potato, The seeds of the hybrid potato Sinora, Class A, were planted in the fall season on 15/9/2020 and Elite in the spring season on 31/1/2021. The experimental fertilizers were added in four batches and in proportions according to the stages of plant age, Factorial experiment with RCBD using three replications. The results showed that changing t

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Anxiety and Depression among a Sample of Hypothyroidism-Treated Iraqi Patients
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Background: Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent thyroid disorders worldwide.  Hypothyroidism manifestations are wide spectrum, affecting various systems in human body including the nervous system. Hypothyroidism can cause neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression and diminishing in attention, memory and executive function. Aim: to investigate the level of anxiety and depression in patients with hypothyroidism receiving levothyroxine treatment. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted at Baghdad Center for Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy from March to June 2022. The study population included patients of both genders, aged 18-65 years, diagnosed with hypothyroidism, were receiving levothyroxine treatment and

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