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Synthesis and Polymerization of Poly Acryl Imide and One of Their Derivatives Then Curing the Product with Alkyl Halide
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The present work involved four steps: First step include reaction of acrylamide ,N-?-Methylen-bis(acryl amide) and N-tert Butyl acryl amide with poly acryloyl chloride in the presence of triethyl amine (Et3N) as catalyst, the second step include homopolymerization of all products of the first step by using benzoyl peroxide(BPO) as initiator in (80-90)Co in the presence of Nitrogen gas(N2). In the third step the poly acrylimide which prepare in second step was convert into potassium salt by using alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution. Fourth step include Alkylation of the prepared polymeric salts in third step by react it with different alkyl halides(benzyl chloride, allylbromide , methyl iodide) by using DMF as solvent for(10-12) hours. Structure Confirmation of all prepared polymers were proved using FT-IR, 1H-NMR and C13-NMR spectroscopy for some polymers. Other physical properties including softening and melting points of the polymers were also measured.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy based sensitive and specific detection of vitamin D3, glycated hemoglobin, and serum lipid profile of breast cancer patients
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Considering the expanding frequency of breast cancer and high incidence of vitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] insufficiently, this investigate pointed to explain a relation between serum [25(OH)D3] (the sunshine vitamin) level and breast cancer hazard. The current study aimed to see how serum levels of each [25(OH)D3], HbA1c%, total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG) were affected a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. In 40 healthy volunteers and 69 untreated breast cancer patients with clinical and histological evidence which include outpatients and hospitalized admissions patients at the Oncology Center, Medical City / Baghdad - Iraq. Venous blood samp

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
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Research On Crops
Effect of organic acid, amino acids and nano-fertilizer on growth, yield and nitrate concentration of lettuce plant under two farming systems
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of transverse and tensile bond strength of repaired nylon denture base material by heat, cold and visible light cure acrylic resin
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Background: Denture fracture is one of the most common problems encountered by the patients and prosthodontists. The objective of present study was to evaluate the transverse strength of nylon denture base resin repaired by using conventional heat polymerized, autopolymerized and visible light cure {VLC} resins, surface treatment that used for repair and adjustment of insufficient nylon denture bases and in case of addition of artificial teeth. As these corrective procedures are common chair side procedures in dental clinic. Materials and methods: One hundred twenty nylon specimens were prepared by using metal patterns with dimension of (65x10x2.5 mm) length, width, and thickness respectively for transverse strength test while for tensile b

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Comparative Study of Blood Levels of Manganese, Some Macroelements and Heavy Metals in Obese and Non-Obese Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent condition in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by androgen excess and chronic anovulation. Some trace elements, macroelements, and heavy metals have been linked to pathophysiological mechanisms of PCOS .

To study the alterations in the serum levels of the trace element manganese (Mn), some macroelements, magnesium(Mg) and calcium (Ca), and the heavy metals cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), in obese and non-obese PCOS patients; and the association of these alterations with some of the hormonal changes occurring in PCOS.

The study was carried out at Kamal Al-Samarrai Hospital (Center for Infertility treatment and in vitro Fertilization "IVF") Baghdad- Iraq. Eig

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Investigation of surface area of lakes and marshes from satellite images by using remote sensing and geographic information system integration in Iraq
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Water level and distribution is very essential in almost all life aspects. Natural and artificial lakes represent a large percentage of these water bodies in Iraq. In this research the changes in water levels are observed by calculating the areas of five different lakes in five different regions and two different marshes in two different regions of the country, in a period of 12 years (2001 - 2012), archived remotely sensed images were used to determine surface areas around lakes and marshes in Iraq for the chosen years . Level of the lakes corresponding to satellite determined surface areas were retrieved from remotely sensed data .These data were collected to give explanations on lake level and surface area fluctuations. It is imp

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of atmospheric cold plasma technique activity on phenylpropanoids gene expression and essential oil contents and different traits of Ocimum basilicum L.
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The current study was conducted for studying the impact of cold plasma on the expression level of three genes that participate in the biosynthesis of the phenylpropanoid pathway in Ocimum basilicum. These studied genes were cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (c4h), 4-coumarate CoA ligase (4cl), and eugenol O-methyl transferase (eomt). Also, the cold plasma impact was studied on the essential oil components and their relation with the gene expression level. The results demonstrated that cold plasma seeds germination of the treated groups 2 (initially for 3 minutes and 3 minutes after 7 days) ,and group 3(initially for 5 minutes and 3 minutes after 7 days)  were faster than the control group. Also, the height average of the mature plants of

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Nano Hybrids And Composites
Fabrication and Characterization of Functionalized Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Flexible Network Modified by a Layer of Polypyrrole Conductive Polymer and Metallic Nanoparticles
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Short Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes functionalized with OH group (MWCNTs-OH) were used to synthesize flexible MWCNTs networks. The MWCNTs suspension was synthesized using Benzoquinone (BQ) and N, N Dimethylformamide alcohol (DMF) in specific values and then deposited on filter paper by filtration from suspension (FFS) method. Polypyrrole (PPy) conductive polymer doped with metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) prepared using in-situ chemical polymerization method. To improve the properties of the MWCNTs networks, a coating layer of (PPy) conductive polymer, PPy:Ag nanoparticles, and PPy: Cu nanoparticles were applied to the network. The fabricated networks were characterized using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), UV-Vis. spectrometer, and Ato

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale Mixture on Some Reproductive Parameters in Male Mice
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The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of the crude extracts mixture of three plants (Tribulus terrestris, Phoenix dactylifera and Nasturtium officinale) on semen quality,sex hormones and reproductive performance of mature male mice. A group of 25 male mice given 150mg/kg/day of the powder of the plants mixture with the food for four weeks and another three groups of 25 animals each given intraperitoneal injection from each of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts with a doses 75, 150, and 300mg/kg/day for two weeks. A remarkable increase in sperm concentration and motility with a decreased abnormal morphology was obtained in the experimental groups. A significant increase in hormones level were recognized in most grou

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some induce chemical and biological agents against (Tilletia tritici (Bjerk) and T.laevis (Kühn) causal agents of wheat Common bunt disease
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of some chemicals and biological agents to induce systemic resistance (ISR) against to wheat common bunt disease caused by the two species of fungus Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint (T. caries (Dac.) Tul.) and T. laevis Kuhn (T. foetida (Wall.) Liro. Trails in the efforts to find an alternative, safe and environmentally friendly means to control the disease. Results of this study which carried out during two consecutive seasons for the years 2012 - 2013 and 2013 - 2014 at two different environmental locations. Seed treatment by (SA 100 and 200 mg/L, 500 ?–aminobutyric acid (BABA) and 1000 mg/L, Effective Microorganisms (EM1) 40 and 150 ml/kg seeds) have led to high significant redu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Particle size Effect of Iron , Cobalt ,and Nickel Powders Suspended in Al Dura oil on XRF Intensities
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Iron , Cobalt , and Nickel powders with different particle sizes were subjected to sieving and He-Ne laser system to determine the particle size . 1wt% from each powders was blended carefully with 99wt% from Iraqi oil . Microscopic examination were carried for all samples to reveal the particle size distribution . A Siemens type SRS sequential wavelength dispersive(WDS) X-ray spectrometer was used to analyze all samples , and the XRF intensity were determined experimentally and theoretically for all suspended samples , Good agreement between theoretical and experimental results were found .

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