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Darwinian Philosophy as Optimization Method for Design High Reflection Mirror Include New Merit Function
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In this paper we proposes the philosophy of the Darwinian selection as synthesis method called Genetic algorithm ( GA ), and include new merit function with simple form then its uses in other works for designing one of the kinds of multilayer optical filters called high reflection mirror. Here we intend to investigate solutions for many practical problems. This work appears designed high reflection mirror that have good performance with reduction the number of layers, which can enable one to controlling the errors effect of the thickness layers on the final product, where in this work we can yield such a solution in a very shorter time by controlling the length of the chromosome and optimal genetic operators . Result shows that the construction of multilayer high reflection mirror using in this approach can be considered as a master stone for design another type of filters with most complicated performance, and it is difficult designing in other approach The experiment results demonstrate that our approach is a powerful technique. It is enable to locate the global optimum optimal automatically with high confidence without need for a good starting design.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Suggested Model For Using Customer's Data Management Information System/ A Case Study In Al-Rasheed Bank/General Agent Office/ Nothren Reigon
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This study aim to  identify the concept of  web based information systems since its one of the important topics that is  usually omitted by our organizations, in addition to,  designing a web based information system in order to manage the customers data of Al- Rasheed bank, as a unified information system that is specialized to the banking deals of the customers with the bank, and providing a suggested model to apply the virtual private network as a tool that is to protect the transmitted data through the web based information system.

This study is considered important because it deals with one of the vital topics nowadays, namely: how to make it possible to use a distributed informat

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of 3D- Flow Structure and Heat Transfer for Longitudinal Riblet Upstream of Leading Edge Endwall Junction of Nozzle Guide Vane
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The simulation have been made for  3D flow structure and heat  transfer with and without

longitudinal riblet upstream of leading edge vane endwall junction of first stage nozzle guide vane .The research explores concept of weakening the secondary flows and reducing their harmful effects.Numerical investigation involved examination of the secondary flows ,velocity and heat transfer rates by solving the governing equations (continuity, Navier -stokes and energy equations ) using the known package FLUENT version (12.1).The governing equations were solved for three dimentional, turbulent flowe, incompressible with an appropriate turbulent model (k-ω,SST) .The numerical solution was carried out for 25 mode

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Hazardous Materials
Cement kiln dust (CKD)-filter sand permeable reactive barrier for the removal of Cu(II) and Zn(II) from simulated acidic groundwater
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The reality of corporate tax and its role in the tax Revenues in Iraq: An analytical study for the years 2005-2010
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This study showed the basic features of corporate tax in Iraq by showing what was in the Income Tax Law in force .The study aims of this to indicate the role of tax corprates in tax revenue and then the possibility of strengthening the revenue of this tax as an important source of local funding sources in the form that is with him reduce dependence on oil revenues to finance the general budget in Iraq, the risks and the study found a number of conclusions from the most important: that the corporate tax comes in the introduction to the components of the income tax structure in terms of relative importance and formed a revenue source of prime The gross proceeds of the income tax in Iraq, where it contributed to more than a quarter of that

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Designing an E-marketing Website for Sustainable Fashion: صيته بنت محمد المطيري .....بشاير يوسف التويجري .....روان يوسف العلي....شهد عبد الحكيم المقرن
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The importance of websites appears as a modern tool that helps people connect with each other and exchange information rapidly. An increase number of new websites have been created in public or private spheres, which benefit individuals and society as a whole. This research aims to design a website specialized in marketing sustainable fashion that meets the needs of the Saudi market. It followed a descriptive and analytical approach. A survey has been conducted on a random sample of e-marketing users. The sample number is 101 users. The study resulted in: Determining the effectiveness of e-marketing, studying consumer purchasing tendencies, and designing a website for sustainable fashion based on the survey’s results. The study recomme

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison Between Conventional and Microwave Methods For Extraction Pectin and Degree of Esterification from Orange (Citrus sinesis) and Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) Peels
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In this study Microwave and conventional methods have been used to extract and estimate pectin and its degree of esterification from dried grapefruit and orange peels. Acidified solution water with nitric acid in pH (1.5) was used. In conventional method, different temperature degrees for extraction pectin from grape fruit and orange(85 ,90 , 95 and 100?C) for 1 h were used The results showed grapefruit peels contained 12.82, 17.05, 18.47, 15.89% respectively, while the corresponding values were 5.96, 6.74, 7.41 and 8.00 %, respectively in orange peels. In microwave method, times were 90, 100, 110 and 120 seconds. Grapefruit peels contain 13.86, 16.57, 18.69, and 17.87%, respectively, while the corresponding values were of 6.53, 6.68, 7.2

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Estimate Methods of Parameter to Scheffʼe Mixture Model By Using Generalized Inverse and The Stepwise Regression procedure for Treatment Multicollinearity Problem
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Mixture experiments are response variables based on the proportions of component for this mixture. In our research we will compare the scheffʼe model with the kronecker model for the mixture experiments, especially when the experimental area is restricted.

     Because of the experience of the mixture of high correlation problem and the problem of multicollinearity between the explanatory variables, which has an effect on the calculation of the Fisher information matrix of the regression model.

     to estimate the parameters of the mixture model, we used the (generalized inverse ) And the Stepwise Regression procedure

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Explanation of the correct jurisprudence for calculating the value of the selling price, not the purchase, in the zakat of trade offers
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 After completing the research, with the help and success of God  Almighty , I will summarize what has been mentioned in a concise and understandable form, without boring prolongation or abbreviation .

    The subject, in general, was clarified, clarified and corrected, as I mentioned, for an incorrect concept, about paying zakat on trade goods.

    It has known trade offers parts and combination of language and idiomatic .

   The rule of zakat on trade goods, and evidence from the Qur'an, Sunnah and consensus .

    As well as the conditions of its zakat according to the jurists and their differences in it .


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Compton (Incoherent) and Rayleigh (Coherent) Differential Cross Sections of Scattering for Rhodium 103Rh45 and Tantalum181Ta73 by Employing CSC model
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The differential cross section for the Rhodium and Tantalum has been calculated by using the Cross Section Calculations (CSC) in range of energy(1keV-1MeV) . This calculations based on the programming of the Klein-Nashina and Rayleigh Equations. Atomic form factors as well as the coherent functions in Fortran90 language Machine proved very fast an accurate results and the possibility of application of such model to obtain the total coefficient for any elements or compounds.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The Impact of an Educational Curriculum according to the Five-year Learning Cycle on Some Offensive Skills in Basketball for Female Students
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Modern trends have appeared recently in educational thought that call for the achievement of the outcomes of the educational process. Some of these trends are the development of individual thinking skills, considering the individual differences, and learning basic skills. The five-year learning cycle is one of these models. It is called as five-year learning cycle because it passes through five stages. These five stages are: (operate - discover - clarify - expand – Evaluate), which make the learner as the main axis for activating thinking processes. This can be done by organizing study materials through research, investigation, and identifying concepts by himself, as in learning sports skills that depend on motor performance and teamwork,

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