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Evaluating Windows Vista user account security
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In the current Windows version (Vista), as in all previous versions, creating a user account without setting a password is possible. For a personal PC this might be without too much risk, although it is not recommended, even by Microsoft itself. However, for business computers it is necessary to restrict access to the computers, starting with defining a different password for every user account. For the earlier versions of Windows, a lot of resources can be found giving advice how to construct passwords of user accounts. In some extent they contain remarks concerning the suitability of their solution for Windows Vista. But all these resources are not very precise about what kind of passwords the user must use. To assess the protection of passwords, it is very useful to know how effective the widely available applications for cracking passwords. This research analyzes, in which way an attacker is able to obtain the password of a Windows Vista PC. During this research the physical access to the PC is needed. This research shows that password consists of 8 characters with small letter characters and numbers can easily be cracked if it has know usual combinations. Whereas a Dictionary Attack will probably not find unusual combinations. Adding captel letter characters will make the process harder as there are several more combinations, so it will take longer time but is still feasible. Taking into account special characters it will probably take too long time and even most Dictionary Attacks will fail. For rainbow tables the size of the table has to be considered. If it is not too big, even these small passwords cannot be cracked. For longer passwords probably the simplest ones, small letter characters and numbers, can be cracked only. In this case brute force takes too long time in most cases and a dictionary will contain only a few words this long and even the rainbow tables become too large for normal use. They can only be successful if enough limitations are known and the overall size of the table can be limited.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effective of Pressure and Sintering Temperature for Hardness Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloy by Using Taguchi Technique
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This paper presents the Taguchi approach for optimization of hardness for  shape memory alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) . The influence of  powder metallurgy parameters on hardness has been investigated. Taguchi technique and ANOVA were used for analysis. Nine experimental runs based on Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array were performed (OA),for two parameters was study (Pressure and sintering temperature) for three different levels (300 ,500 and 700) MPa ,(700 ,800 and  900)oC respectively . Main effect, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was study, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using  to investigate the micro-hardness characteristics of the shape memory alloy .after application the result of study shown the hei

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 23 2022
Journal Name
Specialusis Ugdymas
Intrusion Detection System Techniques A Review
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With the high usage of computers and networks in the current time, the amount of security threats is increased. The study of intrusion detection systems (IDS) has received much attention throughout the computer science field. The main objective of this study is to examine the existing literature on various approaches for Intrusion Detection. This paper presents an overview of different intrusion detection systems and a detailed analysis of multiple techniques for these systems, including their advantages and disadvantages. These techniques include artificial neural networks, bio-inspired computing, evolutionary techniques, machine learning, and pattern recognition.

Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
E-Government Public Cloud Model (EGPCM)
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   The concept of implementing e-government systems is growing widely all around the world and becoming an interest to all governments. However, governments are still seeking for effective ways to implement e-government systems properly and successfully. As services of e-government increased and citizens’ demands expand, the e-government systems become more costly to satisfy the growing needs. The cloud computing is a technique that has been discussed lately as a solution to overcome some problems that an e-government implementation or expansion is going through. This paper is a proposal of a  new model for e-government on basis of cloud computing. E-Government Public Cloud Model EGPCM, for e-government is related t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Wireless Propagation Multipaths using Spectral Clustering and Three-Constraint Affinity Matrix Spectral Clustering
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This study focused on spectral clustering (SC) and three-constraint affinity matrix spectral clustering (3CAM-SC) to determine the number of clusters and the membership of the clusters of the COST 2100 channel model (C2CM) multipath dataset simultaneously. Various multipath clustering approaches solve only the number of clusters without taking into consideration the membership of clusters. The problem of giving only the number of clusters is that there is no assurance that the membership of the multipath clusters is accurate even though the number of clusters is correct. SC and 3CAM-SC aimed to solve this problem by determining the membership of the clusters. The cluster and the cluster count were then computed through the cluster-wise J

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
PWRR Algorithm for Video Streaming Process Using Fog Computing
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       The most popular medium that being used by people on the internet nowadays is video streaming.  Nevertheless, streaming a video consumes much of the internet traffics. The massive quantity of internet usage goes for video streaming that disburses nearly 70% of the internet. Some constraints of interactive media might be detached; such as augmented bandwidth usage and lateness. The need for real-time transmission of video streaming while live leads to employing of Fog computing technologies which is an intermediary layer between the cloud and end user. The latter technology has been introduced to alleviate those problems by providing high real-time response and computational resources near to the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
2017 9th Computer Science And Electronic Engineering (ceec)
Modelling the power cost and trade-off of live migration the virtual machines in cloud-radio access networks
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2025
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
An Enhanced Document Source Identification System for Printer Forensic Applications based on the Boosted Quantum KNN Classifier
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Document source identification in printer forensics involves determining the origin of a printed document based on characteristics such as the printer model, serial number, defects, or unique printing artifacts. This process is crucial in forensic investigations, particularly in cases involving counterfeit documents or unauthorized printing. However, consistent pattern identification across various printer types remains challenging, especially when efforts are made to alter printer-generated artifacts. Machine learning models are often used in these tasks, but selecting discriminative features while minimizing noise is essential. Traditional KNN classifiers require a careful selection of distance metrics to capture relevant printing

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS)
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The work in this paper involves the planning, design and implementation of a mobile learning system called Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS). This system provides complete teaching resources, which can be accessed by the students, instructors and administrators through the mobile phones. It presents a viable alternative to Electronic learning. It focuses on the mobility and flexibility of the learning practice, and emphasizes the interaction between the learner and learning content. System users are categorized into three categories: administrators, instructors and students. Different learning activities can be carried out throughout the system, offering necessary communication tools to allow the users to communicate with each other

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal Protection of Human Genome “Human Gene Editing as a Model”
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Lawful protection of the human gene conceded a moral concern regarding the future of existence human. After the discovery of the human genetic map, scientific experiments and research related to the human gene increased, negative applications of genetic engineering  in particular that violate essential human rights,  the right to human dignity to be specific. These practices represent actual challenges to the existence and diversity of current and future generations. Therefore, the presence of legal rules at the domestic and global levels is an absolute necessity to prohibit these threats and determine civil and criminal accountability for those who infringe any laws related to this issue.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Cathodic Protection for Above Ground Storage Tank Bottom Using Data Acquisition
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Impressed current cathodic protection controlled by computer gives the ideal solution to the changes in environmental factors and long term coating degradation. The protection potential distribution achieved and the current demand on the anode can be regulated to protection criteria, to achieve the effective protection for the system.

In this paper, cathodic protection problem of above ground steel storage tank was investigated by an impressed current of cathodic protection with controlled potential of electrical system to manage the variation in soil resistivity. Corrosion controller has been implemented for above ground tank in LabView where tank's bottom potential to soil was manipulated to the desired set poi

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