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Checklist of Aquatic Oligochaetes Species in Tigris–Euphrates River basin
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A total of 60 species of aquatic oligochaetes were identified in different sites within Tigris-Euphrates basin / Iraq, including River Tigris, River Euphrates, Southern marshes ( Al-Haweiza , Al-Hammar and Al-Chebaiesh ) , Shutt Al-Germa, and Shatt Al-Arab. In River Euphrates 39 species were identified, 40 species from River Tigris and 32 species from Shatt-Al-Arab and southern marshes.The identified species were classified as four species of Family Aeolosomatidae, 54 species of Naididae ( 31 Naidinae , 8 Pristininae and 15 Tubificid worms), one species of each of Lumbriculidae ( Lumbriculus variegates ) and Lumbricidae ( Eiseiella tetraedra). Among Aeolosomatidae , Aelosoma aquaternarium, A. Liedyi, A. variegatum and A. hemprichi, in which, A. variegatum was the most frequent species, found in Euphrates river. Naidinae community were represented by five species of genus Chaetogaster, two species of each of Paranais, Slavina, & Stylaria, four species of Allonais , and seven species of each of Dero and Nais, in addition to Stephensoniana trivandrana, Specaria josinae and Ophidonais serpentina. Nais variabilis was the most abundant and frequent species in River Tigris while Stylaria lacustris & Ophidonais serpentina are abundant in River Euphrates . Species of Pristininae were representative by four species of genus Pristina and three species of genus pristinella, among them Priatina longiseta is the most abundant species.Tubificid worms, Branchuira sowerbyi and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were the most frequent and abundant species in the surface sediments of Iraqi waters. Beside L. hoffmeisteri , other five species of Limnodrilus, two species of Potomothrix, and a single species of Tubifex tubifex , Embolocephalus velutinus, Aulodrilus piguetia, Psammoryctides moravicus and Rhyacodrilus coccineus were recorded.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
monte carlo simulation in the kinetics and mileculare
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The primary focus of the study factor reverse polymerization styrene polymer kinetics and distribution weight Aljaia in Blma Aldhur free reverse The study was conducted wi Mamahakah and using the Monte Carlo method

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Arthur Miller’s Tragedy as Reflected in The Crucible
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In the period immediately following the end of World War II, American theatre was transformed by the work of playwright Arthur Miller. Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche because he was profoundly influenced by the depression and the war that immediately followed it. His dramas proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times; allowing people an honest view of the direction the country had taken.1 Miller has his own concept of tragedy as a modern playwright. He believes that tragedy may depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings instead of talking about a character from a high rank, a king or a queen. Miller’s main concern lies in dramatizing the whole man as he i

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Quality standards in the Palestinian electronic satellite sites
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The aim of this research is to identify the availability of quality standards for the websites of the Palestinian TV channels and to provide an assessment of the quality standards used by the websites of TV Channels web sites in general and Palestinian TV channels in particular. Through the use of the method of media survey method descriptive methods, and the research has reached the difference in the application of quality standards for TV Channels sites in the web sites of Palestinian TV Channels, and the development of language of visual communication for the design of those sites in exchange for the lack of access to those sites of the technical possibilities that is Provided by the Internet.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Trend in the iconic structures plates Ottoman calligraphers
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Means the current research study in the direction iconic structures plates Ottoman calligraphers , as they took turn in this area and because it excelled in the form of a strong incentive and motivation to seek calligraphers in this direction so as to simulate the skill of the artist and parallel to the side of his creativity as well.And iconography , RECEIVED of objective vision and aesthetic and semantic in the output of compositions written according to the specific significance and this has a clear impact on the propensity to develop technical and aesthetic and expressive in the output of the structure of synthetic iconography is limited by rules or building in the form of public panel linear . And that all forms , whether animal , h

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Risk Assessment in BOT Contracts using AHP Technique
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The process of risk assessment in the build-operate transfer (BOT) project is very important to identify and analyze the risks in order to make the appropriate decision to respond to them. In this paper, AHP Technique was used to make the appropriate decision regarding response to the most prominent risks that were generated in BOT projects, which includes a comparison between the criteria for each risk as well as the available alternatives and by mathematical methods using matrices to reach an appropriate decision to respond to each risk.Ten common risks in BOT contracts are adopted for analysis in this paper, which is grouped into six main risk headings.The procedures followed in this paper are the questionnaire method

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on dealing with Jews in Muslim countries
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Praise be to God, who is satisfied with Islam as our religion, “He opened a clear conquest for us,” and whoever works with us through the Shari’ah works and protects us. And that our master and Mawlana Muhammad His servant and Messenger is a prophet who has been merciful and compassionate. "
And after:
The occupation of Iraq and the accompanying bone events, and the following severe obstacles, resulted in a set of problems that require legitimate stances, and satisfactory answers, remove confusion and delusion, amid the clash of opinions and contradictions of jurisprudence. Work and application.
Among the difficult problems that surfaced in light of the new political developments on the land of Iraq: (the ruling on dealing

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
In Growing Toenail Treatment using Carbon Dioxide Laser
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An ingrowing toenail is a common problem affecting mainly adolescents and young adults, with a male predominance of 3:1. The disorder generally occurs in big toes. It is painful and often chronic and it affects work and social activities. Most patients initially complain of pain and later discharge, infection and difficulty in walking occur. The Objectives: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of (10600nm) CO2 laser in the treatment of ingrowing toe nail. Patients, Materials & Methods: This study was done in laser medicine research clinics from July 2013 to the end of December 2013; 10 patients including 7(70%) males and 3 (30%) females with age ranging from 18 years to 70 years with mean age of 44 years o

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Islamic subject teacher and his role in Education
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Using the traditional methods in teaching Islamic subject have neglected student's role and focus mainly toward teacher. Thus, the role of student in teaching process would take a negative side: following these methods cannot achieve the educational objectives of Islamic subject. Teachers who give Islamic subject do not have a full knowledge of the appropriate techniques in teaching. They lack the scientific background that qualify them for teaching. The weakness of knowledge that face Islamic teachers have arisen over different stages of education which showed their lacking in the provision of intonation and interpretation of the Quran as well as the utterance of Prophet Mohammed Hadiths. It takes time to train teachers to do a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antibody response in Hamsters Immunized against experimental Leishmaniasis
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Direct agglutination test was used to evaluate the immunogenicity of three different antigens inoculated in hamsters as one , two and three doses which were: Group (1) inoculated with autoclaved killed Leishmania tropica , Group (2) inoculated with BCG vaccine alone while Group (3) inoculated with mixed antigens (autoclaved killed Leishmania "AKL"+ BCG).(4) Control animals inoculated with phosphate buffer saline. The maximum level of antibody titers were evaluated in animal inoculated with one , two or three dose of mixed antigens (320 , 640 and 1280) respectively when it compared with animals inoculated with corresponding doses of AKL antigen (80 , 160 and 320) respectively. While the minimum level of antibody titers were observed in ani

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Heretic rulings And related words in Islamic jurisprudence
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How I was eager to research the ruling on three of the most dangerous types to Islam and Muslims (the heretic, the sorcerer, the innovator, and related terms).
Because it is the most dangerous deadly disease that destroys the hearts of Muslims, and may even expel a Muslim from the circle of Islam, and how many Muslims have done or committed such a thing without knowing it. Indeed, how many Muslims have left Islam and whose wife has abandoned him without realizing it, and among them are those who have committed it without knowing it. As well as related words associated with heresy.( )
Because people debated such matters between extremists and lenient ones, most of whom were extremists, and they did not reach a conclusion. So I decid

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