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Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) isolates on fig moth, Ephestia cautella (Walker) Larvae

The following dilution 5×10-1, 10-1, 10?2 , 10-3 gm/L for the indigenous isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria and the commercially isalate were used for experiments against the different stages of fig moth of E.cautella which exposed by filter paper method. The results showed that mortality of larval stages was increased with the increasing concentration of the biocide, in addition to increase in the mortality of the larval stages reached to the highest percentage in the third days of treatment of the larval stage in comparison with the first and second days of exposure. The results also showed that the sensitivity of larval stages was increased in first and second instars while reduced in the last instars .The high percentage of first instar mortality for the indigenous isolate in the concentration of 5×10-1 was 72.8% , while the low percentage of mortality showed in the concentration of 5×10-1 for the fifth instar larvae which was 13.3% in third days of treatment while a high percentage of mortality was showed for the first instar larvae for the commercially isulate in the concentration of 5×10-1 was 59.4% Furthermore, low percentage of mortality was shown in the concentration of 5×10-1 in fifth instar larval which was 8.3% in the third days of treatment. The results also showed that the indigenous isolated was more effective than the commercially produced bacteria for killing larval instars of fig moth E.cautella .The total percentage of larval instar mortality reached to 44.5 % after the third days of treatment in concentration 5×10-1 in the indigenous isolate , and it was 33.8 % in the commercially produced bacteria .

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Role of Project Health Check Reports in Identifying Indicative Factors of a Troubled Project

Government-sponsored projects in Iraq significantly improve the economic situation and provide services but face high rates of troubling blocks. This work aims to identify indicative factors of the Troubled Project using periodic health check reports based on a literature review and interviews with Iraqi experts. As a result, a questionnaire was prepared that included four sections. The first is personal information; the second section is information about knowing the level of institutions’ implementation of project management through prepared documents. The third section is about indicative factors for the project's trouble, including 25 workers; the fourth section is about the questions in the periodic reports to che

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Mixed Catechol-Salicylaldiminate Derivatives of Antimony (III) and Tin (IV)

MixedØ¢  catechol- Ø¢ salicyladiminenate derivatives of antimony



(III) and tin (IV) of the general formula M(cate)L"]X, [where:M= Sb, X= Ø¢ 0; Ø¢ M=Sn, Ø¢ X= Ø¢ Cl; Ø¢ cate=catechol; Ø¢ n=l, Ø¢ L=aniline, Ø¢ n=2, Ø¢ L=mآ­ bromo-aniline, n=3, L=p-bromoaniline] were prepared by the reaction of equimolar amount of [(cate)MCln], [where n=l Ø¢ or 2] with Nآ­ arylsalicylaldimines HOC6H4CH=NC6Hs (HL1Ø¢  , HOC6H4CH= NC6H4


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling Of Digital Media In The Management Of Educational Performance In Morocco School’s

Faced with the increasing opening of the education and training sector on the digital world, the actors of this sector are called to develop alongside the disciplinary and pedagogical skills other strategic and technological skills that allow to offer the adequate conditions to manage their establishments.
Today, the pedagogical director is called to master an important set of technical and technological tools and this for two complementary reasons, the first is the knowledge of educational and pedagogical and the second is innovation in managerial practices
Our intervention is part of a comparative approach in which we will verify the degree of use of technological tools by our population of directors (123) private and public

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Improvement of the surface hardness and wear resistant of low carbon steel using laser radiation


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of a Solar Chimney Provided with a Porous Absorber Plate


Experimental investigation of the influence of inserting the metal foam to the solar chimney to induce natural ventilation are described and analyzed in this work. To carry out the experimental test, two identical solar chimneys (without insertion of metal foam and with insertion of metal foam) are designed and placed facing south with dimensions of length× width× air gap (2 m× 1 m× 0.2 m). Four incline angles are tested (20o,30o,45o,60o) for each chimney in Baghdad climate condition (33.3o latitude, 44.4o longitude) on October, November, December 2018. The solar chimney performance is investigated by experimentally recording absorber pl

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Feb 10 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Characteristics of AC. Conductivity and Dielectric Behavior of Cu0.5 Ti0.5 Hox Fe2-x O4 Ferrites

Ferrites with the formula Cu0.5Ti0.5HoxFe2-xO4 (x= 0 and 0.09) were prepared by standard ceramic method. The powder mixtures were presintered at 900 oC for 5h. The final sintering of the pellets was performed at 1100 oC for 2 hrs. The dielectric properties and AC conductivity were measured at different temperatures over the frequency range 100Hz - 10MHz. The variation in dielectric constant with frequency revealed that dispersion is due to the Maxwell–Wagner type of interfacial polarization in accordance with Koop’s phenomenological theory. This ferrite showed high value of dielectric constant. At low frequencies the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor was found to decrease with the increase in frequency and Ho addition. T

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Modal Component in Meaningful Structure of the Utterance with the Semantics of “Disappearance” in Russian


The article is devoted to the study of modal framework of the utterance with the semantics of “disappearance” in modern Russian language. The empirical basis of the study was the works of Russian writers, such as M.A. Bulgakov, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.I. Kuprin., L.M. Leonov, B.L. Pasternak, K.G. Paustovsky, L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev and others. The author focuses special attention on the role of the modal component in the formation of the sentences and its modal semantics. A lot attention is paid to the analysis of the reasons of productivity / low productivity in the functioning of the temporal forms of the verbs that form these utterances. The nature of the material of study determined the choice of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Hydrochemical Assessment of Groundwater and Some Springs in Qazaniyah Area, Diyala province, East of Iraq

The Qazaniyah study included the analysis of 18 wells and 2 springs for the dry period in October 2018 and the wet period in April 2019, including the analysis of physical and chemical properties and the study of heavy elements (Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Cu).The results showed that the water wells and springs for the two periods are highly mineralized and characterized by low alkalinity and very high hardness. Water was fresh in some wells and salty in the others, whereas it was fresh in the springs. Most  of the wells had sodium chloride type, except the wells 12, 7, 6, and 5 which were of Calcium chloride type. The springs for both seasons had calcium chloride type. Based on the World Health Organization criteria ,  all the well

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Pollution in the Sediments of Diyala River Lower Reaches, Eastern Iraq

Investigating the heavy metals in soil is important to the life of humans and living organisms. Diyala River Lower Reaches was chosen due to the changes in environmental characteristics that took place in recent years. Twelve sediment samples were collected from four different sites. The physical, and chemical properties and the concentrations of nine heavy metals were indicated. The results showed that the average concentrations of arsenic, copper, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc are 8.5, 45.7, 538.5, 12.2, 5.07, 991.7, 183.5, 16.07, 136.5 ppm, respectively. They reflect contamination with arsenic, chromium, and nickel, while they are free of lead, and zinc contamination, according to the Environmental Pro

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Science

The experiment was conducted to evaluate and performance comparison for moldboard and disk plows in central of Iraq in 2011. Three factor were used in this study included Two types of plows included moldboard and disk plows which represented main plot , three forward speeds of the tillage was second factor included 1.85, 3.75 and 5.62 km / h which represented sup plot , and three levels of soil moisture was third factor included 21 , 18 and 14 % to determined data actual plow depth , Practical productivity, Volume of disturbed soil, Field efficiency , Slippage percentage in silt clay loam soil with depth 22 cm were studied in the experiment Split – split plot design under randomized complete block design with three replications using

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