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Effect of Some Medicinal Plants on the Activity of Some Immunological Factors in Saliva and Serum of Type –?? Diabetics
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The study involved 45 male and 45 females of diabetic patients type- ?? aged from 40-69years , and with the same numbers of males and females for control , all the patients and controls were without any periodontal diseases and without any systemic disease. Diabetic patients were divided in to three groups according to the degree of periodontitis , and the inflamed gingiva of all groups of diabetic patients were treated with the dried fruits powder (crude) of medicinal plants Quercus robur , Thuja occidenalis , Terminalia chebula, Anethum graveolens , respectively and mixture. Some immunological and antimicrobial factors (IgA, Lactoferrin , Lysozyme ) , were detected in serum and saliva of diabetic patients and the controls , the results revealed that the level of IgA , Lysozyme in saliva were more than in serum of the control , and this will insure that these factors are considered to be generally protected against bacteria in the oral cavity . Also there was a significant increase at (p?0.001) especially after treatment with the mixture of medicinal plants , so that the mixture of these plants can be considered the best type in the treatment of inflamed gingiva of type –?? diabetic patients.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The objective of this work was to determine and compare the physiological changes in some: blood components (packed cell volume and hemoglobin) and plasma biochemical parameters (glucose, total protein, albumin, cholesterol and triglycerides) under 3 day of different types of stress: water deprivation, starvation, overcrowding and handling stress. Twenty five male Wister rats weighted 100-120 gm, were divided randomly into five groups: control, water deprivation, starvation, overcrowding and handling stress. On the third day of stress the animals anesthetized for blood collection; the results of blood component revealed a significant increase in PCV and a significant decrease in Hb of water deprivation group and starva

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
The effect of some herbicides on the companion weed to three cultivars of oats
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A field experiment was carried out to find out the effect of some herbicides(Pallas, Crash, U46) on the companion weed to three cultivars of the oat crop (Shefa, Hamel, and Pimula) and the yield and its components of these cultivars. The results showed the superiority of the two treatments of spraying weed herbicides (T1 and T2 ) by giving the best results, as they recorded the lowest number of weed plants after 30 days of spraying reached 1.44 and 1.67 plant/m2 . Besides, the lowest weed dry weight was 0.11 and 0.00 g/m2, and the highest inhibition percentage in dry weight was 98.44% and 100.0% of the two treatments, respectively. The treatment T2 was also superior by giving the highest control percentage of 93.28% compared to the compari

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Annealing Temperature on The Some Electrical Properties of InSb:Bi Thin Films
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InSb alloy was prepared then InSb:Bi films have been prepared successfully by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrate at Ts=423K. The variation of activation energies(Ea1,Ea2)of d.c conductivity with annealing temperature (303, 373, 423, 473, 523 and 573)K were measured, it is found that its values increases with increasing annealing temperature. To show the type of the films, the Hall and thermoelectric power were measured. The activation energy of the thermoelectric power is much smaller than for d.c conductivity and increases with increasing annealing temperature .The mobility and carrier concentration has been measured also.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of the Effect of Some Plant Extracts on Mice Mammary Adenocarcinoma (AMN3).
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   The cytotoxic effect of different concentrations of Crude extracts of  Solanum melongena  , Curcuma longa and  Daucus carota  on  mice mammary adenocarcinoma cell line was  studied . The concentrations  used were 62.5 125 , 250, 500 Microgram/militer for 24,48 and 72 hour . These exracts were prepared by  using alcoholic and  hot water methods . The preliminary chemical tests revealed acidic pH of all  extracts. The results showed  a clear  toxic effect of all extracts in a time and dose –dependent manner . The Curcuma longa  had the highest effect on adenocarcinoma 94.61% , followed by Solanum melonga( 93.20%)   and the lowest effect was by Da

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of organic solvent extracts of callistemon citrinns leaves on some biological
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In this study, evaluate the impact of organic extracts of leaf butterfly Albzl in some aspects of life has been affected performance ratio destruction of eggs increased by 0.8% extract Alorat ethanol solvent, ethyl acetate and hexane, respectively ..

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of sedimentation source on the nature occurrence and distribution of the feldspar in some soil of Alluvial plain Iraq
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The current study was conducted to find out the effect of the sediment source (sedimentary of Iraqi-Iranian borderline and Tigris River) on the content and distribution of feldspar minerals and their effect on the optical properties of these minerals in some soils of Wasit and Maysan province. Eight pedons were chosen to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galat), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni). Finally, the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi represented the mixing area of sediments of all the torrents coming from borderline and the sediments of the Tigris River. The diagnostic

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of interactive speed exercises on developing some skills Women's futsal
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The speed of skills has become linked to modern methods of individual and group play, and each of them has begun to serve the other tactically. Through the follow-up of the researchers, they noticed that there is a significant weakness in the speed of performance and slowness in mental preparation, which plays a major role in understanding mental readiness, which is linked to the speed of making decisions during the game, as well as the weakness of the physical speed of the female players, which in turn has an impact on the skill performance of the players of the Iraqi clubs, which are the main supporter of the national team. The study aimed to identify the effect of interactive speed training on the performance of some skills among

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
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Matter density distributions and elastic form factors of some two-neutron halo nuclei
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The Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) method with MSK7 Skyrme parameter has been used to investigate the ground-state properties for two-neutron halo nuclei 6He, 11Li, 12Be and 14Be. These ground-state properties include the proton, neutron and matter density distributions, the corresponding rms radii, the binding energy per nucleon and the charge form factors. These calculations clearly reveal the long tail characterizing the halo nuclei as a distinctive feature.

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Scopus (14)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of risk factors for myocardial infarction and its relationship with some variables
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The aim of the study is to assess the risk factors which lead to myocardial infarction and relation to some variables. The filed study was carried out from the 1st of April to the end of Sept. 2005. The Sample of the study consisted of (100) patients in lbn-Albeetar and Baghdad Teaching Hospital. The result of the study indicated the following; 45% of patients with age group (41-50) were more exposed to the disease and there is no significant difference was seen in the level of education, Martial status, weight and height. The result shows that there are significant difference in risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol level in blood and diabetes. When analyzed by T.test at level of P < 0.01 and there are significant difference in smoki

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 03 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
Immunological Assessment of Human Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Iraqi Female With Thyroid Autoimmune Disease
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Human Adenosine deaminase is an essential enzyme for modulating the bioactivity of thyroid hormones, and It is important for the maturation and differentiation of lymphocytes, although its clinical importance in thyroid diseases have yet to be identified. Objective: The aim of the current study is to determine the Adenosine deaminase concentration in healthy controls, and in autoimmune thyroid diseases such as Graves' Disease, and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Patients and methods: A total of 183 serum specimens of 103 female patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases and 80 healthy control groups were included in this study and collected from the Baghdad Medical City, Iraq. Quantitative Human Adenosine Deaminase ELISA kits were used to estimate

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