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The common bacterial pathogenes isolated from blood culture in paediatric patients
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Fever is a common illness in the pediatric age group ,the causes could be viral ,bacterial and fungal , this study was focused on bacterial pathogens as gram positive like Staphylococci, coagulase positive or negative ,Streptococci and gram negative like E-coli , Klebsialla ,Proteus, Pseudomonas, Burkhoderia , Acinetobacter and others like Pusturella ,E-alkalescendiaper, Haemophillus influenza and yeast like candida . Four thousand and seventy eight blood samples (4078)were collected in a period between January 2011 and the end of May 2012 at the child welfare hospital ,all the samples were cultured on suitable culture media and then biochemical tests were done using API-E 20 and sugar fermentation tests ,sensitivity test were done with number of antibiotics [1]. 4078 cases examined only ,1107 showed positive growth ,264cases were contaminated and no bacterial growth seen in 2707. The bacterial isolates during one year in pediatric age groups were mostly gram positive cocci ,followed by gram negative bacilli,and yeasts .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
The development of judo from a historical perspective (1880-1980)
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Judo has witnessed tremendous developments since its inception until the present day. It has been distinguished by its adaptation to the various challenges it has faced throughout the ages. Judo is one of the sports that have been affected by social, technological and cultural changes. These changes reflect its transformation from the traditional Japanese martial art to a global sport practiced. All over the world, therefore, studying the historical development of judo is important, as it provides valuable insights into the development of martial arts over a century, by studying the origins, principles and techniques of judo for the period (1880 - 1980), and also enables us to gain an understanding A deeper understanding of how the art form

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reducing the Pollutants from Municipal Wastewater by Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae
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In the present work, the pollutants of the municipal wastewater are reduced using Chlorella vulgaris microalgae. The pollutants that were treated are: Total organic carbon (TOC), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Nitrate (NO3), and Phosphate (PO4). Firstly, the treatment was achieved at atmospheric conditions (Temperature = 25oC), pH 7 with time (1 – 48 h). To study the effect of other microorganisms on the reduction of pollutants, sterilized wastewater and unsterilized wastewater were used for two types of packing (cylindrical plastic and cubic polystyrene) as well as algae's broth (without packing), where the microalgae are grown on the packing then transported to the wastewater for treatment. Th

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار ,
unpublished cuneiform texts from regin the Larse daynisty Rem-sin
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Cuneiform texts are the most important sources for our knowledge of ancient history and in all political, economic, social and religious fields, as the ancients left us thousands of these texts, which were found through excavations, and hundreds of these texts were stolen and smuggled out of Iraq, and some of these texts were returned after the Jordanian government confiscated them and returned them to the Iraqi Museum. Most of these cuneiform texts were economic texts. In this research, a group of these confiscated cuneiform texts was studied (their number was six texts bearing the following museum numbers, respectively (160609 - 160103 - 160290 - 160102 - 206650 - 206637) dating back to the time of the king of the Larsa dynasty, Rim-Sin (

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Shift towards Digital Education According to Vision 2030 in Light of Some Variables from the Perspective of Workers with Disabilities
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The current study aimed to measure the attitudes of female teachers towards the use of digital learning and the degree of possessing their digital education skills. The study sample consisted of (180) workers with disabilities (mental disability، auditory impairment، visual disability، hyperactivity and distraction. To achieve the goals of the study, the transformation measure was used towards digital education for people with disabilities. The study reached the following results: the availability of digital learning skills among workers with disabilities. The study concluded with a series of recommendations including holding Training courses to keep up with the challenges of educational trends and modern technology in this area.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Selected lssues Of the Imams Of Imam AL- Bazzai in the Book of Prayer from his Book of Fatwas AL- Bazaziyyah
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The research included four topics: the definition of Imam al-Bazzazi, his scientific life, his sheikhs, his students, his writings, his death, and selected issues of his weight in the book of prayer. The Imam al-Bazazi is the son of Muhammad ibnShihabibn Yusuf. He is known as al-Khardizi al-Khawarizmi. The author did not adopt the definitions of language and terminology, and rarely mention the legal evidence adopted by the scholars in their opinions, and only to mention the views only, and the author, may God have mercy on him in his book on the sources of m The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) And fall down the order, the third issue, which is to leave the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Feasibility of Alumina for the Adsorption of Metal Ions from Water
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The present work describes the adsorption of Ba2+ and Mg2+ions from aqueous solutions by activated alumina in single and binary system using batch adsorption. The effect of different parameters such as amount of alumina, concentration of metal ions, pH of solution, contact time and agitation speed on the adsorption process was studied. The optimum adsorbent dosage was found to be 0.5 g and 1.5 g for removal of Ba2+ and Mg2+, respectively. The optimum pH, contact time and agitation speed, were found to be pH 6, 2h and 300 rpm, respectively, for removal of both metal ions. The equilibrium data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the data fitted well to both isotherm modes as indicated by higher correlation of deter

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Role the media to limit from get games children instigator on the violence
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Violence is a very serious phenomenon affecting the upbringing and culture kids, are playing the most violent forms of development of these Phenomenon, the research aims to determine the role of the media in reducing violence, and conducted a field study on parents Children by 200 form, the results revealed the importance of the media in raising awareness of the risks of violence on the child  Especially television, which hugely increased Show features, as well as the role of parents in guiding the child to buy Useful because the game to play negative impact of violence on children's health, and the media play an important role in raising awareness of these Risks through educational programs and television commercials, and o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Economics And Administrative Studies Journal (easj) (formerly Al-dananeer Journal)
The use of the MADC indicator for entry and exit from financial market.
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Extrapolating working names verb act in the Koran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000 m: (Collection and descriptive study)
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This research deals with an important grammatical section of the Qur'anic grammar, which is the working names the work of acts in the Quranic grammar in the studies of Iraqi researchers from 1968 to 200 AD.
    The study of working names working verb in the Koran of the important studies, especially among Iraqi researchers, the Iraqi researcher has presented detailed studies related to working names particles action verb in the Koran, and my research is studying this important grammatical section of the Koranic grammar, which is the working names working verb in The Holy Quran in the books of Iraqi researchers and their theses from 1968-2000. I studied in the preface working names of the act, and what the Iraqi res

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Genetic Association of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 ACE-2 (rs2285666) Polymorphism with the Susceptibility of COVID-19 Disease in Iraqi Patients
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Significant risks to human health are posed by the 2019 coronavirus illness (COVID-19). SARS coronavirus type 2 receptor, also known as the major enzyme in the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), connects COVID-19 and RAS. This study was conducted with the intention of determining whether or not RAS gene polymorphisms and ACE-2 (G8790A) play a part in the process of predicting susceptibility to infection with COVID-19. In this study 127 participants, 67 of whom were deemed by a physician to be in a severe state of illness, and 60 of whom were categorized as "healthy controls" .The genetic study included an extraction of genomic DNA from blood samples of each covid 19 patients and healthy control

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