The present research deal with ecological and geographical distribution of species and genera of Primulaceae in Iraq. The results were revealed that species distributed in the north , north-east and west of Iraq. Anagallis arvensis L. is the most prevalent species tolerant to different environmental conditions, while the species of Primula L. characterized as less widespread and limited in one District. In addition, the districts Rawanduz (MRO) and Sulaymaniyah (MSU) have ranked first in distribution of the species on geographical districts with (75%), while the districts southern desert (DSD) and Basra (LBA) in last place with (16.7%). Maps for geographical distribution for all species were illustrated.
هذه الدراسة مكرسة للخصائص الوظيفية والدلالية المعقدة للفئات اللفظية من التوتر والنوع في اللغة الروسية سيتم الكشف في هذه الدراسة عن السمات الدلالية والأسلوبية للفرق بين الأفعال المكتملة وغير المكتملة، قد تكون الاختلافات مرتبطة بخصائص المعاني المعجمية للكلمات، وكذلك معاني اللواحق المكونة للكلمات) السوابق واللواحق). يعكس استخدام هذه الفئة النحوية في أنماط مختلفة بوضوح تفاصيل كل منها، لأن درجة واقعية ال
... Show MoreAbstract. Hassan FM, Mahdi WM, Al-Haideri HH, Kamil DW. 2022. Identification of new species record of Cyanophyceae in Diyala River, Iraq based on 16S rRNA sequence data. Biodiversitas 23: 5239-5246. The biodiversity and water quality of the Diyala River require screening water in terms of biological contamination, because it is the only water source in Diyala City and is used for many purposes. This study aimed to identify a new species record of Cynaophyceae and emphasize the importance of using molecular methods beside classic morphological approaches, particularly in the water-shrinkage-aqua system. Five different sites along Diyala River were selected for Cyanophyceae identification. Morphological examination and 16S rRNA sequen
... Show MoreIn this study, the genus Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was revised. There were 4 species registered in our investigations: X. hottentotta Smith, 1854; X. olivieri Lepeletier, 1841; X. pubescens Spinola, 1838 and X. valga Gerstäcker, 1872, the first species was described as being found for the first time for the insect fauna of Iraq, which were obtained from Solanum melogena L. flowers. Key to the species was constructed and supported by figures of the main diagnostic characters and some morphological features, illustrated and compared with other species, which are recorded in the current survey.
Parasitological investigation of piscivorous birds in Al-Hammar marsh south of Iraq during December-February 2004 and December 2005 were revealed that water birds infected with five nematode species, which belong to three different superfamilies, Desmidocercella numidica (Seurat, 1920) (Superfamily: Aproctoidea) from three piscivorous birds including Grey heron Ardea cinerea, Bittern Botaurusstellaris, and small white heron Ardeola ralloides; Avioserpens sp. 1 and Avioserpens sp. 2 (Superfamily: Dracunculoidea) from small bittern Ixobrychus minutus and black glossy ibis Plegadisfalcinellus respectively; Baruscapillaria sp. and Baruscapillarinae gen. sp. (Sup
... Show MorePollen grains morphology have been studied for the wild species of the genus Erysimum L. which belong to Crucifereae family in Iraq. These species are E. filifolium Boiss. et Hausskn., E. oleifolium J. Gay, E. repandum L., E. eginense Hausskn. ex Bornm., E. aucheranum J. Gay, E. cheiranthoides L., E. alpestre Ky. ex Boiss., E. kurdicum Boiss. et Hausskn., E. tenellum DC., E. strophades Boiss., E. gladiiferum Boiss. et Hausskn., E. nasturtioides Boiss. et Hausskn. The study was performe by using light microscope . The study reveal that there was only one type of pollen grain named Tricoplate in all studied species . The study also demonstrated that there were differences among pollen grains morphology . The species E. kurdicum , E. alpestre
... Show MoreA simplified parallel key was presented in this work for the Taxa of Stackys L. wildly grown in Iraq. Three records within this genus were newly recorded to our country in the present work and they are S. kermanshahansis Rech S. setifera C.A. Mey. subsp setifera, S. setifera ssp iranica (Reck.) The characteristics of these new records were also given with some representative specimens.
Most available methods for unit hydrographs (SUH) derivation involve manual, subjective fitting of
a hydrograph through a few data points. The use of probability distributions for the derivation of synthetic
hydrographs had received much attention because of its similarity with unit hydrograph properties. In this
paper, the use of two flexible probability distributions is presented. For each distribution the unknown
parameters were derived in terms of the time to peak(tp), and the peak discharge(Qp). A simple Matlab
program is prepared for calculating these parameters and their validity was checked using comparison
with field data. Application to field data shows that the gamma and lognormal distributions had fit well.<
The current study deals with estimating the protein concentration and the effect of fish weight on protein concentration values in red and white muscles in two different regions ( R1 : Anterior region lies 2 cm behind the head and R2: posterior region lies 2cm from caudal fin (in two types of bony fish, namely common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Samples were collected from Karmat Ali river- north of Basrah between October 2019 and February 2020. The protein was extracted using protein extraction buffer, the current study show that the average of protein concentration in red muscles of Nile tilapia ranged between 7.74-7.4 mg / ml and ( 6.8-8.85 mg / ml) in R1 and R2 region re
... Show More