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Study the Inhibitory effect of Rose and blossom bitter orange flowers extracts against different types of bacteria isolated from the oral cavity
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The study in duded isolation and identification of microbial isolates from oral cavity to 10 volunteers, diagnosed within the three groups: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus spp. and Candida albicans . The sensitivity test of all isolates bacteria Streptococcus spp. , S. aureus and S. epidermidis showed high resistance to Ampicillin(100)%,followed Methicillin (88.88)% and Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid(77.77)%, while the resistance for each of Vancomycin and Amoxicillin were (66.66)%, and the resistance to Erythromycin and Pencillin (55.55)% to each of them. The results showed less resistance to Trimethoprim (22.22)% and Cefalotine (11.11)% of all bacteria isolate. Investigation of the presence of active compounds in each of the hot and cold (water and alcoholic) extracts flowers Rose and flowers blossom bitter orange ( new preparatory 2012) (Alkaloids, Quartet alkaloids, sugars, Saponine, Flavones and comarins ) was carried out includes. While it was all kinds of extracts does not contain resins. The results showed the presence of active compounds (Sugars, Flavones and comarins) in old extracts that preparation after a year (2011). PH values of the plant extracts hot and cold (water and alcoholic) for each of orange flowers blossom and Rose flowers (Old and new preparatory) with a wide range ranging between (3.6 -6.4). All extracts hot and cold (alcoholic) (new preparatory 2012) showed most effective towards Streptococcus spp., S. epidermidis and Candida albicans, while the extracts show weak effective against S. aureus. Hot alcohol extracts of Rose (old preparatory 2011) showed most effective towards S. aureus and S. epidermidis only, while the other extracts of old perpetration show weak effective against Streptococcus spp. and C. albicans.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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Research summary

Islam protects the environment and civilians in peace and war, and in international humanitarian law protection of the environment and civilians in international conflicts only. As for wars and internal conflicts, it is not within the jurisdiction of international humanitarian law. In Islamic law, the principles of protecting the environment and civilians are fixed in all wars and conflicts, whether internal or external, local. or international.

Islam laid down moral principles in war, including:

- Preserving the environment and avoiding corruption in the land by burning trees and killing animals unnecessarily.

- Not to be exposed to non-combatants, including women, boys, the elderly, the disa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Clinical Evaluation of the Levels of CEA,CA15-3 and AlphaFeto Protein in Malignant and Benign Pleural Effusion
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Background: Pleural effusion is a common clinical
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the
diagnostic utility of Carcino embryonic antigen
(CEA), CA 15- 3, and alpha-feto protein ( AFP ) as
a tumor markers in serum and pleural effusion and
evaluate the value of combining them as a diagnostic
tools that are complementary to cytology in the
diagnosis of malignancies .
Methods: Forty patients (18 malignant and 22 benign
pleural effusion) were included in this study .The
serum and effusion levels of CEA, CA 15 – 3 and
AFP were measured using immunoradiometric assay
Results: from the 40 effusions studied 26 were
exudates and 14 were transudates. The level of
pleural effusions

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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The use of destructive weapons in wars without restrictions and controls, which eat green and dry land, pollute the environment and cause genocide, has become the problem of the times.

International conventions for the protection of the environment during armed conflicts are characterized by generality, ambiguity, and open to interpretation by the participating states in the agreement, and each state interprets these texts to serve its interests, but the Islamic Sharia stipulates the prohibition of the use of these comprehensive destructive weapons in an unambiguous manner, As stated in the Holy Quran:

                

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of relations and forces of production in extraction And pearl industry in the Arabian Gulf 1900-1950 *
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بسبب محدودية الموارد الطبيعية، فأن سكان الخليج ومنذ القدم وجهوا جلّ نشاطاتهم توجهاً بحرياً: صيد الاسماك وصناعة اللؤلؤ العنصر الرئيس في حجم التشغيل، وتكوين الفائض الاقتصادي في المنطقة آنذاك.

لقد تزايدت أهمية هذا النشاط بخاصة بعد النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر، لرواج تجارة اللؤلؤ عالمياً، وأنفتاح الخليج على الدول الاوروبية التي شهدت نهضة صناعية متسارعة، وحيث وصلت الخليج العديد من بضائع

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Chaotic behaviour of the Rossler model and its analysis by using bifurcations of limit cycles and chaotic attractors
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The behaviour of certain dynamical nonlinear systems are described in term as chaos, i.e., systems' variables change with the time, displaying very sensitivity to initial conditions of chaotic dynamics. In this paper, we study archetype systems of ordinary differential equations in two-dimensional phase spaces of the Rössler model. A system displays continuous time chaos and is explained by three coupled nonlinear differential equations. We study its characteristics and determine the control parameters that lead to different behavior of the system output, periodic, quasi-periodic and chaos. The time series, attractor, Fast Fourier Transformation and bifurcation diagram for different values have been described.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reliability and Failure Probability Functions of the m-Consecutive-k-out-of-n: F Linear and Circular Systems
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The m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F linear and circular system consists of n sequentially connected components; the components are ordered on a line or a circle; it fails if there are at least m non-overlapping runs of consecutive-k failed components. This paper proposes the reliability and failure probability functions for both linearly and circularly m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F systems. More precisely, the failure states of the system components are separated into two collections (the working and the failure collections); where each one is defined as a collection of finite mutual disjoint classes of the system states. Illustrative example is provided.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the Qur'anic expression on the poetic picture In Oriental poetry in the eighth century AH
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This research deals with the poetic image of poets of the eighth century poetic, where they embodied the features of the religious life in which they live, and their impact on the Koranic text in the reflection of the image on their poems, where it becomes clear the ability of the poet at that stage to clarify the aesthetic components of the poetic text; Investigations, singled out the first topic: the analogy, and the second metaphorical picture, and the third: the picture.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The design of the scene according to the interactive theory in the Iraqi theater show: دريد هاشم شكور
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The theater has live foundations that interact with all symbols and signs. It has never been far from these innovations and developments in the manner of dealing with those symbols and how and the extent of their effects on society through the world of technology because the theatrical performance contributes to its structure, a technique that is employed by designers in various technologies such as ( Music, lighting and sound effects engineer, as well as fashion designer, architecture, and modeling designer). The theater today also relied on various interactive techniques represented in the use of body language and a sign in order to communicate the meaning by forming movements, singing and dancing in order for the recipient to interact

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of the nomenclature of Russian vocabulary of Arabic origin denoting some religious worship, or denoting some political and social positions: «Лексика арабского происхождения со значением «служители религиозного культа, социального статуса» и её функционирование в русской речи»
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      The present paper discusses one of the most important Russian linguistic features of Arabic origin Russian lexes denoting some religious worship or some political and social positions like Qadi, Wally, Sultan, Alam, Ruler, Caliph, Amir, Fakih, Mufti, Sharif, Ayatollah, Sheikh.. etc.  A lexical analysis of the two of the most efficient and most used words of Arabic origin Russian lexes that are “Caliph and Sheikh” is considered in the present study. The lexicographic analysis of these words makes it possible to identify controversial issues related to their etymology and semantic development.

The study is conducted by the use of the modern Russian and Arabic dictionary, specifically, (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational monitoring and reflex of suffacation of work . An opinions study of sample workers in manufacturing of Isphelt dohuk
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The study aims to determine the organizational monitoring mechanism in target organization as well as knowing the suffocation of work. The study depends on a questionnaire as a tool of collecting data on distributed random sample involved (45) person from different   levels in manufacturing isphelt Dohuk. The study depends on some hypothesis, the most significant one is that there is not impact of organizational monitoring of suffocation especially on the target organization.

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