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A study for Bacterial Infection in Acute Diarrhea Patients
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500 samples of diarrhea stool were collected from different ages(less than 1year –upto30years) and for both genders from some patients in (Alwiya hospital for children, Al-kendi, central health public laboratory and some gavernarated labs) period(1/11/2009—1/10/2010). Kinds of bacteria and parasites agents were isolated and identified from patients with diarrhea. Nine species of gram negative bacteria from enterobacteriaceae were isolated, E. coli isolated are the higher ratio 4.8% of all, then Salmonella typhi4.6% while the lowest ratios is Citrobacterfreundii 0.4%, while the other identified species were be among the previous rotios. also Plesomonasshigelloides was isolated which concedride one of the bacterial local studies.many methods were depend on in order to identifiy; growth on media like (Enrichment ,differentials and differetials) media. Biochemical test represents with API20E, also. Some confirmed tests represent with a modern and important identical tools was used for first time to identify the entericbacteria, by (Rapid ID 32) usually used with mini API system where the results record automatically.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 19 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Evaluation of proverb translation in Nahj al-Balagheh based on the theory of Peter Newmark (Dashti, Shahidi and Foladvand): ارزیابی ترجمه ضرب‌المثل‌ در نهج البلاغه بر اساس نظریه پیتر نیومارک. مطالعۀ موردی: (دشتی، شهیدی و فولادوند)
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In addition to being a religious book with high human and moral themes, Nahj al-Balagha is considered a mirror of Arab culture and a literary masterpiece at the height of eloquence and eloquence, and because proverbs in the form of short, concrete and understandable phrases for everyone, experiences, thoughts and convey ideas, Imam Ali (AS) used it to facilitate the understanding of various political, social and moral concepts. In this article, we intend to criticize the way Dashti, Shahidi and Foladvand translated it by using Newmark's model due to the importance and cultural reflections of proverbs in understanding the cultural atmosphere governing Nahj al-Balagheh. In his evaluation model, Newmark divides cult

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Production of 7-methylxanthine from Theobromine by Metabolically Engineered E. coli
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In this work, a novel biocatalytic process for the production of 7-methylxanthines from theobromine, an economic feedstock has been developed. Bench scale production of 7-methlxanthine has been demonstrated. The biocatalytic process used in this work operates at 30 OC and atmospheric pressure, and is environmentally friendly. The biocatalyst was E. coli BL21(DE3) engineered with ndmB/D genes combinations. These modifications enabled specific N7- demethylation of theobromine to 7-methylxanthine. This production process consists of uniform fermentation conditions with a specific metabolically engineered strain, uniform induction of specific enzymes for 7-methylxanthine production, uniform recovery an

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Crossref (8)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CVOTING: An Anonymous Ballot E-Voting System
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One of the concerns of adopting an e-voting systems in the pooling place of any critical elections is the possibility of compromising the voting machine by a malicious piece of code, which could change the votes cast systematically. To address this issue, different techniques have been proposed such as the use of vote verification techniques and the anonymous ballot techniques, e.g., Code Voting. Verifiability may help to detect such attack, while the Code Voting assists to reduce the possibility of attack occurrence. In this paper, a new code voting technique is proposed, implemented and tested, with the aid of an open source voting. The anonymous ballot improved accordingly the paper audit trail used in this machine. The developed system,

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Lactobacilli sources on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus adherence to uroepithelial cells
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The inhibitory action of four lactobacilli isolates Lactobacillus bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. fermentum, isolated from four different samples; yoghurt, vinegar, saliva and vagina respectively, on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus adhesion to uroepithelial cells were investigated. Results showed that all Lactobacillus isolates or their supernatant were able to reduce the number of the uropathogens attached to uroepithelial cells. However, inhibition level of lactobacilli cells was higher than their supernatant. Nevertheless, the human indigenous lactobacilli (L. fermentum and L. plantarum) were more competitive than food lactobacilli (L. acidophilus and L. bulgaricus).

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
World Journal Of Experimental Biosciences
Effectiveness of some β- lactamase encoding geneson biofilm formation and slime layer production byuropathogenic Escherichia coli
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In present study 74 specimens of urine were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infections.Fifty (67.56%) isolates were identified as Escherichia coli. 78% of isolates were identified as extendedspectrum beta lactamases (ESBL) producer. Antibiotic susceptibility t est was done and ceftazidime wasselected to complete this study by implying stress at sub-MIC on isolate harbor high number of resistancegenes (N11) and compared with sensitive isolate (S). Only four β-lactamase coding genes were detected;blaTEM, blaPER, blaVIM and blaCTX-M-2 and N11 had blaTEM, blaPER, and blaVIM. It was found that the resistantisolate did not form biofilm when compared with the sensitive one, which formed moderate biofilm. Inaddition, ceftazidi

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 03 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Quercus infectoria Plant on Pap E gene Expression of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli
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One hundred twelve urine samples were collected from Baghdad hospitals and examined by different identification techniques. Seventy isolates (62.5%) were diagnosed as Escherichia coli after microscopic and cultural identifications. The result of PCR product electrophoresis on the isolates showed that thirteen isolates (18.57%) have Pap E gene which are uropathogenic E. coli. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done, and four high resistant strains were mixed with aqueous extract of Quercus infectoria plant in 96 well ELISA plate and incubated for different times. After 0, 6, and 12 hr. of incubation, the effect of the plant extract on the bacterial growth was determined by ELISA reader, and the effect on the expression of P

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic and extralinguistic problems of the translation of polysemic terms in the legal language from Spanish to Arabic: Problemas lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la traducción de los términos polisémicos en el lenguaje jurídico del español al árabe
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       Legislative language is characterized by its complexity, specifically in the process of translating statutory terms from two quite different languages, and from totally two different legal systems as from Spanish into Arabic. The present study stresses the process of translating legislative terms used in Spanish wills into Arabic through high lightening the polysemy of such mentioned terms and explaining their use in other legislative grounds.  Additionally, the present study elucidates, analyzes, underlines the difficulty and looks for the most appropriate procedures and techniques of translating some of the prominent inheritance expressions taking in account the legislative dif

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Le thème de la solitude et la structure narrative dans Le Procès-verbal de Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio The Theme of Solitude and Narrative Structure in the Novel of “Trail ” of Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio
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     This paper tackles the theme of alienation as being a concurrent state of human being from birth to death; so extensive is the description of this state by writers. Alienation has been a product of their hard experiences and miserable lives. One such writer is Jean-Marie Gustave le Clézio who was so perfect in describing alienation in his works. Upon so many occasions, he imagined one or more of his characters as living in a chaotic world and so lived safely in alienation. The novel "Le Procès-Verbal" is one of the most important of his works. This paper deals with e the narrative structure of novel while shedding light on the hero's alienation: its essence and causes.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Using the Fear of Failure Motivation Teaching Technique on the Achievement of Students from the Department of the Holy Quran and Its Sciences at Khawlan Faculty of Education in Sana'a University: عبدالغني علي المقبلي
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Nowadays, university education stands in front of both students who feel they are weak and teachers who are addicted to using traditional and dependent teaching. This has led to have negative repercussions on the learner from different aspects, including the mental aspect and the academic achievement process. Therefore, the present research is concerned with finding a new teaching method that adopts the motivation by the fear of failure technique. Thus, the study aims to examine the effect of adopting this method on students’ academic achievement. To achieve this aim, an experimental method was used, and an achievement test was built for the curriculum material of level two students. The pretest test was applied on 17 male and female s

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the method of partial least squares and the algorithm of singular values decomposion to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of the problem of linear multiplicity by using the simulation
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The logistic regression model is an important statistical model showing the relationship between the binary variable and the explanatory variables.                                                        The large number of explanations that are usually used to illustrate the response led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity between the explanatory variables that make estimating the parameters of the model not accurate.    

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