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Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Electron Gun Operated under Zero Magnification Condition
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged –particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis method using the personal computer. The work is concerned with the design of electron gun with space-charge effect. The Finite element method (FEM) used in the solution of Poison's equation for determine the axial potential distribution of the two-electrode immersion lens operated under zero magnification condition , and from the solution of the paraxial ray equation the optical properties such as the focal length , spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients are determined, also a calculation of the brightness and perveance for the lens. The electrodes geometry was determined in two and three dimension with the aid of new drawing software called SIMION 7 and the electron beam trajectory under zero magnification conditions has been determine for these electrodes.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Adaptive Bitrate Scheme Based on Bandwidth Prediction Algorithm for Smoothly Video Streaming
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A robust video-bitrate adaptive scheme at client-aspect plays a significant role in keeping a good quality of video streaming technology experience. Video quality affects the amount of time the video has turned off playing due to the unfilled buffer state. Therefore to maintain a video streaming continuously with smooth bandwidth fluctuation, a video buffer structure based on adapting the video bitrate is considered in this work. Initially, the video buffer structure is formulated as an optimal control-theoretic problem that combines both video bitrate and video buffer feedback signals. While protecting the video buffer occupancy from exceeding the limited operating level can provide continuous video str

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Real-Time Fuzzy Load Flow and Contingency Analysis Based on Gaussian Distribution System
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Fuzzy logic is used to solve the load flow and contingency analysis problems, so decreasing computing time and its the best selection instead of the traditional methods. The proposed  method is very accurate with outstanding computation time, which made the fuzzy load flow (FLF) suitable for real time application for small- as well as large-scale power systems. In addition that, the FLF efficiently able to solve load flow problem of ill-conditioned power systems and contingency analysis. The FLF method using Gaussian membership function requires less number of iterations and less computing time than that required in the FLF method using triangular membership function. Using sparsity technique for the input Ybus sparse matrix data gi

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radiation doses assessment for workers on radiation measuring devices response check in RNSD laboratories
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Radiation measuring devices need to periodic calibration process to examine their sensitivity and the extent of the response. This study is used to evaluate the radiation doses of the workers in the laboratories of the Directorate of Safety as a result of the use of point sources in calibrating of the devices in two ways, the first is the direct measurement by the FAG device and the others using RESRAD and RAD PRO programs. The total doses values using FAG were (2.57 μSv/y, 102.3 μSv/y and 20.75 μSv/y for TLD laboratory, Gamma spectroscopy analyses (GSA) laboratory and equipment store respectively, and the total doses that calculated using RESRAD and RAD PRO were 1.518 μSv/y, 76.65 μSv/y and 21.2 μSv/y for the above laboratories. t

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study on Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer Behavior Around Different Geometrical Corrugated Extended Surfaces
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The current study presents numerical investigation of the fluid (air) flow characteristics and convection heat transfer around different corrugated surfaces geometry in the low Reynolds number region (Re<1000). The geometries are included wavy, triangle, and rectangular. The effect of different geometry parameters such as aspect ratio and number of cycles per unit length on flow field characteristics and heat transfer was estimated and compared with each other. The computerized fluid dynamics package (ANSYS 14) is used to simulate the flow field and heat transfer, solve the governing equations, and extract the results. It is found that the turbulence intensity for rectangular extended surface was larg

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Microgrid Integration Based on Deep Learning NARMA-L2 Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking
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This paper presents a hybrid energy resources (HER) system consisting of solar PV, storage, and utility grid. It is a challenge in real time to extract maximum power point (MPP) from the PV solar under variations of the irradiance strength.  This work addresses challenges in identifying global MPP, dynamic algorithm behavior, tracking speed, adaptability to changing conditions, and accuracy. Shallow Neural Networks using the deep learning NARMA-L2 controller have been proposed. It is modeled to predict the reference voltage under different irradiance. The dynamic PV solar and nonlinearity have been trained to track the maximum power drawn from the PV solar systems in real time.

Moreover, the proposed controller i

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Network Self-Fault Management Based on Multi-Intelligent Agents and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
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This paper proposed a new method for network self-fault management (NSFM) based on two technologies: intelligent agent to automate fault management tasks, and Windows Management Instrumentations (WMI) to identify the fault faster when resources are independent (different type of devices). The proposed network self-fault management reduced the load of network traffic by reducing the request and response between the server and client, which achieves less downtime for each node in state of fault occurring in the client. The performance of the proposed system is measured by three measures: efficiency, availability, and reliability. A high efficiency average is obtained depending on the faults occurred in the system which reaches to

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Nov 27 2021
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Civil Engineering
An Experimental Study on Concavely Curved Soffit Reinforced Concrete Beams Externally Bonded with FRP
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 19 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improve Wear Resistance on Al 332 Alloy Matrix- Micro -Nano Al2O3 Particles Reinforced Composite
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The wear behavior of alumina particulate reinforced A332 aluminium alloy composites produced by a stir casting process technique were investigated. A pin-on-disc type apparatus was employed for determining the sliding wear rate in composite samples at different grain size (1 µm, 12µm, 50 nm) and different weight percentage (0.05-0.1-0.5-1) wt% of alumina respectively. Mechanical properties characterization which strongly depends on microstructure properties of reinforcement revealed that the presence of ( nano , micro) alumina particulates lead to simultaneous increase in hardness, ultimate tensile stress (UTS), wear resistances. The results revealed that UTS, Hardness, Wear resistances increases with the increase in the percentage of

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A review on Activated Carbon Prepared from Agricultural Waste using Conventional and Microwave Activation
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In the recent years the research on the activated carbon preparation from agro-waste and byproducts have been increased due to their potency for agro-waste elimination. This paper presents a literature review on the synthesis of activated carbon from agro-waste using microwave irradiation method for heating. The applicable approach is highlighted, as well as the effects of activation conditions including carbonization temperature, retention period, and impregnation ratio. The review reveals that the agricultural wastes heated using a chemical process and microwave energy can produce activated carbon with a surface area that is significantly higher than that using the conventional heating method.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Investigation on Shear Lag in Composite Concrete-Steel Beams with Web Openings
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In this paper, effective slab width for the composite beams is investigated with special emphasis on the effect of web openings. A three dimensional finite element analysis, by using finite element code ANSYS, is employed to investigate shear lag phenomenon and the resulting effective slab width adopted in the classical T-beam approach. According to case studies and comparison with limitations and rules stipulated by different standards and codes of practice it is found that web openings presence and panel proportion are the most critical factors affecting effective slab width, whereas concrete slab thickness and steel beam depth are less significant. The presence of web opening reduces effective slab width by about 21%.

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