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Comparison study of Interleukin-1 alpha between Unstable Angina and Acute Myocardial Infarction patients
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Multiple studies support a role for inflammation in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis and unstable cardiac syndromes. However, of the known pro-inflammatory cytokines, only elevated plasma levels of interleukin-6(IL-6) have been linked to Unstable Angina. We sought to examine the plasma levels of other major proinflammatory cytokines in similar clinical settings patients with unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction and the relationship extent between them. This study aimed to investigate and compare the level of IL-1 in Unstable Angina and Acute Myocardial Infarction patients. Thirty patients with unstable angina and thirty patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, also thirty healthy individual as control were included in this study to measure the levels of IL-1alpha, lipid profile and Body Mass Index. There was a significant increase in the level of IL-1 ? in patients with acute myocardial infarction or with unstable angina compared with control group. IL-1 ? positively correlated with total cholesterol, triglycerides, Low Density Lipoprotein and Very Low Density Lipoprotein, while there was a negative correlation with High Density Lipoprotein. In conclusionInterleukin-1 ? significantly increases in patients with acute myocardial infarction or with unstable angina. There was no significant difference in level of IL-1? between AMI and unstable angina patients.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermo-Rheological Investigation and Modeling of the Shear Viscosity of Polypropylene above the Melting Temperature
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The increasing use of polymeric materials in the daily life, leads to challenges in the processing industry to deliver high performance materials with affordable terms. However, new processing techniques lead to high costs. In order to reduce processing costs it is necessary to understand the non-Newtonian behavior of the polymers in their molten state to be able to simulate the processes before the construction of the plants starts. Here the shear thinning behavior of the viscosity of polymeric melts is essential. Thus, this paper deals with the experimental investigation of the thermo-rheological behavior of the viscosity of one of the most used polymers (Polypropylene) over a wide range of temperatures and shear rates.  Furthermo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Infrastructure and the Potential of the Tourism Industry in the Holy City of Najaf.
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The infrastructure is one of the basic components of the tourism industry in Iraq in general and in Najaf in particular, in spite of there are obstacles and problems that which are hindered the development of tourism in Iraq, some of them are related to the  tourism industry itself, some are related to the security and political situation, and some are related to poor management of tourism. However, the infrastructure is considered the cornerstone of the success of the tourism industry in Iraq and other countries, if it is available, it can be a potential indicator of success, and on the contrary, it is a hindrance to go forward. The aim of this research is to shed light on the availability of requirements for the s

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Neurosis of Blackness and Psychological Trauma in Edward Albee's The Death of Bessie Smith
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      Edward Albee, as a playwright, indicates that art should be useful and have a message. Therefore, his work foregrounds and critically examines issues concerning the Neurosis of Blackness and psychological trauma. Albee uses cruelty of racism in reflecting psychological trauma and emotional abuse of American black identity in his plays. Race, social inequality, and gender still sustain to engender controversy audience consciously. Racial discrimination is one of the major issues that affect the American Society. Albee challenges and exposes the presumptive dreams of equality of American society and institutional racism. Therefore, one of the main problems of the twentieth century in America is skin color. It

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Fertilization with Plant Residues on the Growth of Chard Plant
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In order to study the effect of inoculation with mycorrhiza and fertilization with plant residues on the growth of plants, we used two factors: the first two levels of mycorrhiza inoculation, Glumus mossea (0 and 10 g.pot-1) and the second factor, four levels of plant residues (10 g.pot-1) celery plant residues, 10 g pot-1 mint residues, and 10 g pot-1 black bean seed residues. Mychorrizal treatment (10 g pot-1) increased the number of mycorrhiza spores and the infection percentage of mycorrhizal by 917.44% and 13088.23%, respectively; celery treatment (10 g.pot-1) increased the chlorophyll index in the leaves and height of the chard plant by 31.34% and 94.04%, re

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Anthracene Doping Ratio and UV Irradiation Time on Photo-Fries Rearrangement of Polycarbonate
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Thin films of pure polycarbonate (PC) with anthracene doping PC films for different doping ratios (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ml) were prepared by using a casting method. The influence of anthracene doping ratio on photo-fries rearrangement of polycarbonate was systematic investigated. Furthermore, pure PC and anthracene doping PC films were irradiated via UV light at a wavelength (254 nm) for different periods (5, 240, 288, and 360 hrs). The photo-fries rearrangement occurring in pure PC and anthracene doping PC films were monitored using UV and FTIR spectroscopies. The photo-fries rearrangement leads to scission the carbonate linkage and formation phenylsalicylate and dihydroxybenzophenes. The result of the UV spectrum confirms disappea

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of unsecured use of chemical pesticides on the environment and health in Iraq
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The wide use of pesticides in recent years leads to rapid distribution of these pollutants in the environment (air, water and soil).They were transported by means of air or water to biological ecosystems. They become more toxic through the processes of biological magnification while some of them persist for along period.The aim of this work is to show the negative effect that chemical pesticides causes, and in the same to show their side effect on the environment and health in Iraq. We could conclude that the bad use of these chemicals could cause an urgent impact now or in the future. Governmental offices dealing with these materials should take the right measures to minimize the danger and the misuse of these chemicals by seeking alternat

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Measurement of salivary Immunoglobulin A of participants with a healthy, gingivitis and chronic periodontitis conditions
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Background: Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) is a subclass of Immunoglobulin A (IgA), It is an antibody that plays an important role in mucosal immunity. It is the main immunoglobulin found in mucous secretions from mammary glands, tear glands and salivary glands, every pathologic process in the body involves the immune system, and periodontal inflammation is one of them and is not an exception. Material and methods: this study was consisted of 60 healthy male participants of an age ranged between (35-50) years old ; 25 of them with generalized moderate chronic periodontists(Clinical Attachment Loss equal to 3-4mm at ≥ 30% of the sites; 20 participants with plaque induced gingivitis and 15 participants had clinically healthy pe

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Review of the Mechanisms for Preventing, Diagnosing, and Treatment of Pipe Sticking in Drilling Operations
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Stuck pipe is a prevalent and costly issue in drilling operations, with the potential to cost the petroleum industry billions of dollars annually. To reduce the likelihood of this issue, efforts have been made to identify the causes of stuck pipes. The main mechanisms that cause stuck pipes include drill cutting of the formation, inappropriate hole-cleaning, wellbore instability, and differential sticking forces, particularly in highly deviated wellbores. The significant consequences of a stuck pipe include an increase in well costs and Non-Productive Time (NPT), and in the worst-case scenario, the loss of a wellbore section and down-hole equipment, or the need to sidetrack, plug, or abandon the well. This paper provides a comprehensive

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Value system and its impact on the morals of the public job of the individual
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         Values ​​are penetrating or interfering in the lives of individuals and groups and are connected to them in the sense of life itself, because they are closely linked to the motives of behavior, hopes and goals, and can be said that values ​​are everything. The concept of values ​​is one of the concepts that have received the attention of researchers from different disciplines. This has resulted in a kind of confusion and variation in use from one specialization to the other, and uses multiple uses within one specialization. Therefore, there is no uniform definition of values ​​because they relate to individuals. Individuals differ in many things, such as perception,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In-Vitro evaluation of load-deflection characteristics and force levels of nickel titanium orthodontic archwires
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Background: Nickel-titanium (NiTi) archwires have become increasingly popular because of their ability to release constant light forces, which are especially useful during initial alignment and leveling phase. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the load–deflection characteristics of four commercially available NiTi archwires. Materials and methods: 200 NiTi 0.014, 0.016, 0.018, 0.016x0.022 and 0.019x0.025-inch nickel–titanium archwires from four different manufacturers (3M, Ortho Technology, Jiscop and Astar) were tested. The load-deflection properties of these archwires were evaluated by a full arch bending test in both palatal and gingival directionsat 37°C temperature using a universal material t

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