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Six-coordinate oxime-imine cobalt(III) complexes with amino acid co-ligands; synthesis and characterisation
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In this publication, several six coordinate Co(III)-complexes are reported. The reaction of 2,3-butanedione monoxime with ethylenediamine or o-phenylenediamine in mole ratios of 2:1 gave the tetradentate imine-oxime ligands diaminoethane-N,N`-bis(2-butylidine-3-onedioxime) H2L1 and o-phenylenediamine-N,N`-bis(2-butylidine-3-onedioxime), respectively. The reaction of H2L1 and H2L2 with Co(NO3)2, and the amino acid co-ligands (glycine or serine) resulted in the formation of the required complexes. Upon complex formation, the ligands behave as a neutral tetradantate species, while the amino acid co-ligand acts as a monobasic species. The mode of bonding and overall geometry of the complexes were determined through physico-chemical and spectroscopic methods. These studies revealed octahedral geometry about Co(III) complexes in which the co-ligands bound through the amine and the carboxylate groups. Molecular structure for the complexes have been optimised by CS Chem 3D Ultra Molecular Modelling and Analysis Program and supported six coordinate geometry.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin
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This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the impact of knowledge management on organizational innovation in aviation companies operating in sudan
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The aim of this study was to identify the impact of the Knowledge Management Processes on organizational creativity in the Airlines  Companies working in Sudan. The hypotheses formulated as:, there is a positive relationship statistically significant differences between knowledge management processes (diagnosis, the acquisition, storage, distribution and application) and organizational creativity. the measurement of the variables had been adopted from previous studies. The study used a Descriptive approach and and the analytical statistical method to construct the model and SPSS Program for data analysis .Purposive sample procedure had been chosen and structured questionnaire had been developed. Out of 215 q

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Potentiality Analysis of Physical Development of International Airports Surrounding Zones
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The areas surrounding Iraqi international airports generally suffer from a lack of interest in their planning in a manner compatible with the airport with the absence of integrated planning between the airport and the city. From here, the search problem appears. It is represented by a lack of interest in the integration of urban planning and airport planning and the lack of a clear policy to deal with the areas surrounding international airports. A desire to achieve the research aims to introduce compatible uses in the vicinity of airports and review the planning and global directions for dealing with the areas surrounding the airports within urban areas. In contrast, the second aspect of the research aims to assess the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A Population based Study on Self Medication Practice in Pakistan
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Background: The risk of antibiotics resistance (AR) increases due to excessive of antibiotics either by health care provider or by the patients.

Objective: The assessment of the self-medication Practice of over the counter drugs and other prescription drugs and its associated risk factor.

Subjects and Methods: Study design: A descriptive study was conducted from “20th December 2019 to 08th January 2021”. A pre validated and structured questionnaire in English and Urdu language was created to avoid language barrier including personal detail, reasons and source and knowledge about over the counter drugs and Antibiotics. Sample of the study was randomly selected.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Chromosomal Structure in Mystus pelusius (Solander in Russell,1794) Fish
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  The present study was done to identify the karyotype of Mystus pelusius fish , which is the only representative of the family Bagridae in Iraq, they have been caught from Tigris river in AL-Kraat area of Baghdad city, the results show that the diploid chromosome number was 2n=32 and the males chromosomal types included 2n=(6m+13sm+7st+6t)and fundamental number FN=51, in females chromosomal types included 2n=(6m+12sm+8st+6t)with FN=50,also it observed that the first submetacentric pair was the largest within the biarmed chromosomes .The results revealed that the male heterogamety and the female homogamety , accordingly it follows the sex determination system (XX / XY) , as the (X) chromosome represented by medium sized submetacentr

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal, Ethical And Regulatory Issues
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The research tackles the nature of relationship between the Orthodox Church and the state in the Russian Federation. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the church had been performed a different role in its relationship with the state, and it had an effect over the internal and foreign policies for the Russian Federation. In political history of Russia, the church’s existence became an evident too much in comparing with the previous historical period, starting with the educational and political system, whether through a symbolic participating roles as what happened in the inauguration ceremony to take over responsibility of the head of state or taking actual roles such as influencing on the process of holding elections d

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Calculation real abundance of gaseous elements of the comet PanSTARRS C/2011 S4
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    X-ray emission contains some of the gaseous properties is produced when the particles of the solar wind strike the atmosphere of comet ISON and PanSTARRS Comets. The data collected with NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory of the two comets, C/2012 S1 (also known as Comet ISON) and C/2011 S4 (Comet PanSTARRS) are used in this study.

   The real abundance of the observed X-ray spectrum elements has been extracted by a new simple mathematic model. The study found some physical properties of these elements in the comet’s gas such as a relationship between the abundance with emitted energy. The elements that have emission energy (2500-6800) eV, have abundance (0.1-0.15) %, while the elements

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Traumatic Hip Osteonecrosis Treated By Non Vascularised Bone Graft Versus Core Decompression
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Background: Avascular necrosis (AVN) is defined as cellular death of bone components due to interruption of the blood supply; the bone structures then collapse, resulting in bone destruction, pain, and loss of joint function. AVN is associated with numerous conditions and usually involves the epiphysis of long bones, such as the femoral head. In clinical practice, AVN is most commonly encountered in the hip. Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can delay the need for joint replacement. However, most patients present late in the disease course. Without treatment, the process is almost always progressive, leading to joint destruction within 5 years.Treatment of a vascular necrosis depends mainly on early diagnosis which mainly base

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
International Science And Technology Journal
Impact of Concentration of Cow MANURE ON Biogas Production
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In Libya, there are multiple sources of pollution, one of which is animal waste. The anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic wastes to produce biogas has the advantage of producing valuable, renewable energy while reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. Cowmanure have the potential to produce biogas due to their high organic content. This study aimed to study different concentrations for the feedstock (1:1 and 2:1 cow manure: water v/v) to monitor which one gives higher biogas production. A plastic tank with a capacity of 72 liters and a feedstock volume of 60 liters was used to create a pilot scale. The biogas was analyzed using a GC device at the end of the experiment in the Zawiya Oil Refining Company. The result indicated that th

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Physiological Changes of Metronidazole Used to Treat Giardia lamblia in Human
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The study aimed to introduce the effect of Giardia lamblia infection on changes in
some biochemical parameters in serum of infected patients before and after treatment during a
period of one year, (from Feb, 2008 to Jan, 2009).
Samples of 50 infected patients who referred to Al-Kadimiyah Teaching Hospital,
were collected before and after 7 days of treatment.
The activity of liver enzymes (Gpt and Got) before treatment increased significantly as
it reached up to (8.47) u/L and 19.06 u/L, comparing with control values (6.455) u/L and
(8.39) u/L respectively. The activity of the enzymes decreased after treatment but the values
of Gpt and Got remained higher than the control values as reached 7-27 u/L, 11-64 u/L

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