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Study of character and diversity of vegetation (cultivated plants) in Al-aaras Tourst Island / Baghdad
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Vascular plants that have been identified during the study seasons in the Island. The cultivated plants were 126 species belong to 103 genera and to 49 families of the year 2001-2002 . The natural vegetation in this Island has been subjected to a total disturbance and subsidence due to the comprehensive turbidity of the Island environment.Number of names of that natural vegetation has been mentioned in the study within the weed plants.The results of the study of the period of flowering and their attitudes show clear seasonal differences. During the cold months of winter, the number of the cultivated and the natural plants was at the rate of 15%.These kinds of flowers require high level of care to increase their numbers. While in the spring season the number of the flowering of cultivated plants reach 64%.As for the type and the nature of the Flora, the annual species were 64%, while the trees were 18%. The perennial herbs and shrubs were 11% and 13% successively. The study of the analysis of vegetation clarifies that Cynodon dactylon has the higher level of coverage and frequency among the other cultivated plants.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ancestor back to achieve the doctrine of the predecessor Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Kurdi Al-Kurani Study and investigation
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This letter dealt with one of the most prominent verbal and contractual issues, which are the similarities of the legal texts, or the so-called news features. The scholars differed as to their interpretation. Most of the verbal schools went on to interpret these texts in a valid interpretation according to the data of the Arabic language, in order to preserve them from the divine self's pronouncement of similar creatures, while we find that the ancestors kept it on its surface with delegating its meanings to God Almighty. This is what Burhan al-Din al-Kurani suggested in this letter, declaring his total rejection of interpretation.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Optimization of Electrocoagulation Process for the TSS and Turbidity Removal in Al-Qadisiyah Water Treatment Plant in Baghdad City by Response Surface Methodology
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Electrocoagulation process was employed for the treatment of river water flows in Iraq. In this study, a batch Electrocoagulation process was used to treat river water taken from Al - Qadisiyah water treatment plant. electrolysis time, voltage and inter-electrode spacing were the most important parameters to study . A statistical model was developed using the RSM model. The optimum condition after studying the parameter effect the process was 1 cm separating, 30 volts . The RSM model shows the ideal condition of removal for both the TSS and turbidity at 1 cm, 20 volts and 55 min.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Study of the Injection Equipments in Water in Al-Ahdeb Wells ‐Iraq
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Water injection equipments such as pipelines, which are used in the second recovery of oil in the Al-Ahdeb wells, suffer from the corrosion in water during maintaining vacuum deoxygenated tower that used to decrease concentration of the dissolved oxygen gas in the water from 6.2-9.1 ppm to o.5 ppm. This study involved calculation the corrosion rates of the internal surfaces of the pipelines either during operation of the vacuum unit or when the tower out of operation.  Finally, find the solution by one of the following suggestions. In the first suggestion removal of the dissolved O2 from water is achieved by increasing the dosage of the oxygen scavenger (sodium sulphite). The second suggestion involves re

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Study of the Injection Equipments in Water in Al-Ahdeb Wells ‐Iraq
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Water injection equipments such as pipelines, which are used in the second recovery of oil in the Al-Ahdeb wells, suffer from the corrosion in water during maintaining vacuum deoxygenated tower that used to decrease concentration of the dissolved oxygen gas in the water from 6.2-9.1 ppm to o.5 ppm. This study involved calculation the corrosion rates of the internal surfaces of the
pipelines either during operation of the vacuum unit or when the tower out of operation. Finally, find the solution by one of the following suggestions. In the first suggestion removal of the dissolved O2 from water is achieved by increasing the dosage of the oxygen scavenger (sodium sulphite). The second suggestion involves removing the dissolved O2 from w

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Preferences of the Iraqi Public towards Arab News Channels Programs and Materials (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels: a field Study)
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Broadcasting across satellites has become an important media phenomenon and largely available for watchers. As the receiver can see the events at the very moment and at any spot in the world. This study aims to discover the degree of the extent of exposure of Iraqi people to the news broadcasting satellites in Arabic language, (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels) as one of the media that serves the public; and to discover the range of these Satellite Channels in covering the local Iraqi situation in different sides and aspects; and to know the significance of the Iraqi people in watching those news programmers; and state the motives behind the Iraqi public's dependence on these channels.


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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Bacteriological and Chemical Study on the Effect of Lead in Blood and Saliva of Workers at Batteries Industry in Baghdad
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Objectives: The study aims at:
1- Measuring the level of lead in workers’ saliva and blood in the factory.
2- Studying the correlation between the saliva lead level and the infection that caused by microorganisms, isolation and
3-Studying the influence of high blood lead level on the total white blood cells.
Methodology: This study has been conducted for the period from March 15th, 2010 to May, 20th
, 2010. A total of (60)
saliva and blood samples were collected from workers in batteries industry factory in Baghdad and another (20) samples
were collected as a control group. Lead level had been measured in blood and saliva samples, then microorganisms were
isolated the from the saliva samples.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Haematological and Demographic Study in Children Infected with Enterobiasis in Al Diwaniyah Province, Iraq
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     Enterobius vermicularis infection is considered as one of the important causes of anaemia and malnutrition among children. This topic has recently received an increased amount of attention.  The objective of this study is to evaluate the demographical, anthropometrical, nutritional, and  haematological status of E. vermicularis infection among children. This study was conducted in Al Diwaniyah province, south of Iraq, for the period of October 2020 to the end of January 2021. The study included 122 children from both genders (males, n= 61, and females, n=61) and their ages ranged between 1 and 14 years. Nutritional status, body mass index (BMI), BMI percentile, and weight- for- age Z score were evaluated for some particip

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The importance of Al-alaq and Al-qalam in education and ethical values
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The research addresses the importance of reading and writing for sura Al-alaq and Al-qalam as they represent the main sources for all the sciences as well as ethical values. The researcher seeks to define the educational and ethical values in these two texts which related to reading and writing. To do this, the author went through different relevant literature to show the similarities and related points between them, she also shows the significant of reading and writing and the learning and teaching worth to be consider. The result revealed that the both texts assert on the educational and ethical values, and the vital role of reading and writing.  

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Thefts in hospitals and the factors affecting themA case study in the Department of Health Baghdad - Rusafa
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Employee Stealing or internal theft is considered from the passive practices that can’t be denied or be hidden, In spite of the hospital privacy as a serving organization that works 24\7 and deleing with human lives, they weren’t infallible from that kind of practice. To prevent or reduce this practice, it was important to search for the organizational and behavioral factors influencing internal thefts. The study problem briefly is to reach the most organizational and behavioral factors influencing internal theft, in governmental hospitals in Baghdad Rusafa Health district, this was done by analyzing (20) administrative cases of thefts occurred in the District, also a sample of (60) specialist Doctor’s opinion work, in (3) hospital

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Survey and revision of leaf miners to some plants from different localities of Iraq
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This investigation showed (31) species belonging to (15) genera under (five) families and two orders. The leafminers Dipter families (Agromozidae, Anthomyiidae, Drosophilidae), Agromyzid flies is the highest level of investigated many host plants, but other families have lowest host plants. The synonyms of species were provided from GBIF scarlet's. The date and localities of sampling collection were recorded.

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