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Study of character and diversity of vegetation (cultivated plants) in Al-aaras Tourst Island / Baghdad
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Vascular plants that have been identified during the study seasons in the Island. The cultivated plants were 126 species belong to 103 genera and to 49 families of the year 2001-2002 . The natural vegetation in this Island has been subjected to a total disturbance and subsidence due to the comprehensive turbidity of the Island environment.Number of names of that natural vegetation has been mentioned in the study within the weed plants.The results of the study of the period of flowering and their attitudes show clear seasonal differences. During the cold months of winter, the number of the cultivated and the natural plants was at the rate of 15%.These kinds of flowers require high level of care to increase their numbers. While in the spring season the number of the flowering of cultivated plants reach 64%.As for the type and the nature of the Flora, the annual species were 64%, while the trees were 18%. The perennial herbs and shrubs were 11% and 13% successively. The study of the analysis of vegetation clarifies that Cynodon dactylon has the higher level of coverage and frequency among the other cultivated plants.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of organizational learning in building intellectual capital in public organizations: comparative research between the universities of Baghdad and al-Mustansiriya
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   Organizational learning is one of the most important means of human resource development in organizations, but most of the organizations, especially public ones do not realize the importance of organizational learning enough, and estimated his role accurately in building intellectual capital, the resource competitive importantly for organizations of the third millennium and who suffers is other end of lack of understanding of its meaning and how to prove its presence and measured in public organizations, so there is the need for this research, which aims to investigate the effect of organizational learning its processes (knowledge acquisition, Information transfer, Interpreting the information, Organizational me

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers towards Vitamin D supplementation to their infants in Baghdad Al -Rusafa 2016
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Background: Routine supplementation of vitamin D to infants is justifiable since vitamin D deficiency, and its consequences are highly prevalent not only in developing countries but worldwide. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D is crucial in order to have a normal skeletal, as well as, extra-skeletal health. Knowledge of mothers regarding importance of vitamin D supplementation affect the health of their babies in a positive manner if accompanied by appropriate practice.

Objective: To determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of Iraqi mothers of under or equal 12 months old infants in Baghdad, AL-Rusafa, regarding vitamin D supplementation for their infants.


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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Some Epidemiological Aspects of Giardiasis in North of Baghdad
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Different factors have been examined to be related with the prevalence of Girdiasis in the north of Baghdad in human beings which were (gender, age , occupation ,family size,faecal status and presence of domestic animals) during the period from the beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. This study revealed that the total rate of infection in human being was 11.66% , and no significant differences (p?0.05) were noticed between male and female as their rates of infection were 52.32% and 47.68% respectively , as well as no significant relation was observed between faecal status and the rate of infection, the percentage of positive cases in diarrheal patients was higher than the non diarrheal patients who were 74.41 and 25.59 respe

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using Alternative Cogeneration Plants in Iraqi Petroleum Industry
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The present paper describes and analyses three proposed cogeneration plants include back pressure steam-turbine system, gas turbine system, diesel-engine system, and the present Dura refinery plant. Selected actual operating data are employed for analysis. The same amount of electrical and thermal product outputs is considered for all systems to facilitate comparisons. The theoretical analysis was done according to 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamic. The results demonstrate that exergy analysis is a useful tool in performance analysis of cogeneration systems and permits meaningful comparisons of different cogeneration systems based on their merits, also the result showed that the back pressure steam-turbine is more efficient than other pro

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Some Medicinal Plants in the Management of Peptic Ulcer
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Background: Plants used in folk medicine for
the treatment of peptic ulcer diseases is a very
promising approach to overcome the limitations of
classical medicines.
Aim: To explore the efficacy of medicinal
plants, namely turmeric, garlic and marshmallow,
in eradication of H. pylori.
Methods: This prospective study was carried out
on 225 of well-known dyspeptic patients who were
divided into four groups; a control group (received
classical medical therapy) and three other groups
that received one of the three medicinal plants,
plus the same therapy used in the control group.
The follow up was done by using a questionnaire
form, endoscopic examination, and determination
of serum levels of anti

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Evaluating the Efficiency of some Wastewater Treatment Plants in Najaf Governorate
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Abstract<p>Although there are many wastewater treatment plants, we still suffer from many problems resulting from a lack of experience or technical operating problems. In this research, the service’s efficiency is evaluated according to the design laws required for small factories in the province of Najaf, which works with filtering technology through point filtration, the old project in the Al-Baraka plant, and the second works. Within the biological treatment mbbr + activated sludge, which is a biomass technology where samples were taken from both plants and annual values of the pollutant rate after treatment in the old Al-Baraka plant project COD 64 mg/L and the demand for biochemical oxyge</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Trickling Filter and Extended Aeration of Wastewater Treatment Plants
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In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in wastewater treatment because of its direct impact on the environment and public health. Over time, other forms of treatment have been developed and modified, including extended aeration. This process is included in the suspended growth system. In this paper, a comparative study was conducted between the efficiency of the extended aeration plant and that of the trickling filter plant in removal of BOD and COD.  The method of comparison was done by knowing the value of the pollutant before and after the treatment and then extract the removal ratio of each pollutant within each plant. The results showed that the percentage of removal of BOD in the trickling filte

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational Thought of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi: comparative study
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This study aims to illustrate and compare the perspectives of Ibn Sahnun and    al-Kabasi about educational system. To this end, the researcher adopted the inductive-analytical approach to analyze their educational perspectives. The study included two chapters: one to give an overview of the life of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi and the other to analyze their perspectives. The findings revealed Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi confirmed that compliance with the Islamic rules is an essential condition over all aspects. As for Ibn Sahnun pointed out to the important of teaching Quran as a basic reference and guide of Muslim daily-life skills and behaviors. On the other hand, al-Kabasi focused on the creation and religion as two-main aspe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The role and importance of amino acids within plants: A review
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Scopus (43)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Kinetic diversity of the camera in the structure of the cinematographic scene: وفاء سعدي صالح
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  Highlighting the role of the movement and its dramatic dimensions, as an artistic product, whether at the level of cinema or television in general, and the stages of its influence within the structure of the cinematographic scene in particular, had an effective role in the continuation of the structure of the event according to its dramatic and aesthetic process, and from this the research problem crystallized in the following question: What is How the kinetic diversity of the camera in the structure of the cinematographic scene is achieved to achieve the maximum possible benefit by extrapolating all opinions in line with the objectives of the research, the research presented and two topics and the introduction were divided, which

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