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Morphological and Histological Study of the Forebrain (Cerebrum) in a Wild Bird Species (Columba livia domestica) (Gmelin, 1789)
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The present study deals with the morphological and histological aspects of the forebrain(Cerebrum) in the Columba livia domestica (Gmelin, 1789) to identify the histoarchitecture of its layers. This bird' has a large head found as perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The morphological results reveal that for brain (Cerebrum) pear shaped, its outer surface is smooth without folds or deep grooves. Cerebrum is made up of two regions, the Pallium and the Subpallium. The Cerebral cortex includes four layers of hyperpallium (Wulst) , Dorsolateral corticoid area (CDL), Hippocampus, Piriform cortex. The internal cortex of cerebrum consists of Dorsal Ventricle ridge which includes the mesopallium, nidopallium, and archospallium. All these regions includes Pyramidal cells, which have different sizes and densities, as well as many other neurons and Neuralgial. The Subpallium is divided to Striatum which is consisted of nerve fibers of nerve cells and the Palldium, which is the deepest part of the brain with light- color.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomical and Comparative morphological study for two wild species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Reichb. (Scrophulariaceae) in Iraq.
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Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Morphological study of sex organs and pollen grain of chosen wild species from Solanaceae family in Iraq
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In this study four species from Solanaceae family was conducted. These four species belong to four different genera (Solanum L. ? Physalis L. ?Withania Pauq. ? Lycium L.) The study included morphological characters of sex organs and their pollen grains for these Iraqi wild plants.The results showed that the position of epipetalous stamens , the shape of anther, their dimensions ,and the length of filaments are important taxonomical characters .On the others hand the shape of their ovaries and stigmas are also important characters in distinguish between these four species .Pollen grains are similar in their general shapes and polarities, they have three germinal furrows and germinal apertures, so they are minor in distinguish between these f

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Histological Study on Bird Cerebellum of Pycnonotus leucotis
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Histological study of the cerebellum in a bird white cheeked bulbul Pycnonotus lecucotis, the result of the study showed that the cerebellum took the parts of the hindbrain, the histological study of the cerebellum revealed the presence of deep folds on its surface. The cerebellum consists of two areas, the cerebellar cortex, which is called the gray matter, which consists of three layers: the outer layer (the molecular layer), the middle (Purkinje cells) and inner layer (the granular layer). The second area of the cerebellum is called the medullary and the white matter.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Association of Cestoda Raillietina echinobothrida in Rock Pigeon Columba livia from Baghdad city of Iraq
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The parasite tapeworm (Raillietina echinobothrida) belonges to the class Cestoda, it is responsible for nodular tapeworm disease in poultry .The aim of this study was to determine tapeworm parasites infections in Columba livia from two markets in the province of Baghdad for the period from May to December 2014. From a total of thirty five sample of Columba livia were randomly selected and then examined the elementary canal of these samples. The present study showed that the collected rock pigeon were found six infected with the cestode Raillietina echinobothrida with infection rate (17.14%). The statistical analysis for the characters of the cestode showed significant differences in all recipes, but there were no significant difference

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Anatomical and Histological Study of the Stomach in Two Iraqi Birds (Columba palumbus and Tyto alba)
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The present study aimed to investigate the anatomical and histological, aspects of the stomach in two different Iraqi birds, (common wood pigeon, Columba palumbus (herbivorous) and the barn owl, Tyto alba (carnivorous). Stomach in the two studied birds IS divided into two parts, glandular or true stomach (proventriculus) and the muscular stomach or gizzard (ventriculus). Proventriculus in the common wood pigeon appeared as fusiform shaped tube and separated from the gizzard by isthmus while in the barn owl, it was pearsshaped , wider and shorter than that of the common wood pigeon and not separated from the gizzard by isthmus. In common wood pigeon, gizzard appeared as biconvex lens lining with yellowish green tissue, the koilin , while

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative morphological and histological study of the pecten oculi in two species of Iraqi birds (Falco tinnunculus L. and Streptopelia decaocto F.)
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Study showed structure of pecten oculi in the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus L.was
Pleated type and consisted of 17 folds which were thick. While in the Collared Dove
Streptopelia decaocto F. was Vaned type and consisted of 13 folds and it described
thin. The illustrated histological study of pecten oculi folds in the Kestrel and the
Collared Dove was composed of large number of capillaries, large blood vessels and
pigment cells which were few in Kestrel compare with the Collared Dove. The bridge
in the Kestrel and the Collared Dove pecten oculi was consisted of connective tissue,
many pigment cells, and contains on little capillaries and it linked the membrane to
the internal limiting membrane of the retina in the Kes

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics Conference Series
Morphological and histological study of trachea in Iraqi Weasel, Herpestes Javanicus
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Histological Study of the Pancreas Gland in the Local Bat ( Pipisterllus kuhlii)
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The present study aimed to investigate the morphological and histological structure of pancreas in the bat,(Pipistrellus kuhlii). Pancreas was represented by compact pancreatic tissue which is divided into three parts : head , body and tail, its color is whit to yellow. The pancreatic tissue is located in the abdominal cavity near to the mass of intestine in the mesenteric network , which is connected with the coiled region of the duodenum in one side and with the extended mesenteries between the dorsal part of stomach and the abdominal part of spleen from the other side. The pancreas gland is surrounded by a loose connective tissue, the trabeculae are extended from it and divided the gland into many lobules which are different in shape

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