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Effects of Gas Flow on Spectral Properties of Plasma Jet Induced by Microwave
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In this paper, a construction microwave induced plasma jet(MIPJ) system was used to produce a non-thermal plasma jet at atmospheric pressure, at standard frequency of 2.45 GHz and microwave power of 800 W. The working gas Argon (Ar) was supplied to flow through the torch with adjustable flow rate using flow meter regulator. The influence of the MIPJ parameters such as applied voltage and argon gas flow rate on macroscopic microwave plasma parameters were studied. The macroscopic parameters results show increasing of microwave plasma jet length with increasing of applied voltage, argon gas flow rate where the plasma jet length exceed 12 cm as maximum value. While the increasing of argon gas flow rate will cause increasing into the argon gas temperature, where argon gas temperature the exceed 350 ? as maximum value and study the effect of gas flow rate on the optical properties

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Induced Fluorescence of 1,3 Benzodioxole in a Supersonic Jet
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Fluorescence excitation by Nd:YAG pumped dye laser and single vibrational level fluorescence
spectra of 1,3 benzodioxole in a supersonic jet have been obtained and interpreted. The previous assignment of
the 0 0
0 band was incorrect. In addition, many other bands involving n20 and n19 vibrations of a2 symmetry were
confirmed. As far as a1 totally symmetric vibration is concerned. The n14 was assigned to be located in the fivemembered
ring whereas n13 seem to be located in the benzene ring as a result of the electronic transition in the
benzene ring which affects n13 and not n14 wavenumber.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of opacity broadening in spectral lines for helium like ions in aluminum plasma which produced by laser
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A theoretical analysis studied was performed to study the opacity broadening of spectral lines emitted from aluminum plasma produced by Nd-YLF laser. The plasma density was in the range 1028-1026 )) m-3 with length of plasma about ?300) m) , the opacity was studied as function of plasma density & principle quantum number. The results show that the opacity broadening increases as plasma density increases & decreases with the spacing between energy levels of emission spectral line.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation Microwave Furnace Effects on Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Life of AA 7075-T73 with Dry and Acid Treatments
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Microwave heating is caused by the ability of the materials to absorb microwave energy and convert it to heat. The aim of this study is to know the difference that will occur when heat treating the high strength aluminum alloys AA7075-T73 in a microwave furnace within different mediums (dry and acidic solution) at different times (30 and 60) minutes, on mechanical properties and fatigue life. The experimental results of microwave furnace heat energy showed that there were variations in the mechanical properties (ultimate stress, yielding stress, fatigue strength, fatigue life and hardness) with the variation in mediums and duration times when compared with samples without treatment. The ultimate stress, yielding stress and fatigue streng

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of thin films of SiCN from gas-phase reaction induced by TEA-CO2 laser and study of their optical properties
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In this paper, silicon carbonitried thin films were prepared by the method of photolysis of the silane (SiH4) and ethylene (C2H4) gases, with and without ammonia gas (NH3), which is represented by the ratio between the (PNH3) and (PSiH4 + PC2H4 + PNH3), (which assign by the letter X), X has the values (0, 0.13, 0.33). This method carried out by using TEA-CO2 laser, on glass substrate at (375 oC), deposition rate (0.416-0.833) nm/pulse thin film thickness of (500-1000) nm. The optical properties of the films were studied by using Absorbance and Transmittance spectrums in wavelength range of (400-1100) nm, the results showed that the electronic transitions is indirect and the energy gap for the SiCN films increase with increasing of nitrog

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Chemiluminescence Study of High Power Microwave Pulses Effects on Whole Blood
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   Chemiluminescenc (CL), light emitted during chemical reaction, is one of the accurate methods used to detect directly oxygen free radicals. In this study, luminol was used as CL detector, to detect the concentration of free radicals formed in whole blood exposed to high power microwave pulses. The changes in the intensity of CL signal gives a clear relation between the concentration of free radicals formed by radiation in blood and changes in blood properties such as hemolysis of blood cells. This is done by measuring the electrical sytoplsimic electrical properties, the results are substituted in Maxwell-Wagner equation, to obtain electrical conductivity of cytoplasm, which is 18.3   ms/cm, while at suspension med

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 08 2022
Journal Name
V. International Scientific Congress Of Pure, Applied And Technological Sciences
The effect of background vacuum pressure on the length of gas discharge plasma by using Aluminum electrodes
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Length of plasma generated by dc gas discharge under different vacuum pressures was studied experimentally. The cylindrical discharge tube of length 2m was evacuated under vacuum pressure range (0.1-0.5) mbar at constant external working dc voltage 1500V. It was found that the plasma length (L) increased exponentially with increasing of background vacuum air pressure. Empirical equation has been obtained between plasma length and gas pressure by using Logistic model of curve fitting. As vacuum pressure increases the plasma length increases due to collisions, ionizations, and diffusions of electrons and ions.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation of Radial, Real Gas Flow
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the effect of ozone gas and ultraviolet radiation and microwave in the degredation of aflatoxin B1 produce by Aspergillus flavus on stored Maize grains.: Study the effect of ozone gas and ultraviolet radiation and microwave in the degredation of aflatoxin B1 produce by Aspergillus flavus on stored Maize grains.
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This study was conducted in the plant protection department/ College of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad to evaluate the efficiency of physical agents ozone, ultraviolet radiation, microwave for destroying afla produced in corn seeds. An isolate af A.flavus producing Aflatoxin B1 was obtained from plant protection dept. college of Agric. University of Baghdad. Results showed destroy toxin AFLA B1 the effect of radiation microwave in the media of Japex degree 80 and 100 co 57.14% and 85.71%, respectively, and for 20 sec, compared to the treatment comparison 0.00% as found significant differences were apparent between transactions and the treatment of comparison, as and notes the existence of a significant dif

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Simulation to Study the Effects of Riemann Problems on the Physical Properties of the Astrophysics Gas Dynamics
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In this work we run simulation of gas dynamic problems to study the effects of Riemann
problems on the physical properties for this gas.
We studied a normal shock wave travels at a high speed through a medium (shock tube). This
would cause discontinuous change in the characteristics of the medium, such as rapid rise in
velocity, pressure, and density of the flow.
When a shock wave passes through the medium, the total energy is preserved but the energy
which can be extracted as work decreases and entropy increases.
The shock tube is initially divided into a driver and a driven section by a diaphragm. The
shock wave is created by increasing the pressure in the driver section until the diaphragm bursts,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Preparation and characterization DLC thin films using atmospheric pressure plasma Jet
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Diamond-like carbon, amorphous hydrogenated films forms of carbon, were pretreated from cyclohexane (C6H12) liquid using plasma jet which operates with alternating voltage 7.5kv and frequency 28kHz. The plasma Separates molecules of cyclohexane and Transform it into carbon nanoparticles. The effect of argon flow rate (0.5, 1 and 1.5 L/min) on the optical and chemical bonding properties of the films were investigated. These films were characterized by UV-Visible spectrophotometer, X-ray diffractometer (XRD) Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The main absorption appears around 296, 299 and 309nm at the three flow rate of argon gas. The value of the optical energy gap is 3.37, 3.55 and 3.68 eV at a different flow rate o

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