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Network Self-Fault Management Based on Multi-Intelligent Agents and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
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This paper proposed a new method for network self-fault management (NSFM) based on two technologies: intelligent agent to automate fault management tasks, and Windows Management Instrumentations (WMI) to identify the fault faster when resources are independent (different type of devices). The proposed network self-fault management reduced the load of network traffic by reducing the request and response between the server and client, which achieves less downtime for each node in state of fault occurring in the client. The performance of the proposed system is measured by three measures: efficiency, availability, and reliability. A high efficiency average is obtained depending on the faults occurred in the system which reaches to 92.19%, availability 92.375%, and reliability 100%. The proposed system managed five devices. The NSFM implemented using Java and C# languages.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Research In Higher Education
Proposal of a guide for talent evaluation and management based on a qualitative and three-staged approach
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The key objective of the study is to understand the best processes that are currently used in managing talent in Australian higher education (AHE) and design a quantitative measurement of talent management processes (TMPs) for the higher education (HE) sector.


The three qualitative multi-method studies that are commonly used in empirical studies, namely, brainstorming, focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews were considered. Twenty-three individuals from six Australian universities parti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of a Programmable System for Failure Modes and Effect Analysis of Steam-Power Plant Based on the Fault Tree Analysis
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In this paper, the system of the power plant has been investigated as a special type of industrial systems, which has a significant role in improving societies since the electrical energy has entered all kinds of industries, and it is considered as the artery of modern life.

   The aim of this research is to construct a programming system, which could be used to identify the most important failure modes that are occur in a steam type of power plants. Also the effects and reasons of each failure mode could be analyzed through the usage of this programming system reaching to the basic events (main reasons) that causing each failure mode. The construction of this system for FMEA is dependi

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 12 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Scientific Research And Engineering (ijasre), Issn:2454-8006, Doi: 10.31695/ijasre
A Proposed Blockchain-Based Digital-Identity Management using ERC 725/735
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In modern technology, the ownership of electronic data is the key to securing their privacy and identity from any trace or interference. Therefore, a new identity management system called Digital Identity Management, implemented throughout recent years, acts as a holder of the identity data to maintain the holder’s privacy and prevent identity theft. Therefore, an overwhelming number of users have two major problems, users who own data and third-party applications will handle it, and users who have no ownership of their data. Maintaining these identities will be a challenge these days. This paper proposes a system that solves the problem using blockchain technology for Digital Identity Management systems. Blockchain is a powerful techniqu

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
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The management of water distribution network using GIS application case study: AL-Karada area
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Abstract<p>Clean water supply is one of the major factors contributing significantly to society’s socio-economic transformation by improving living standards, health, and increasing productivity. It is imperative to plan and construct appropriate water supply systems in modern society, which supply various segments of society with safe drinking water according to their requirements to ensure adequate and quality water supply. In the current study, here was an attempt to develop a model for geographic information systems to manage the assets of the water distribution networks in the Karrada region and to evaluate the network geometrically, and from the results of the engineering analysis of the</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Network Performance Analysis Based on Network Simulator NS-2.
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     NS-2 is a tool to simulate networks and events that occur per packet sequentially based on time and are widely used in the research field. NS-2 comes with NAM (Network Animator) that produces a visual representation it also supports several simulation protocols. The network can be tested end-to-end. This test includes data transmission, delay, jitter, packet-loss ratio and throughput. The Performance Analysis simulates a virtual network and tests for transport layer protocols at the same time with variable data and analyzes simulation results based on the network simulator NS-2.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Intelligent Congestion Control of 5G Traffic in SDN using Dual-Spike Neural Network
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Software Defined Networking (SDN) with centralized control provides a global view and achieves efficient network resources management. However, using centralized controllers has several limitations related to scalability and performance, especially with the exponential growth of 5G communication. This paper proposes a novel traffic scheduling algorithm to avoid congestion in the control plane. The Packet-In messages received from different 5G devices are classified into two classes: critical and non-critical 5G communication by adopting Dual-Spike Neural Networks (DSNN) classifier and implementing it on a Virtualized Network Function (VNF). Dual spikes identify each class to increase the reliability of the classification

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
Evaluating the performance of project management using network diagrams methods: A case study in the Ramadi Municipality
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This study came for the reason that some project administrations still do not follow the appropriate scientific methods that enable them to perform their work in a manner that achieves the goals for which those projects arise, in addition to exceeding the planned times and costs, so this study aims to apply the methods of network diagrams in Planning, scheduling and monitoring the project of constructing an Alzeuot intersection bridge in the city of Ramadi, as the research sample, being one of the strategic projects that are being implemented in the city of Ramadi, as well as being one of the projects that faced during its implementation Several of problems, the project problem was studied according to scientific methods through the applica

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Philosophy Journal
Politically self-management: Hannah Arendt and understanding of the humanitarian situation Critique of totalitarianism to restore political action
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Analysis WIMAX Network Based on Coverage Planning
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In this paper, wireless network is planned; the network is predicated on the IEEE 802.16e standardization by WIMAX. The targets of this paper are coverage maximizing, service and low operational fees. WIMAX is planning through three approaches. In approach one; the WIMAX network coverage is major for extension of cell coverage, the best sites (with Band Width (BW) of 5MHz, 20MHZ per sector and four sectors per each cell). In approach two, Interference analysis in CNIR mode. In approach three of the planning, Quality of Services (QoS) is tested and evaluated. ATDI ICS software (Interference Cancellation System) using to perform styling. it shows results in planning area covered 90.49% of the Baghdad City and used 1000 mob

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Bridges Maintenance Management System based on Geographic Information System Techniques (Case study: AlMuthanna \ Iraq)
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A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computerized database management system for accumulating, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display spatial data. In general, GIS contains two broad categories of information, geo-referenced spatial data and attribute data. Geo-referenced spatial data define objects that have an orientation and relationship in two or three-dimensional space, while attribute data is qualitative data that can be counted for recording and analysis. The main aim of this research is to reveal the role of GIS technology in the enhancement of bridge maintenance management system components such as the output results, and make it more interpretable through dynamic colour coding and more sophisticated vi

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