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Community Structure of Benthic Algae in a Lotic Ecosystem, Karbala Province-Iraq
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This study focused on benthic algae (epipelic and attached algae on concrete lining stream) in Bani-Hassan stream in Holly Karbala, Iraq. The qualitative and quantitative studies of benthic algae were done by collecting 240 samples from five sites in the study area for the period from December 2012 to November 2013. Also, the environmental variables of the stream were examined in term of temporary and spatial. The results showed that the stream was alkaline, hard, oligohaline and a well aerated. The total nitrogen to the total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio indicates nitrogen limitation. 129 species of benthic algae belonging to 57 genera were identified. Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) was the predominant taxon (95 species) followed by Chlorophyceae (16 species), Cyanophyceae (14 species), Euglenophyceae (3 species) and Pyrophyceae (one species). Some genera were found throughout the study period: Nitzschia, Navicula, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Surirella, Cocconeis, Aulacoseira, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Spirulina, and ? Scenedesmus. Site 3 recorded the highest total number of algae in spring 2013, and the lowest total number was at site 5 in Autumn 2013. The chlorophyll-a concentration did not match the total number of algae.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Engineering And Management (ijaem)
The makers of sedition in light of Chapters (Al-Baqarah and Yusuf)/An objective study
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The makers of strife exist in every era and time. They differ in how these temptations are created and the methods used in doing so. In our modern era, they are more; This is due to the presence of information technology and its easy availability at their fingertips, as well as the spread of social networking sites, which are rapidly spreading among ignorant groups and groups that are deficient in their use. Which led the makers of sedition to exploit these matters and create various temptations and spread them among peoples and societies. Today, we cannot predict the future of humanity in light of this huge amount of temptation. What the Holy Qur’an mentioned about the types of temptations in its noble verses and their embodiment in seve

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
Journal Name
مؤسسة دار الصادق الثقافية
The vision of the Holy Qur’an in addressing (homosexuality) and the responsibility of those concerned
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Homosexuality is one of the important topics that have emerged in recent times in the Islamic and Arab world, as the topic was in the past one of the taboos and majorities and one of the topics that arouse disgust and is talked about secretly and practiced secretly as well.But today, with international and organizational support for this anomaly and its misrepresentation under the name of gender once again and gender again. It began to spread in all countries of the world, including Islamic and Arab countries, and with the presence of associations and influential people in the legislative and judicial authorities of countries that protect and defend homosexuals. Writing on this subject has become a necessity and a duty; to warn against the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Food on the Pharmacokinetics of Fluoxetine in Healthy Male Adult Volunteers(Conference Paper )#
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Fluoxetine (FX) is an antidepressant drug administered only orally in humans. Despite the wide use of FX, until now, there is only limited literature concerning the pharmacokinetics (PK) of FX and the effect of food on its PK. Thus, the objective of this investigation was to study the PK of FX in Arabic healthy male adult volunteers under fasting and fed conditions. In the fasting study, FX 20 mg capsules (Prozac®, Eli Lilly, Canada) were administered to 41 volunteers after overnight fasting of 12 hours, followed by blood sampling from each volunteer immediately before dosing (zero time) and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96, 120, and eventually at 144 hours after FX dosing. The fed study was conduct

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
أ.م. حسين علي خضير بهاري
Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab
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The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village and the city in his soul, the theme which is reflected in his poetry. Therefore, the researcher has translated the verses pertaining to this topic from Arabic into Russian so as to make the Russian reader know the important phases that talk about the village and city. The researcher has concluded that the theme of place, village and city has occupied a good portion of As-Sayyab's poetry, and that he (the poet) hated the city and expressed his wrath against it, because he viewed the city as embodiment of money and the degeneration of man. As opposed to this, As-Sayyab he loved being a farmer, and was

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 17 2024
Journal Name
Veterinary World
Characterization of food color additives and evaluation of their acute toxicity in Wistar albino rats
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Background and Aim: The use of food dyes can cause certain diseases, such as anemia and indigestion, along with other disorders, tumors, and even cancer. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the chemical nature and toxicity of some commercial dyes locally used in processed foods compared with standard food dyes. Materials and Methods: Three types of standard and commercial food color additives (Sunset Yellow, Tartrazine, and Carmoisine) were extensively examined. The chemical structures and functional groups of the dyes were evaluated by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The melting temperatures of the dyes were also determined by chemical thermal analysis. The acute toxicity test to evaluate the standard and commercial

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Correlation of Toxoplasmosis Seroprevalence and Serum Level of Interleukin-10 in Iraqi Breast Cancer Women
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Toxoplasmosis is regarded as one of the most important global life-threatening diseases in immune-compromised people. The intracellular protozoon Toxoplasma gondii is the causative pathogen of toxoplasmosis. Aim of this study is to investigate the possible association between T. gondii infection and breast cancer (BC) in Iraqi women, also to assess the effect of T. gondiion interleukin 10 (IL-10) of the immune response. By ELISA method, blood samples from 81 women with breast cancer and 60 apparently healthy women have been examined for presence of anti-toxoplasmaantibodies, also the levels of serum IL-10 were estimated in these subjects. Results showed that women with BC had the highest prevalence rate of toxoplasmosis. The anti- T.gondii

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
The effectiveness of topical vitamin k cream 1% in the treatment of steroid-induced rosacea
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Temperature on Gas and Liquid Products Distribution in Thermal Cracking of Nigerian Bitumen
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The increasing population growth resulting in the tremendous increase in consumption of fuels, energy, and petrochemical products and coupled with the depletion in conventional crude oil reserves and production make it imperative for Nigeria to explore her bitumen reserves so as to meet her energy and petrochemicals needs. Samples of Agbabu bitumen were subjected to thermal cracking in a tubular steel reactor operated at 10 bar pressure to investigate the effect of temperature on the cracking reaction. The gas produced was analyzed in a Gas Chromatograph while the liquid products were subjected to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Heptane was the dominant gas produced in bitumen cracking at all temperatures and the r

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Authentic Leadership on Contextual Performance Analytical research in the departments of Foreign Affairs
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This research aims to examine the correlation and the influence of Authentic Leadership on the contextual performance as a dependent variable, in the departments and Division of the iraqi Ministry of  Foreign Affairs To try out with a number of recommendations that contribute to raising the level of contextual performance in the Ministry. Starting from the importance of research in public organizations and its Role in society, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in accomplishing this research, The 99 people responded exclusively comprehensively, based on questionnaire that is include 28-item, using interviews and field observations as

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 18 2020
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Corrosion Protection of Pure Titanium Implant in Artificial Saliva by Electro-Polymerization of Poly Eugenol
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IN this work, a titanium dental implant was modified by electro-polymerized of 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol (Eugenol) using direct current lower than 3.5 volt. The modification of titanium dental implant was achieved to improve its corrosion resistant. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed to confirm the electro-polymerization of Eugenol to Poly Eugenol (PE) on pure titanium. Deposition of PE on titanium was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The surface morphology of polymeric film were examined through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Coated titanium by (PE) revealed a good corrosion protection efficiency even at temperature ranged (293-323)K in artificial saliva.

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