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In Vitro Toxicity Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles on Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
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The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica is a causative agent of amoebiasis, where it causes millions of cases of dysentery and liver abscess each year. Metronidazole is a drug of choice against amoebiasis. The drug is a choice because of its efficacy and low cost, but at the same time it causes several adverse side effects; therefore, it is important to find effective medications to treat amoebiasis without any complications or any side effects. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of different concentrations (50, 75 and 100 µg/ml) of silver nanoparticle (AgNPs) against trophozoites stages of E. histolytica in vitro. The results showed a significant decrease (p ? 0.05) in numbers of trophozoites stages after treated with AgNPs and metronidazole when it was compared with the control. Likewise, a significant difference (p ? 0.05) was also observed between AgNPs groups and metronidazole drug, while it did not significantly differ between different concentrations of AgNPs. The mortality rate values of the E. histolytica trophozoites after 48h incubation with AgNPs at a concentration of 50, 75 and 100 ?g/ml, and metronidazole were 37.2%, 42.4%, 46.7% and 100%, respectively. The microscopic studies confirmed that AgNPs were effective enough to induce apoptosis. Based on our results, the anti-parasitic activity of AgNPs at different concentrations will reduce the mean number of E. histolytica trophozoites.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization of Proteolytic Enzyme Loaded on Silver Nanoparticles
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme rich in cysteine proteases, extracted from the stem and fruit of pineapple (Ananas comosus). There are several therapeutic applications of the bromelain enzyme, where it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial activity, reduces joint pain, and accelerates wound healing. In the current study, bromelain enzyme was loaded on silver nanoparticles (Br-AgNPs) prepared using the citrate-reduction Turkevich method. Different characterization analyses were performed, including UV-Vis spectrophotometers, FTIR, SEM, and XRD analyses. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of prepared Br-AgNPs was evaluated by DPPH assay. The results of UV-Vis showed a peak at 434 nm, which referred to the AgNPs f

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 03 2021
Journal Name
Sys Rev Pharm
Evaluation Of Histological Changes In Kidney Of Male Albino Rats Treated With Silver Nanoparticles
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Agricultural Sciences,
Evaluation of potent silver nanoparticles production from agaricus bisporus against helicobacter pylori
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the Silver Nanoparticles on the Histology of Albino Mice Ovaries
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The aim of study is to identify the histological changes in ovaries of the albino mice exposed to silver nanoparticles. Sixty adult females were collected and exposures by 4000 p.p.m. and 50-150 nm in size, Females were divided into 3treated groups. The concentration dosage was (1, 1.5 and 2) p.p.m. of silver nanoparticles for 7, 14 and 21 days as exposure periods as well as control group which treated by normal saline. Treated groups appeared different histopathological changes, it is depending on the concentration of silver nanoparticles and the period of exposure. These changes were included congestion in the blood vessels, hemorrhage, hyaline degeneration, fatty degeneration, pyknosis, necrosis as well as fusion of cells in follicula

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
The effect of silver nanoparticles on braf gene expression
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The recent studies suggested the possible toxicities or genetic alterations associated with biological and medical applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The current research is directed to see if AgNPs administration can lead to some changes in expression of BRAF gene in selected body organs tissues. Fifty-six male of musmusculs (Balb/C) mice from the animal house of Al-Nahrain Centre of Biotechnology were used. These animals were divided randomly to seven groups (eight mouse in each group), one of these groups represented the control group, three groups were subjected to different doses of AgNPs (0.25, 0.5and 1 mg/kg of body weight) for one week, and the remaining three groups were subjected to three different doses of AgNP

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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The aim of this study is to synthesize an easy, non-toxic and eco-friendly method. Silver nanoparticles which were synthesized by leaf extract of mint were characterized by UV-Visible Spectroscopy which appears UVVisible spectrum of demonstrated a peak 448 nm corresponding to surface Plasmon resonance of silver nanoparticles, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); functional groups involved in the silver nanoparticles synthesis were identified, the presence of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) analysis clearly illustrated that the shape of silver nanoparticles was spherical and the size of the silver nanoparticles has been measured as 55- 85 nm. Evaluation of its antimic

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Fluorescence Intensity of Fluoreseina Dye Mixed in One Solution
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Metal enhanced fluorescence (MEF) is an unequaled phenomenon of metal nanoparticle surface plasmons, when light interacts with the metal nanostructures (silver nanoparticles) which result electromagnetic fields to promote the sensitivity of fluorescence. This work endeavor to study the influence of silver nanoparticles on fluorescence intensity of Fluoreseina dye by employment mixture solution with different mixing ratio. Silver nanoparticles had been manufactured by the chemical reduction method so that Ag NP layer coating had been done by hot rotation liquid method. The optical properties of the prepared samples (mixture solution of Fluoreseina dye solutions and colloidal solution with 5 minutes prepared of Ag NPs) tested by using UV-V

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and characterization of Silver nanoparticles: A review
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In the current century, nanotechnology has gained great interest due to its ability to modify the size of metals to the nanoscale, which dramatically changes the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of metals relative to their bulk counterparts. The approaches used to create nanoparticles (NPs) are physical, و chemical and وbiological. The shortcomings in physical and chemical synthesis approaches, such as the generation of toxic by-products, and energy consume as they require high temperature, pressure, power and lethal chemicals, contributed to an increased interest in biological synthesis by plants. Scientists have created a new filed called as "green nanotechnology" by fusing the idea of sustainability with nanotechno

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation, in vitro and ex-vivo Evaluation of Mirtazapine Nanosuspension and Nanoparticles Incorporated in Orodispersible Tablets
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          The objective of the present investigation was to enhance the solubility of practically insoluble mirtazapine by preparing nanosuspension, prepared by using solvent anti solvent technology. Mirtazapine is practically insoluble in water which act as antidepressant .It was prepared as nano particles in order to improve its solubility and dissolution rate. Twenty formulas were prepared and different stabilizing agents were used with different concentrations such as poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVPK-90), poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), poloxamer 188 and poloxamer 407. The ratios of drug to stabilizers used to prepare the nanoparticles were 1: 1 and 1:2. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2024
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Formulation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of olanzapine nanoparticles dissolving microneedles for transdermal delivery
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Olanzapine (OLZ) is classified as a typical antipsychotic drug utilized for the treatment of schizophrenia. Its oral bioavailability is 60% due to its low solubility and pre-systemic metabolism. Hence, the present work aims to formulate and evaluate OLZ nanoparticles dissolving microneedles (MNs) for transdermal delivery to overcome the problems associated with drug administration orally. OLZ nanoparticles were prepared by the nanoprecipitation method. The optimized OLZ nanoparticle formula was utilized for the fabrication of dissolving MNs by loading OLZ nanodispersion into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) micromould cavities, followed by casting the polymeric solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP-K30) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to form

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