The anatomical study of the epidermis leaflet for seven species and variety wild belonging to the genus Medicago L. species are: M. constricta Dur., M. coronata L., M. intertexta L., M. intertexta.var. ciliaris L., M. laciniata L., M. lupulina L., M. minima L. and M. sativa L. were studied, The search included epidermis characters and stomatal complexes addition to venation system in leaflets. It is revealed through the study, epidermis leaflet type Amphistomatic (the stomata spread on the upper and lower surface) as well as the presence of three types of stomatal complexes namely: Anisocytic (the guard cells surrounded by three unequal cell size), Anomocytic (not differential from subsidiary cells in epidermis) and Anomotetracytic (four cells surrounding the guard cell is irregular and varied). The results showed variations in dimensions and forms stomata and nature vertical walls and tangent to the upper and lower surfaces. The venation system distinguish by all the species studied as one of the type Simple craspedodromous in this system all secondary veins and branching ends at the margin of the blade leaflets, this found in all species. But there are clear differences in the Areoles shape and type of vienlets and at the ends, where these characters taxonomic and diagnostic value of the task in the species under study.
The most important features that we have reached through this study, are shown the cross-section of root were in the secondary growth stage and the epidermis of leaf were studded by stomata complex, the type of it was anomocytic that’s mean no have subsidiary cells around the guard cells, the mesophyll bifacial also the midrib region of leaf like the pear and the vascular bundle located in the center crescent in shape. The cross-sections of petiole ovate shape with two ears in the lateral side and the vascular bundles crescent in shape. The cross-section of fruits circular component of three-layer the outer layer pericarp, mesocarp, and the endocarp, surrounding the ovary or the see
The shape dimensions and characteristics of pollen grains and seeds have importance in distinguish among species. Therefore, the present study included morphological characteristics of pollen grains and seeds for eight species belonging to eight genera of the family Brassicaceae and these species are: Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb) Cavara et Grand, Aubrieta parviflora Boiss, Cardamine hirsuta L., Crambe orientalis L., Eromobium aegyptiacum (Spreng.) Asch.ex Boiss., Parlatoria cakiloidea Boiss., Sterigmostemum sulphureum (Banksetsol.) Bornm. Neotorularia torulosa (Desf.) Hedge & J. Leonard. The pollen grains were studied in morphological and full measurements were taken, the study showed that the majority of the pollen grai
... Show MoreThe research was aimed to identify fruits morphological characteristics of 33 taxa belonging to the Lepidieae tribe from Brassicaceae. The characteristics of the fruit's general shape, apex shape, dimensions, colors, surface ornamentation, and beak were determined, the results indicated the importance of each of those characters in isolated species, In general, all the tribe's fruits were open capsule and short silicula. According to the dimensions of fruit, three species can be distinguished as a group with dimensions greater than 20mm, as in Brossardia, Coluteocarpus, and Didymophysa, and depending on the shape, it was possible to differentiate the species within this group, while the other species were less than 20 mm. in dimensi
... Show MoreThe genus Ziziphus is one of the Family Rhamnaceae and consists of more than 170 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. All the species in the genus are of economical and medical importance. This study was conducted to identify the morphologically and anatomically features of the genus in Iraq. The field survey was conducted across the study area where 4 species (Ziziphus jujube, Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia and Z. spina-christi) were collected and used in the study. The result showed that there is variation in morphological and anatomical features among the species in the stem cross-section and longitudinal section of leaves also the differences appeared in the epidermis of leaves.
In this study four species from Solanaceae family was conducted. These four species belong to four different genera (Solanum L. ? Physalis L. ?Withania Pauq. ? Lycium L.) The study included morphological characters of sex organs and their pollen grains for these Iraqi wild plants.The results showed that the position of epipetalous stamens , the shape of anther, their dimensions ,and the length of filaments are important taxonomical characters .On the others hand the shape of their ovaries and stigmas are also important characters in distinguish between these four species .Pollen grains are similar in their general shapes and polarities, they have three germinal furrows and germinal apertures, so they are minor in distinguish between these f
... Show MoreG. tuberculosa is a newly recorded species from the Caryophyllaceae family for Iraqi flora, collected from the Arbil district from May to August. Morphological descriptions with macro and micro features illustrated with plates and dimensions, the species is related to G. pallida and distinguished from calyx properties, especially the presence of large prominent druses crystals. Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, Gypsophila, Iraq, New record, pallida.
Abstract The present work included morphological, anatomical, and palynological characters for the new species Acaalypha australis L. specimens, which belong to the family Euphorbiaceae. The species recorded in the study for the first time in Iraq. The plants of this species are annual herbs with green, striated or sub – polygonal stem, and branched near bases, Leaves are simple spirally alternate and lanceolate in shape. Flowers are unisexual, arranged in the axial of distinct leafy and cordate bracts, female flower arranged at the bracts bases and each flower with trileafed perianth and superior ovary with trilobed stylar stigma which has dense and coiled stigmatic hairs. Male flowers are arranged as a mixed verticellate inflorescence a
... Show MoreKeys to four genera and twelve species of the subfamily Phlaeothripinae (Phlaeothripidae) were constructed, these are: Haplothrips; Karnyothrips; Phlaeothrips; and Dolicholepta ,and the species are: Haplothrips cerealis Priesner; Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov, Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday) ؛ Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner ; Haplothrips pharao Priesner ; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner ; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall) ; Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). These were collected from Baghdad
... Show MoreThe study included the determination of pollen grains features for 8 genera and 13 taxa of Mimosoideae subfamily grown in Baghdad/ Iraq by using each of light and scanning electron microscope. The samples of taxa were collected from various sites in Baghdad province in central Iraq located on 32 45° 0-33 45 0 N and 44 0 0- 44° 45 0 E. the results from this study revealed different pollen types as monad in each of Leucaena, Prosopis, and Neltuma, tetrad in Mimosa and polyads in Acacia, Albizia, Calliandra, Pithecellobium and Vachellia. Each taxa of these genera characterized by special palynological features as shape, size, number of polyads grain and conplateuration as well as other parameters included other dimensions, and these
... Show MoreAstragalus mesogitanus is a new recorded species for Iraqi flora, from Onobrychium genus section, was collected from Erbil district, all morphological features were described in details as well as some micromorphological character as the trichomes and were provided with dimensions and plates, section key was also updated which illustrated the importance of standard (corolla) trichomes in species identification. Keywords: Astragalus, Fabaceae, Iraq, New record, Onobrychium, Trichomes.