Infertilityis oneuof the most problemsathatufacingaadvancedunations. In the general, about halfof allacasesaof the infertility are causedby factors thaturelated toathe male partner. Propos educausesvofumalev infertility include evgeneticuand environmental factors. Blood samples from 64 infertileumen allawere living in urban its al-Fallujah city (30 azospermeiauand 34 oligospermeia) and 32 fertile men (asuthe control group) were collected. Heavy metal concentrations inusera of infertile and fertile groupswereumeasured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Y- chromosomemicrodeletions were detected by using PCR techniques. Significantdifferences (P?0.05)uin the concentration ofucopper (0.0267±0.0147 and 0.0278±0.0273, for infertileuand fertile group respectively), cadmium (0.0477± 0.0038 and 0.0446±0.0059, respectively) and zinc (1.08 ± 0.16) in fertile groupamoreover wereadetected, no deletionsawere recorded in Y Chromosome in peopleuwho exposed to heavy metals in each a azospermiavor severe oligospermia groups. Spermatogenesis disruption in theamale at any phase of cell differentiationamay be increased the abnormaluof sperm count also decrease theutotalspermucount, impair the stability of sperm chromatinuordamageain the sperm DNA.
In this work the corrosion behavior of Al metal was studied by using non- destructive testing (NDT), which is a noninvasive technique for determining the integrity of a material. The ultrasonic waves was used to measure the corrosion which occur by two corrosive medium (0.1N sodium chloride and 0.1N sodium hydroxide) and study the corrosion by weight-loss method and electrochemical method in addition to performance the microscopic inspection for the samples before and after the immersion in the corrosive medium. Corrosion parameters were interpreted in these media which involve corrosion potential (Ecorr) and corrosion current density (icorr). The results indicate that both
... Show MoreThis study was designed to monitor the ambient air pollution in several sites within Baghdad City of Iraq. The readings started from May 2016 to April 2017. The highest concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was 2.28 ppmm-3 while nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was 3.68 ppmm-3 and suspended particulate matter was 585.1 ?gm-3. This study also included estimating the value of the air pollution tolerance index (APTI) for four plant's species Olea europaea L., Ziziphus spina-Christi (L.) Desf, Albizia lebbeck(L.) Benth. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Were cultivated on the road sides. The study includes four biochemical parameters, total chlorophyll content, ascorbic acid content, pH and relative water content of plant leaves. The results show that
... Show MoreAl-Yusifia river was assessed at three sampling stations with study period from Autumn 2010 to the end of Summer 2011. The present investigation was carried out on diversity of fungi and bacteria from Al-Yusifia river, Baghdad city. During the study, a total of 12 fungal genus and 6 bacterial genus were isolated during the year seasons. The dominant fungus at the three stations were Penicillium sp., then Rhizopus and Trichophyton megninii while the dominant bacteria was Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp.
The higher
... Show MoreThe determination of river pollution impact on the performance of water treatment plants is achieved by two main objectives. The first is to study raw and treated water qualities and comparing them with standards and the second is to evaluate the treatment plants efficiency. The analyzed data were those water quality parameters in relation to physical, chemical and bacteriological characteristics for river water and produced water by seven water treatment plants located on Tigris River passing through Baghdad City.
The results of this study indicated that all raw water characteristic are within the surface water standards established by Iraqi and USA criteria except Bacterial Counts.
Tigris River water is of good quality to be trea
Many additives are used to improve the performance of cables in terms of increasing their flame retardancy, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and other characteristics. Unfortunately, most of these additives contain heavy metals. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to introduce a material representing a new generation of environmentally friendly heavy metal-free stabilizers for cable grade poly(vinyl chloride) that can compete with traditional materials in terms of performance and distinctive properties. This unique additive is Oxydtron, a synthetic silicate or simply nanocement. The tests performed are rheological properties represented by a capillary rheometry analysis, limiting o
This study was carried out to determine the heavy metal accumulation of Juncus rigidus Desfontaines, 1798 from three different regions of the Basrah Province in Southern of Iraq. Specifically, the concentrations of lead, nickel, and cadmium were determined in the roots, culms and leaves of the plant. The results indicated that the highest accumulation of the heavy metal was recorded in lead (Pb) 12.50± 3.58 mg kg-1and then in nickel (< 0.30). The lowest value was recorded for cadmium (< 0.05). As well, lead concentrations in J. rigidus varied in different locations and parts of the plant from undetectable in control to 12.66, 19.33, and 9.80 mg kg-1 in leaves, culm, and roots respective
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