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Heavy Metal Pollution and Men Infertility in Al-Falluja City
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Infertilityis oneuof the most problemsathatufacingaadvancedunations. In the general, about halfof allacasesaof the infertility are causedby factors thaturelated toathe male partner. Propos educausesvofumalev infertility include evgeneticuand environmental factors. Blood samples from 64 infertileumen allawere living in urban its al-Fallujah city (30 azospermeiauand 34 oligospermeia) and 32 fertile men (asuthe control group) were collected. Heavy metal concentrations inusera of infertile and fertile groupswereumeasured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Y- chromosomemicrodeletions were detected by using PCR techniques. Significantdifferences (P?0.05)uin the concentration ofucopper (0.0267±0.0147 and 0.0278±0.0273, for infertileuand fertile group respectively), cadmium (0.0477± 0.0038 and 0.0446±0.0059, respectively) and zinc (1.08 ± 0.16) in fertile groupamoreover wereadetected, no deletionsawere recorded in Y Chromosome in peopleuwho exposed to heavy metals in each a azospermiavor severe oligospermia groups. Spermatogenesis disruption in theamale at any phase of cell differentiationamay be increased the abnormaluof sperm count also decrease theutotalspermucount, impair the stability of sperm chromatinuordamageain the sperm DNA.

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Aesthetic Elements of Urban Townscape of al Nasiriyah City
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the visual and aesthetic characteristics of the city depending on understanding several levels of visual and aesthetic characteristics to the city, starting with the study of the physical characteristics and morphology of the city in general, and urban style to it, and then study of visual composition of the city from the optical components that affect the composition of the image (visual composition) of the city represent by pathways, borders, regions and the specific features as classified by (Kevin Lynch), and then studying the details and the attention of all elements that would confer the beautiful appearance as necessary for the needs of society and the environment in general, for example, interest in the distribution and c

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
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Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wahda Treatment Plant in Baghdad City- Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate drinking water quality at the Al Wahda plant (WTP) in Baghdad city. A conventional water treatment plant with an average flow rate of 72.82 MLD. Water samples were taken from the influent and effluent of the treatment plant and analyzed for some physicochemical and biological parameters during the period from June to November 2020. The results of the evaluation indicate that treated water has almost the same characteristics as raw water; in other terms, the plant units do not remove pollutants as efficiently as intended. Based on this, the station appears to be nothing more than a series of water passage units. However, apart from Total dissolved solids, the mean values of all parameters in the study were

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 07 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wathba Treatment Plant in Baghdad City-Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wahda Treatment Plant in Baghdad City- Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate drinking water quality at the Al Wahda plant (WTP) in Baghdad city. A conventional water treatment plant with an average flow rate of 72.82 MLD. Water samples were taken from the influent and effluent of the treatment plant and analyzed for some physicochemical and biological parameters during the period from June to November 2020. The results of the evaluation indicate that treated water has almost the same characteristics as raw water; in other terms, the plant units do not remove pollutants as efficiently as intended. Based on this, the station appears to be nothing more than a series of water passage units. However, apart from Total dissolved solids, the mean values of all parameters in th

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
Enhancement of thermal characteristics of flexible poly(vinyl chloride) for automotive applications by using environmentally friendly heavy metal-free modifier
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This work intends to develop an effective heavy metal-free modifier having properties comparable to traditional stabilizers and flame retardants, simultaneously being environmentally friendly and may be superior in many aspects. The important requirement focused on is: how to increase thermal stability and flame retardancy of flexible poly(vinyl chloride). Due to the typical materials now used with poly(vinyl chloride), which increases health and environmental concerns, utilizing a novel heavy metal-free additive will make poly(vinyl chloride) substantially safer. We have used an artificial silicate for this aim, which proved to be an efficient flame retardant and surprisingly showed excellent heat stabilizing effect. Thermal stabi

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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A comprehensive review on modelling the adsorption process for heavy metal removal from waste water using artificial neural network technique
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Violations of women to men in the jurisprudence of Hajj
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful



Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.


I have looked at a part of the jurisprudence of Hajj jurisprudence, which is needed now, especially after it facilitated travel to perform Hajj and Umrah, so the need was an advocate and a list for writing in it, which is beneficial to Hajj, Umrah and the guide.

And this important part is the things that contravene the woman's man in the Hajj and after the search and tracking found that there are ten things that get the violati

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Relationship between Third Trimester Vaginal Bleeding Medical Causes and pregnancy Outcomes of Pregnant Women Attending Bint Al-Huda Hospital in Al-Nasiriya City
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Objective: To find out the relationship between vaginal bleeding during third trimester and pregnancy outcomes. Methodology: A purposive sample is "Non-probability" of (100) women who had diagnostic vaginal bleeding during third trimester (27-40wk) of pregnancy, and who visited the Bint Al-Huda Hospital for the period from 15th Feb. to 17th May 2015.Validity and reliability of questionnaire are determined through pilot study. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyze the data, and the data were collected by using interview technique, constructed questionnaire has been desig

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluate the Rate of Pollution in Soil using Simulink Environment
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       In this paper we design a Simulink model which can be evaluate the concentration of Copper, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel, Crum and Iron. So, this model would be a method to determine the contamination levels of these metals with the potential for this contamination sources with their impact. The aim of using Simulink environment is to solve differential equations individually and as given data in parallel with analytical mathematics trends. In general, mathematical models of the spread heavy metals in soil are modeled and solve to predict the behavior of the system under different conditions.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Psychological Pollution
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The psychological pollution term comes from the realism that we live in its world. This
realism threatens our privet and the identity of our civilization. There is complete believe that
the literature of psychological pollution is insufficient to cover the whole horizons of this
The psychological pollution has its root in the theories of the development of humanities
within the organization of the history. Some of these theories are the exceptional cultural
theory, the faithfulness theory and the integration theory and the identity losing.
The psychological pollution handles several concepts such as the engagement, the social
decay and the concept of cultural invasion.

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