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A study of Soil Invertebrates community in a Date - Palm plantation in Baghdad, Iraq
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Soil invertebrates community an important role as part of essential food chain and responsible for the decomposition in the soil, helps soil aeration , nutrients recycling and increase agricultural production by providing the essential elements necessary for photosynthesis and energy flow in ecosystems.The aim of the present study was to investigate the soil invertebrates community in one of the date palms plantation in Aljaderia district South of Baghdad, , and their relationships with some physical and chemical properties of the soil , as Five randomly distributed replicates of soil samples were collected monthly. Invertebrates samples were sorted from the soil with two methods, direct method to isolate large invertebrates and indirectly to isolate small invertebrates using wet funnel method. The study also included the determination of physical and chemical factors of the soil (Temperature, Salinity, pH, Organic matter, Humidity, In addition to the soil texture).Monthly fluctuations in physical and chemical characteristics of the soil and the total invertebrates community study site were determined. Significant correlations the of the invertebrates community and each of temperature, organic matter, and humidity were observed. The study revealed that the temperature of the soil ranged between 5 to 25 C0 , The salinity concentration ranged between 1.1-1.9 ‰, The pH values ranged between 7.3 to 7.8 and the percentage of soil moisture ranged between 15 - 25% , Soil samples were composed of 44.6 % Clay, 19.7% Silt and 35.5% Sand.A total of 4625 individuals of soil invertebrates belonging to 16 taxa were sorted , within which the adult and larval insects were the most abundant, and from them 1283 individuals were sorted , represented 28% of the total numbers, followed by Isopoda , which 1030 individuals of them were sorted, In addition to Nematode, Oligochaetes Annelids family Enchytraeidae, and Earthworms family Lumbricida, Species of Chilopoda, Diplopoda, mites, land snails and slugs. The highest total individual number were recorded recorded durim moderate temperature months, February, March and April amounted to 838, 801 and 813 individuals, respectively.A significant correlation was mated between total number of soil invertebrates and each of temperature, organic matter and humidity. The significant difference in means was calculated according to LSD test.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Chemical And Process Engineering Research
Synthesis and Characterization of Gelatin-G-Poly (Acryloyl Amide) Proflavine and Controlled Release Study
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Gelatin-grafted N- proflavine acryl amide was synthesized through two steps; firstly the Gelatin was grafted with acrylic acid free radically using Ammonium per-sulfate at 60℃, Then it was modified to its corresponding acyl chloride derivation, second step included the substitution with amino group of proflavine, in this research Gelatin was used as a natural nontoxic, water soluble polymer as a drug carrier. The prepared pro drug polymer was characterized by FTIR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies, Controlled drug release was studied in different pH values at 37℃. Many advantages were obtained comparing with other known methods.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Synthesis, Characterization and Study Biological Activity of Some New Compounds Derived From Phthalic Anhydride
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In this research , phthallic anhydride ring is opened with 4-methyl aniline and acetone as a solvent to results the compound [I] that reacted with dimethyl sulphate and anhydrous sodium carbonate formation to phathalate ester [II], while the acid hydrazide compound [III], was obtained from mixed the compound [II]with hydrazine hydrate, Synthesis four type of shiff bases[IV]a-d was synthesized from the reaction of acid hydrazide [III] with aromatic aldehyde or ketone , when reacted Shiff bases with phthalic anhydride or naphthalicanhydride,I get eight derivatives of oxazepine [V]a-d , [VI]a-d. The bacterial activity of the new compounds studied by four species of bacteria: Esherichia Coli, Enterobactecloacae (Gram negative) and staphylococcu

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using GPR Technique Assessment for Study the Sub-Grade of Asphalt and Concrete Conditions
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The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is frequently used in pavement engineering
for road pavement inspection. The main objective of this work is to validate
nondestructive, quick and powerful measurements using GPR for assessment of subgrade
and asphalt /concrete conditions. In the present study, two different antennas
(250, 500 MHz) were used. The case studies are presented was carried in University
of Baghdad over about 100m of paved road. After data acquisition and radar grams
collection, they have been processed using RadExplorer V1.4 software
implementing different filters with the most effective ones (time zero adjustment and
DC removal) in addition to other interpretation tool parameters.
The interpretatio

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Study on the effect of diesel engine oil contaminated with fuel on engine performance
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An experiment was conducted to study how SAE 50 engine oil contaminated with diesel fuel affects engine performance. The engine oil was contaminated with diesel fuel at concentrations of 0%, 1%, and 3%. The following performance characteristics were studied: brake-specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, friction power, and exhaust gas temperature. Each treatment was tested three times. The three treatments (0%, 1%, and 3%) were analyzed statistically with a one-way ANOVA model at the 5% probability level to determine if the three treatments produced significant differences in engine performance. The statistical results showed that there were significant differences in engine performance metrics among the three treatments. The 3

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic and Theoretical Study of Removal Gentian Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Stachy Plant
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     The main parameters and methods influencing the removal of Gentian Violet (GV) dye from aqueous media were investigated using a stachy plant in this study. The surface of the stachy plant was determined using FTIR spectra. Adsorption is influenced by the adsorbent's characteristic groups. The research took into account the usual conditions for GV dye adsorption by the stachy plant, such as the impact of contact time. Mass dosage , after 0.3 g the amount of adsorbed dye declines. Study pH and ionic strength, the results obtained showed that at pH 3 the largest adsorption of (GV) was seen, while at pH 9, the lowest adsorption was observed  at 298 K, the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium constants were achieved, and the equilibr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Crisis: Forms- Indicators- Models- and Financial Contagion Theoretical - Analytical Study of Asian Crisis
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اسهم تطور ادوات الاسواق المالية والتغيرات العالمية كالعولمة المالية وتحرير الاسواق المالية العالمية في احداث العديد من الازمات ومنها الازمة المالية الدولية التي تعد من اكثر الظواهر ملازمة للاسواق المالية على الرغم من التطورات التي تشهدها تلك الاسواق نتيجة تطور ادواتها المالية وانفتاحها على بعضها البعض. وتتعرض الاسواق المالية الدولية والناشئة  (Emerging Market) منها بشكل خاص ا

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison study of Interleukin-1 alpha between Unstable Angina and Acute Myocardial Infarction patients
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Multiple studies support a role for inflammation in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis and unstable cardiac syndromes. However, of the known pro-inflammatory cytokines, only elevated plasma levels of interleukin-6(IL-6) have been linked to Unstable Angina. We sought to examine the plasma levels of other major proinflammatory cytokines in similar clinical settings patients with unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction and the relationship extent between them. This study aimed to investigate and compare the level of IL-1 in Unstable Angina and Acute Myocardial Infarction patients. Thirty patients with unstable angina and thirty patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, also thirty healthy individual as control were included

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Fatigue and Bending Properties For Epoxy / Kevlar - Glass Fibers and Hybrid Composite
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In this research a study of the effect of quality, sequential and directional layers for three types of fibers are:(Kevlar fibers-49 woven roving and E- glass fiber woven roving and random) on the fatigue property using epoxy as matrix. The test specimens were prepared by hand lay-up method the epoxy resin used as a matrix type (Quick mast 105) in prepared material composit . Sinusoidal wave which is formed of variable stress amplitudes at 15 Hz cycles was employed in the fatigue test ( 10 mm )and (15mm) value 0f deflection arrival to numbers of cycle failure limit, by rotary bending method by ( S-N) curves this curves has been determined ( life , limit and fa

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The educational violence and it's reflections on study attainment of the primary stage pupils
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Problem of the research: 

The studies and researches have noticed the aggravation of violence practice in all educational means using different and innovated styles against children in the school and house in order to upbringing by the parents or the school .

It is a training method for the person to participate in the society and prepare him to be an effective member.

The current research confines the children in age (6-12) years old representing the primary stage who face different kind of violence during the familiar or school education.

The current research aims to:

1 – The kinds of violence which happens to the children in the primary

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Extraction of Iraqi Jasminumsambac (L.)Oil and Study It?s Effect as Antioxidant Agents
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Key words:Jasminumsambac, Volatile oil, Antioxidant.

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