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A study of Soil Invertebrates community in a Date - Palm plantation in Baghdad, Iraq
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Soil invertebrates community an important role as part of essential food chain and responsible for the decomposition in the soil, helps soil aeration , nutrients recycling and increase agricultural production by providing the essential elements necessary for photosynthesis and energy flow in ecosystems.The aim of the present study was to investigate the soil invertebrates community in one of the date palms plantation in Aljaderia district South of Baghdad, , and their relationships with some physical and chemical properties of the soil , as Five randomly distributed replicates of soil samples were collected monthly. Invertebrates samples were sorted from the soil with two methods, direct method to isolate large invertebrates and indirectly to isolate small invertebrates using wet funnel method. The study also included the determination of physical and chemical factors of the soil (Temperature, Salinity, pH, Organic matter, Humidity, In addition to the soil texture).Monthly fluctuations in physical and chemical characteristics of the soil and the total invertebrates community study site were determined. Significant correlations the of the invertebrates community and each of temperature, organic matter, and humidity were observed. The study revealed that the temperature of the soil ranged between 5 to 25 C0 , The salinity concentration ranged between 1.1-1.9 ‰, The pH values ranged between 7.3 to 7.8 and the percentage of soil moisture ranged between 15 - 25% , Soil samples were composed of 44.6 % Clay, 19.7% Silt and 35.5% Sand.A total of 4625 individuals of soil invertebrates belonging to 16 taxa were sorted , within which the adult and larval insects were the most abundant, and from them 1283 individuals were sorted , represented 28% of the total numbers, followed by Isopoda , which 1030 individuals of them were sorted, In addition to Nematode, Oligochaetes Annelids family Enchytraeidae, and Earthworms family Lumbricida, Species of Chilopoda, Diplopoda, mites, land snails and slugs. The highest total individual number were recorded recorded durim moderate temperature months, February, March and April amounted to 838, 801 and 813 individuals, respectively.A significant correlation was mated between total number of soil invertebrates and each of temperature, organic matter and humidity. The significant difference in means was calculated according to LSD test.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Chemical and Biological Study of Iraqi Kurdistan Chamomile Flower (Matricaria recutita L)
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In this study, the chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutitaL) which grow in Iraqi Kurdistan region during the seasons of (2008) are collected. The percentage of essential oil was determined by using steam distillation and the extraction of flowers performed with petroleum ether (70-80) ºC and methanol 70% using ultrasonic extraction. Total phenolic compounds were determined from methanol extracts by using Folin-Ciocalteu method. The extracts were evaluated by thin layer chromatography, ultraviolet absorption and the biological activities were evaluated through their antibacterial action against two types of bacteria using hole method. The flowers showed a composition of 0.071% ash, 0.4% essential oil, 3.2% non oily compounds, 4% oil, 1.9% mo

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 15 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Construction and Characterization of Organic Solar Cell and Study the Operational Properties
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This article reviews the construction of organic solar cell (OSC) and characterized their optical and electrical properties, where indium tin oxide (ITO) used as a transparent electrode, “Poly (3-hexylthiophene- 2,5-diyl) P3HT / Poly (9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) F8BT” as an active layer and “Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly (styrene sulfonate)” PEDOT: PSS which is referred to the hole transport layer. Spin coating technique was used to prepared polymers thin film layers under ambient atmosphere to make OSC.  The prepared samples were characterized after annealing process at (80 ͦ C) for (30 min) under non-isolated circumference. The results show a value of filling factor (FF) of (2.888), (0.233) and (0.28

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The study of behavior titanium pure commercially coated with hydroxyapatite and zirconia
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Computational Condensed Matter
Computational modeling study on the physical properties of Pd doped BaTiO3 perovskite
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This contribution investigates structural, electronic, and optical properties of cubic barium titanate (BaTiO3) perovskites using first-principles calculations of density functional theory (DFT). Generalized gradient approximations (GGA) alongside with PW91 functional have been implemented for the exchange–correlation potential. The obtained results display that BaTiO3 exhibits a band gap of 3.21 eV which agrees well with the previously experimental and theoretical literature. Interestingly, our results explore that when replacing Pd atom with Ba and Ti atoms at 0.125 content a clear decrease in the electronic band gap of 1.052 and 1.090 eV located within the visible range of electromagnetic wavelengths (EMW). Optical parameters such as a

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 02 2023
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Comparative Study of IgG Between Iraqi Covid-19 Patients and Vaccinated Individuals
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COVID-19 is a coronavirus disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) was responsible for 87,747,940 recorded infections and 1,891,352 confirmed deaths as of January 9, 2021. Antibodies that target the Sprotein are efficient in neutralizing the virus. Methodology: 180 samples were collected from clinical sources (Blood and Nasopharyngeal swabs) and from different ages and genders at diverse hospitals in Baghdad / IRAQ between November 5, 2021, to January 20, 2022. All samples were confirmed infected with COVID-19 disease by RT-PCR technique. Haematology analysis and blood group were done for all samples, and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay used an Ig

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 03 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the variation of synodic month for the moon through 2000-2100
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In this research study the synodic month for the moon and theirrelationship with the mean anomaly for the moon orbit and date A.Dand for long periods of time (100 years), we was design a computerprogram that calculates the period of synodic months, and thecoordinates of the moon at the moment of the new moon with highaccuracy. During the 100 year, there are 1236 period of synodicmonths.We found that the when New Moon occurs near perigee (meananomaly = 0°), the length of the synodic month at a minimum.Similarly, when New Moon occurs near apogee (mean anomaly =180°), the length of the synodic month reaches a maximum. Theshortest synodic month on 2053 /1/ 16 and lasted (29.27436) days.The longest synodic month began on 2008 /11/ 27 a

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of social capital in enhancing the psychological empowerment of workers Applied research in the Directorate of the Municipality of Samawah
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 The current research aims to study social capital and its effect in enhancing the psychological empowerment of workers through the two variables of social capital within its dimensions (structural, relational, cognitive) and the variable of psychological empowerment within its components (ability, meaning, personal will and influence). The questionnaire was used as a main tool in the collection of data and with data collected from a sample of 168 employees in the Municipality of Samawa Municipality, which is part of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works. The results of the research (The impact of social capital in enhancing the psychological empowerment of workersApplied research in the Dire

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 28 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.: The Effect of Cooking Utensils in the Food Content of Elements.
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the study aimed to identify the impact of the types of cooking utensils in transition metal elements to food and the effect of acid and storage in the concentration of these elements. used five types of cooking utensils including aluminum. tefal, astainls steel, glass. (pyrex), and ceramic prepared in it the food meal. the same meals were repeated add to them acid. the estimate of mineral elements in the meal prepared before storage and after storage in refrigerator temperature degree. the result shows the increase of aluminum concentration in the meals that prepared in aluminum pot reaching 2.913 pmm while reached less concentration in the meal prepared in astainls pot reaching 0.325 pmm. the highest concentration of iron reached 25.2 p

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Archives Of Polish Fisheries
Meristic character variability among populations of Silurus triostegus Heckel, 1843 from the Euphrates, Tigris, and Shatt al-Arab Rivers, Iraq
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Abstract<p>Variation in the numbers of pectoral fin spines and rays, pelvic fin rays, gill rakers on the first gill arch, anal fin rays, and the number of vertebrae of Silurus triostegus Heckel were examined in specimens from 16 localities that span its entire distribution range in the Tigris, Euphrates, and Shatt al-Arab rivers in Iraq. The mean number of the six meristic traits increases toward high latitudes with maximum and minimum values in the north and south of Iraq. Based on cluster analysis and PCA, the Mesopotamian river samples were clearly separated into three distinct groups. The upper Tigris populations were isolated from those of the middle and southern populations of this river and from those of</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The predatory bush crickets Saga ephippigera Fischer Von Waldheim, 1846 is the largest Iraqi orthopterans and one of the most active and successful predators in the Kurdistan region. The nymphs and adults prey on all the stages of various species of insects. Twelve adult specimens were collected from Erbil Province during May 2018 and June 2021. Morphological structures of the adult insects were described and illustrated in details; important taxonomic characteristics of body regions with their appendages were chosen; and the results indicated the importance of morphological characteristics which confirmed the identification of this species correctly.

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