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Study the genesis of the Moons of Jupiter and their Physical Properties
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A developed model has been put for the hypothesis of capturing moons in explaining the origin of Jupiter moons, and study the change of the orbital properties of these satellites as well as the distance from the planet. Jupiter moons were divided into two types according to their physical and orbital properties, they are the moons , which are formed from the same material as the planet, so it was named the original moons ,while the moons that have been captured from the surrounding space was renamed exotic moons . And the moons of exotic origin asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt in the region which is behind Neptune, the origin of each clique of moons is an asteroid fragmented after colliding previously with another body and then gathered again by simple gravity of its parts among them, and then it has been disintegrated once again due to the influence of the gravity of the planet against it, and the process of captivity are due to the gravitational interaction between the asteroid or comet and the planet when one of them enters within Hill ball to Jupiter.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Field Study of Ecological Factors Influencing Visceral Leishmaniasis Foci
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   The main elements of traditional foci of visceral leishmaniasis in the endemic area were studied. The complex relationships between biotic and abiotic factor in the study foci. Also the presence of possible reservoirs of disease with density of sandflies were examined.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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 The existence of the tax Coupled with the existence of the power of the political   Sociality and the evolution of its concept differes according to the concept of the role of the state and its evolution in the economical life and  it represents on of the main sources of funding one hand and an effective means that enables the state to intervene in various aspects of the economic life on the other hand. Tax also can be considered as a tool used to re-distribue the in class. Perhaps Iraq suffers from and in the marginalization to the role of taxes in funding and in turn the adoption of the Iraqi budget on oil revenues to finance the aspects of expenitvre which can pose a risk on the total Iraq

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Study of Forward Osmosis Using Various Drawing Agent
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This research was aimed to study the osmotic efficiency of the draw solutions and the factors affecting the performance of forward osmosis process : The draw solutions used were magnesium sulfate hydrate (MgSO4.7H2O) pojtassium chloride (KCL), calcium chloride (CaCl2) and ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3). It was found that water flux increases with increasing draw solution concentration, and feed solution flow rate and decreases with increasing draw solution flow rate and feed solution concentration. And also found that the efficiency of the draw solutions is in the following order:

CaCl2> KCI > NH4HCO3> MgSO4.7H

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomical study of species Zygophyllum fabago L. in Iraq.
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The present study dealt with taxonomic characters of species Zygophyllum fabago L. in Iraq . this study included the exo-morphological characters which indicated that the species was sub-shrub with solid stem and swallow nodes ,with compound bifoliate and stipulate leaves, the flower is complete and perfect with clawed petals . stamen colored with scaly appendage , fruit capsule with ribs . Anatomical study of vegetative parts indicate that the sclerenchymal tissue was very diffuse in stem such as fibers and sclerides ( stone cells ) , the leaves were bifacial . The geographical distiribution of the species plants was studied . The results supported with photographs

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Two Types Finite Graphs in KU-Semigroups
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      In this Ë‘work, we present theË‘ notion of the Ë‘graph for a KU-semigroup  as theË‘undirected simple graphË‘ with the vertices are the elementsË‘ of  and weË‘Ë‘study the Ë‘graph ofË‘ equivalence classesË‘ofË‘  which is determinedË‘ by theË‘ definition equivalenceË‘ relation ofË‘ these verticesË‘, andË‘ then some related Ë‘properties areË‘ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. ByË‘ usingË‘ the definitionË‘ ofË‘ isomorphicË‘ graph, Ë‘we showË‘ thatË‘ the graphË‘ of equivalence Ë‘classes Ë‘and the Ë‘graphË‘of Ë‘a KU-semigroup Ë‘  areË‘ theË‘ sameË‘,

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying lean construction tools to improving the results of the earned value management model: Applied research in Al-Rasheed General Company for Construction Contracting
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Contracting companies play a prominent role today in economic activity, due to their contribution to the implementation of major construction projects which together constitute the infrastructure of society. Most construction projects also suffer from exceeding the time and cost specified and planned for the completion of the project, and this comes for several reasons, including the work environment, country conditions, The method of managing project costs and the techniques used in its implementation Accordingly, the concepts of lean construction came, which help in addressing the causes of waste, both in time and cost, in addition to the fact that project management needs techniques that are useful in controlling the control and manag

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of financing structure on bank profits : Applied research on a sample of commercial banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2011-2020)
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The research aims to identify the concept of financing structure and what are the determinants that affect it and the goals achieved by financing in commercial banks in addition to the sources upon which the financing structure depends consisting of internal financing sources and external financing sources and their connection to the profits of commercial banks. Baghdad, Khaleeji Commercial Bank) registered in the Iraq Stock Exchange during the period for the years (2011-2020) published in the Iraq Stock Exchange from and the research relied on financial analysis tools to analyze the independent variable the following financing structure (the ratio of equity to total assets, the ratio of deposits to Total liabilities, the ratio of loans

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Statistical Analysis of the Removal of Acid Fuchsin Dye Using Zeolite 5A
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Investigation of the adsorption of acid fuchsin dye (AFD) on Zeolite 5A is carried out using batch scale experiments according to statistical design. Adsorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics were demonstrated.  Results showed that the maximum removal efficiency was using zeolite at a temperature of 93.68751 mg/g. Experimental data was found to fit the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo second order kinetics with maximum  removal of about 95%.  Thermodynamic analysis showed an endothermic adsorption. Optimization was made for the most affecting operating variables and a model equation for the predicted efficiency was suggested.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Algebra Letters
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In This paper, we introduce the associated graphs of commutative KU-algebra. Firstly, we define the KU-graph which is determined by all the elements of commutative KU-algebra as vertices. Secondly, the graph of equivalence classes of commutative KU-algebra is studied and several examples are presented. Also, by using the definition of graph folding, we prove that the graph of equivalence classes and the graph folding of commutative KU-algebra are the same, where the graph is complete bipartite graph.

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The optical constants of amorphous silicon nanostructures
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There is of great importance to know the values of the optical constants of materials due to their relationship with the optical properties and then with their practical applications. For this reason, it was proposed to study the optical constants of amorphous silicon nanostructures (quantum well, quantum wire, and quantum dot) because of their importance in the world of optical applications. In this study, it was adopted the Herve and Vandamme (HV) model of the refractive index because it was found that this model has very good optical properties for almost all semiconductors. Also, it was carried out by applying experimental results for the energy gaps of these three nanostructures, which makes the results of the theoretical calculations

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