A submoduleA of amodule M is said to be strongly pure , if for each finite subset {ai} in A , (equivalently, for each a ?A) there exists ahomomorphism f : M ?A such that f(ai) = ai, ?i(f(a)=a).A module M is said to be strongly F–regular if each submodule of M is strongly pure .The main purpose of this paper is to develop the properties of strongly F–regular modules and study modules with the property that the intersection of any two strongly pure submodules is strongly pure .
<p> Traditionally, wireless networks and optical fiber Networks are independent of each other. Wireless networks are designed to meet specific service requirements, while dealing with weak physical transmission, and maximize system resources to ensure cost effectiveness and satisfaction for the end user. In optical fiber networks, on the other hand, search efforts instead concentrated on simple low-cost, future-proofness against inheritance and high services and applications through optical transparency. The ultimate goal of providing access to information when needed, was considered significantly. Whatever form it is required, not only increases the requirement sees technology convergence of wireless and optical networks but
... Show MoreThe spectrum of clinical efficacy of Methotrexate (MTX) is broad in that MTX is used in the treatment of certain cancers, severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.Various mechanisms by which cancer cells grown in tissue culture become resistant to anticancer drugs. The use of multiple drugs with different mechanisms of entry into cells and different cellular targets allows for effective chemotherapy and high cure rates. In an efforts to develop effective strategies that increase the therapeutic potential of anticancer drugs with less systemic toxicity ,are being directed towards the investigation of dietary supplements and other phytotherapeutic agents for their synergistic efficacy in combination with anticancer drugs. A promi
... Show MoreAmebiasis, related to the pathogenic parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is a prominent cause of diarrhea globally. Amebiasis is primarily a disease of impoverished communities in developing nations, although it has recently arisen as a significant infection among returning tourists and immigrants. Severe cases are linked to a high case fatality rate. Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnosis is becoming more widely available, it is still underutilized. Treatment with nitroimidazoles is now suggested, however novel parasite medication research is a top priority. To avoid problems, amebiasis should be considered before corticosteroid therapy. Because there is no effective vaccination, sanitation and availability to clean w
... Show MoreLeucine amino peptidases (LAP; EC constitute a diverse set of exopeptidases that catalyze the hydrolysis of leucine residues from the amino-terminal of protein or peptide substrates, (LAP) are present in animals, plants, and microbes. In this study, leucine amino peptidase was purified partial from Arachis hypogaea seeds by using gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-100. The enzyme was purified 3.965 fold with a recovery of 29.4%. Its pH and temperature optimum were(8.7) and (37oC), respectively. The results show novel properties of LAP from Arachis hypogaea L. or peanut. The Km value for LAP (77 mM), with V max (1538 m mole min-1). We recommend a separate isoenzymeof the enzyme (LAP) from Arachis hypogaea on L. peanut seeds a
... Show MoreIn this paper, the Mars orbital elements were calculated. These orbital elements—the major axis, the inclination (i), the longitude of the ascending node (W), the argument of the perigee (w), and the eccentricity (e)—are essential to knowing the size and shape of Mars' orbit. The quick basic program was used to calculate the orbital elements and distance of Mars from the Earth from 25/5/1950 over 10000 days. These were calculated using the empirical formula of Meeus, which depended on the Julian date, which slightly changed for 10000 days; Kepler's equation was solved to find Mars' position and its distance from the Sun. The ecliptic and equatorial coordinates of Mars were calculated. The distance between Mars and the center of the E
... Show MoreThe organation ⁄monomer N-naphthylacrylamide (NAA) was prepared; subsequently the synthesized monomer was successfully copolymerized with acrylicacid (AA) and methylacrylate (MA) by free radical technique using dry benzene as solvent and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. The overall conversion was kept low (≤ 10% wt/wt) for all studies copolymers samples. The synthesized monomer and copolymers were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and their thermal properties were studied by DSC and TGA. The copolymers compositions were determined by elemental analysis. Kelen-Tudes and Finmman-Ross graphical procedures were employed to determine the monomers reactivity ratios. The der
... Show MoreMelanoidins can be diagnosed using the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) technique. UV/Vis is an effective tool for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical components in melanoidin polymers. The structural and vibrational features of melanoidin synthesized from D-glucose and D-fructose are identical, according to FTIR spectra, with the only difference being the intensity of bands. Using FTIR spectra, the skeleton of melanoidin is divided into seven major regions. The existence of the C=C, C=N, and C=O groups in all melanoidins formed from fructose and glucose with ammonia is confirmed by the areas ranging from 1600 to 1690 cm-1, and the band is largely evident as a broad shoulder. Both melan
... Show More<p>The objective of this paper is to study the dynamical behavior of an aquatic food web system. A mathematical model that includes nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton is proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that, the phytoplankton divided into two compartments namely toxic phytoplankton which produces a toxic substance as a defensive strategy against predation by zooplankton, and a nontoxic phytoplankton. All the feeding processes in this food web are formulating according to the Lotka-Volterra functional response. This model is represented mathematically by the set of nonlinear differential equations. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of this model are investigated. The local and global stability
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