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Antibacterial and Wound Healing Activity of Some Agrimonia eupatoria Extracts.

The antibacterial activity of some extracts of A. eupatoria (aqueous and ethanolic) against some pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli ) and their activity on wound healing in rats , also the presence of some active compounds in both extracts were detected . The results showed that the ethanolic extract was more effective on inhibiting tested bacteria than the aqueous extract . P.aeruginosa was the most resistant bacteria, while highest inhibition zone appeared on E.coli (20 mm) .There was a moderate activity against S.aureus with inhibition zone 15 mm. by using ethanolic extract (10 mg/ml) . The phytochemical analysis for detection of active compounds revealed the presence of Carbohydrates, Glycosides and Tannins in both extracts, while some of compounds such as Terpenoids and Phenolic compounds (flavonoids) were detected in the ethanolic but not in the aqueous extracts. Prepared ethanolic extract ointment presented obvious activity on wound healing activity in rats in contrast with fucidin ointment and aqueous extract ointment, hence the wound healing was completed in l0 days by using the ethanolic extract ointment, while it was 12 days and 14 days for the aqueous extract ointment and fucidin ointment respectively, in comparison with the untreated wound which needed more than 16 days for healing completion.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Settling Accounts of tax According to the unified Tax A Suggested Mechanism for: Application in the general Commission for Taxes

Consistent "with the thought of tax talk is unified tax natural evolution for him, as the application leads to the inclusion of tax all branches of income and its sources and through truncated part of this entry through the application of price ascending it, it means the procedures of tax reform. Taxes on total income characterized by giving a clear picture of the total income of the taxpayer and its financial situation and its burden family which allows granting exemptions, downloads, and application of prices that fit this case. This requires reconsideration of the structure of the tax system in force and the transition from a system specific taxes to the tax system on the total income of the integration of income from the rental of re

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Dust Effect on the Efficiency of Silicon Mono Crystalline Solar Modules at Different Tilt Angles at Al-Jadryia Climate Conditions

Solar energy usage in Iraq is facing many issues; one of those is the accumulation “of the dust on the surface of the solar module which” would highly lower its efficiency. The present work study the effect of dust accumulation” on installing fixed solar modules with different inclined angles 15o, 33o, 45o, 60o. Evaluation of the solar modules performance under different circumstance conditions such as rain, wind and humidity are considered in study of dust effect on solar module performance. The results show that the lowest output average efficiencies of solar modules occurs at 15o horizontally inclined angle are 7.4% , 6.7% , 8.0% , 8.1%, and 8.4% for the cor

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A study to compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems for cleaning oval-shaped root canals (An in vitro study)

Background: Proper cleaning and shaping of the whole root canal space have been recognized as a real challenge, particularly in oval-shaped canals.This in vitro study was conducted to evaluate and compare the efficiency of different instrumentation systems in removing of dentin debris at three thirds of oval-shaped root canals and to compare the percentage of remaining dentin debris among the three thirds for each instrumentation system. Materials and methods: Fifty freshly extracted human mandibular molars with single straight oval-shaped distal root canals were randomly divided into five groups of ten teeth each. Group One: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal hand instruments, Group Two: instrumentation with ProTaper Universal rotary

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biosciences
Detection of Escherichia coli O157 H7 isolated from infected dogs with urinary tract infections using real time - polymerase chain reaction

Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Determining standard levels to test the strength endurance characteristic of speed for basketball players for juniors aged under (16) years

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Factorial Structure of The Emotional Intelligence Scale to Bar-On Applied on Students from Preparatory School in Baghdad City.

The aim of the study was to know the factors analysis of scale Bar-On & Parker, post analysis is found fourteen factors for the first degree of the scale. Also we extracted five factors from the second degree.

  The scale consists of (60) items , applied on sample of (200) students (Male &Female ) age (15-18) years randomly chosen from preparatory schools . The scale unveiled satis factors  validity and reliability. An others aims is to low the  emotional  Intelligence level and  know the difference of statistical in sex , age variable and the specialization variable .The result was no difference of statistical in sex and specialization variable , but the difference appear

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Publication Date
Thu May 20 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Retreatment Efficacy of Continuous Rotation Versus Reciprocation Kinematic Movements in Removing Gutta-Percha with Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer: SEM Study

Retreatment Efficacy of Continuous Rotation Versus Reciprocation Kinematic Movements in Removing Gutta-Percha with Calcium Silicate-Based Sealer: SEM Study, Raghad Noori Nawaf*, Ra

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

The predatory bush crickets Saga ephippigera Fischer Von Waldheim, 1846 is the largest Iraqi orthopterans and one of the most active and successful predators in the Kurdistan region. The nymphs and adults prey on all the stages of various species of insects. Twelve adult specimens were collected from Erbil Province during May 2018 and June 2021. Morphological structures of the adult insects were described and illustrated in details; important taxonomic characteristics of body regions with their appendages were chosen; and the results indicated the importance of morphological characteristics which confirmed the identification of this species correctly.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comparative Investigation of Different Ionospheric Models to Predict the MUF Parameter During Severe Geomagnetic Storm on 17th March 2015.

The present work aimed to make a comparative investigation between three different ionospheric models: IRI-2020, ASAPS and VOACAP. The purpose of the comparative study is to investigate the compatibility of predicting the Maximum Usable Frequency parameter (MUF) over mid-latitude region during the severe geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2015. Three stations distributed in the mid-latitudes were selected for study; these are (Athens (23.50o E, 38.00o N), Jeju (124.53o E, 33.6o N) and Pt. Arguello (239.50o W, 34.80o N). The daily MUF outcomes were calculated using the tested models for the three adopted sites, for a span of five-day (the day of the event and two days preceding and following the event day). The calculated datasets were co

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choosing the best method for estimating the survival function of inverse Gompertz distribution by using Integral mean squares error (IMSE)

In this research , we study the inverse Gompertz distribution (IG) and estimate the  survival function of the distribution , and the survival function was evaluated using three methods (the Maximum likelihood, least squares, and percentiles estimators) and choosing the best method estimation ,as it was found that the best method for estimating the survival function is the squares-least method because it has the lowest IMSE and for all sample sizes

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