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Benzoic acid concentration levels recovery in Ketchup and Sauce products available in local market.
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This research is dealing with five sample of tomato ketchup products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad Iraq, Tiffany-Abu Dhabi, Melody-Dubai, Baidar-Saudi Arabia, and Altunsa-Turkey. Also it is dealing with four sample of sauce products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad, Iraq, Al-Badawi-Baghdad Iraq, Family-Baghdad, Iraq, and Hala-Amman Jordon. Analysis was performed on each sample three times and mean of the reading was taking. Samples were tested through terse and shorthand from lengthened steps. The spectrophotometric method used rely on theoretical and practical bases in extraction and diagnosis by UV spectrophotometer. This method in short notes, consisted of achievement of extraction of the ketchup and sauce aqueous solution in three steps from which benzoic acid extracted in the form of benzoate, through these steps the benzoate form was changed into benzoic acid form, so the sample aqueous solution extracted using diethyl ether and its quantity was transferred by volume. The UV absorbance curve for benzoic acid was drawn in spectral range 200-290 nm, and the spectra for benzoic acid 250-290 nm was also drawn, whereas in this range the higher absorbance at 272 nm was predicted, and the final benzoic acid solution was tested using UV spect. at this proper wavelength, so the benzoic acid reading was obtained using acid standard curve utilization. In this work was also noticed that pH values for ketchup and sauce products are differed and ranging from 2 to 5 instead of the stated values that must be between 3.5 to 4.7. The higher recorded benzoic acid concentrations in ketchup samples in this work was higher as 1315 and lower as 745 mg/Kg, and it recorded a value 255 mg/Kg which approaches allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg). Whereas the higher recorded benzoic acid concentrations in sauce samples in this work was higher as 2695 mg/Kg, and some of which recorded a value 280 mg/Kg which approaches allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg). In general terms the concentration levels in samples investigated were higher than allowable value stated by Iraqi standardization (250 mg/Kg).

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Knowledge And Awareness Towards Cryptosporidiosis In Baghdad
Knowledge and awareness towards Cryptosporidiosis in Baghdad
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Knowledge and awareness towards cryptosporidiosis were assessed in this study during the period from April 2009 till June 2011, among 188 person of both gender which were divided in different groups and sub groups as following Group 1: include 48 physician from different hospitals and primary health care centers in Baghdad this group were sub divided into 30 Specialist doctors and 18 General practitioners doctors. Group 2 : include 45 teaching staff member from Biology department , Biotechnology department in University of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain University as well as teaching staff member from the college of medicine – University of Baghdad and University of Mustansiryah, this group were sub divided into 9 Ph.D and 36 M.Sc. + B.Sc. me

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments
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Diesel generators is widely used in Iraq for the purpose of maintaining electric power demand. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type diesel generators used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known., in present research , quastionaire was adsministered 86 repondents in Baghdad city were exposured to wide range of noise level (80-110) dB(A) with different ages and they have different skill discretion levels. Noise levels A-weigthed decibles dB(A) were measured over 8 weeks two times aday during the 2019 summer using a sound level meter.For predicting the wo

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Glomerulogenesis and Histomorphometeric in Mus musculus Embryo
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In mammals, the kidneys originate in an embryo from the mesoderm through three excretory organs, namely: Pronephros, Mesonephros, and Metanephros. After the formation of Metanephros is completed, the kidneys begin to form nephrogenesis through mesenchymal cells located at the tip of the ureteric bud, that contribute in the formation of glomerulus and Renal tubules. The stages of glomerulus formation in the embryo of albino mice at the age of 14 to 19 days of gestation were studied. It was obtained after the sacrifice of the expectant mother and the kidneys were excised from the embryos and fixed using Aqueous Bouin's solution, Microscopic slices with a thickness of 6 microns were then made in a paraffin method and were photographed by a

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Modalities and Methodological Techniques in Media Studies
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There have been many writings and discussions that dealt with the details and interpretation of the research methods and the identification of the methods and methodological methods used by researchers and writers as they deal with research topics and problems in all fields of natural and human sciences. But we noticed that the movement of science and its knowledge and development requires the identification of suitable tools and methodological methods appropriate for each type of science. In other words, attempts should be established to build appropriate methodological tools for human and cognitive activity that can be referred to as a specific science that sets out certain paths of the human sciences which is certainly the ori

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Crimes against offspring In Sharia and law
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Crimes are prohibited by law and God Almighty has forbidden them with punishment or punishment.
The punishment is the prescribed punishments that the law has determined in its place and stipulated in the Book of God or the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
Ta’zir: These are the punishments that are left to the ruler to assess according to what he sees as preventing corruption on earth and preventing evil. Extrapolation has proven that all the provisions of Islamic Sharia include the interests of the people, and they are based on five matters: what is in it is preserving the religion, what is in it is preserving the soul, and what is in it is preserving the soul. It involves preserving the mind, preserv

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Early Baldness in Males and Hormonal Changes
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Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) or baldness is a common form of hair loss, affecting men more than women .The exact causes and pathogenesis of baldness are not well understood. A search for new drug is still needed. This study aims to evaluate the role of gonadotropins hormones in hair loss in males and its possibility to be used as treatment target. A total of 78 volunteers 43 with baldness and 35 healthy men were participated in this study. Their age ranged between (20-49) years, the studied groups were divided into two categories: firstly according to age (group1: 20-29 year), (group2: 30-39 year),and (group3: 40-49 year).Secondly according to baldness degree. LH and FSH were measured by using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) kits.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Proof and its inferences in the Qur'an
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And after:

There are many aspects of inference in the Holy Qur’an, whether it is evidence, evidence, argument, authority, or proof.
These expressions or expressions are close in meaning to each other in appearance, but the Qur’an used them all in their exact place, so every word in the Qur’an has its own use that was set for it, and no other word can replace it even if it is close in meaning to it. And these aspects that the Qur’an mentioned as evidence for the aspects of inference in it may come to be mental, textual, or tactile evidence.
The Qur’an exalted the importance of evidence and proof in its religion, and entrusted it with confirming and rejecting the plaintiff’s claim, regardless of its subject matter

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Linguistics
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The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the concept of fuzzy logic ,its application in linguistics ,especially in language teaching and the fuzziness of some lexical items in English.
Fuzziness means that the semantic boundaries of some lexical items are indefinite and ideterminate.Fuzzy logic provides a very precise approach for dealing with this indeterminacy and uncertainty which grows (among other reasons) out of human behavior and the effect of society.
The concept of fuzzy logic has emerged in the development of the theory of fuzzy set by Lotfi Zadeh(a professor of computer science at the university of California) in 1965.It can be thought of as the application side of the fuzzy set theory. In linguistics, few scholars

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine
Neonatal Seizures in Iraq: Cause and Outcome
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 17 2015
Journal Name
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society
Line and continuum variability in active galaxies
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