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Study of Liver and Kidney functions in non-pregnant, pregnant and preeclamptic women

Three groups of subjects have been divided (25/group): healthy normotensive non-pregnant women (Group A), normal normotensive pregnant women (Group B), and women with preeclampsia (Group C).The levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin , creatinine , blood urea nitrogen, triglyceride , total cholesterol and glucose have been estimated in all subjects. All measured parameters were determined by spectrophotometric analysis. The results showed a significant(P<0.05) increase in serum ALT, AST, blood urea nitrogen, triglyceride and total cholesterol levels in group B as compared to group A. However creatinine, total bilirubin and glucose levels did not show any statistical significant alterations. The women in group C showed to be associated with a significant (P<0.05) rise in all measured parameters except total bilirubin as compared to women in group A. The preeclamptic women (group C) showed significant (P< 0.05) increase in serum alanine aminotransferase , blood urea nitrogen , triglyceride , total cholesterol and glucose levels as compared to women in group B. While serum aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin and creatinine levels did not show any statistical significant alteration.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study the Effect of Ultraviolet on the Compression and Hardness Property for Hybrid Material

The study was carried out by reinforcing the resin matrix material

which was (Epoxy- Ep828) by useing Kevlar fibers and glass fibers type (E-gl ass) both or them in the form of woven roving and poly propylene tlbcrs  in  the form chopped  strand  mats.  wi th (30%)  volume  fraction. Some mechan i cal  properties of the were prepared composite specimens U ltraviolet   radiation  were  stuied   after   being  subjected  to  different weathering conditi ons i ncluded. Compression and hardness testing were carried out using Briel! method so as to compare between composite behavior i n the environments previously mentioned .


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study on the Effect of H2 Addition to N2 on EEDF and Electron Transport Coefficients

    In this paper, we calculate the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and transport parameters including the electron mean energy, mobility, drift velocity and diffusion coefficient for the gas mixtures of the H2 and N2 using the EEDF program. It is concentrated on the effect of assorted concentrations of the mixtures on the EEDF and the electron transport coefficients. The work exhibits the variation amongst the different mixtures on the EEDF and the transport parameter. The results are graphically offered and discussed. In this concept, it is shown that for each mixture has a specific impact on EEDF and the transport parameter. The important of this study comes from the usage of these mix

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis , characterization and biological activity study of N-substituted sulfonamido maleimides substituted with different heterocycles

Eighteen new cyclic imides (maleimides) conncted to benzothiazole moiety through sulfonamide group were synthesized via multistep synthesis.The first step involved preparation of two maleamic acids N-phenylmaleamic acid and N-benzylmaleamic acid via reaction of maleic anhydride with aniline or benzyl amine.Dehydration of the prepared amic acids by treatment with acetic anhydride and anhydrous sodium acetate in the second step afforded N-phenylmaleimide and N- benzyl maleimide which in turn were treated with chlorosulfonic acid in the third step to afford 4-(N-maleimidyl) phenyl sulfonyl chloride and 4-(N-maleimidyl) benzyl sulfonyl chloride respectively.In the Fourth step of this work each one of the two prepared maleimidyl sulfonyl chlorid

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political pluralism between rejection and acceptance Astrobiological study of the most prominent contemporary Islamic trends

التعددية السياسية بين الرفلض والقبول دراسة نظرية لأبرز الاتجاهات الاسلامية المعاصرة

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study of Water Desalination using Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Electro-dialysis Systems (ED): Review

The increasing drinking water demand in many countries leads to an increase in the use of desalination plants, which are considered a great solution for water treatment processes. Reverse osmosis (RO) and electro-dialysis (ED) systems are the most popular membrane processes used to desalinate water at high salinity. Both systems work by separating the ionic contaminates and disposing of them as a brine solution, but ED uses electrical current as a driving force while RO uses osmotic pressure. A direct comparison of reverse osmosis and electro-dialysis systems is needed to highlight process development similarities and variances. This work aims to provide an overview of previous studies on reverse osmosis and electro-dial

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Transformer Technician in Pop Art (Study in techniques of show)

The popular art movement emerged in the mid-fifties in Britain in parallel with its appearance in America.. It was linked to contemporary social reality and what distinguishes this art is the most sophisticated and less aesthetic means and the most blatant in the field of media, ie back to the image used in the media, journalism, magazines, television and photo Which reflect the reality of the neutral artist. This research included the methodological framework represented by the research problem that emerged from pop art as a new experimental vision that emerged in the twentieth century and the importance of the research and its objectives and limits and the definition of terms. The theoretical framework dealt with evolution Technology,

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between social capital and knowledge sharing and their impact on improving the educational service quality: an analytical study of the views of a sample of academic staffs in the government universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


This study aims to find the relationships between social capital (social network, social trust, shared goals) and knowledge sharing (knowledge Donating, knowledge collecting) as independent variables and their impact on improving the quality of educational services (academic staffs quality, Quality of teaching methods and study curriculums). This research is an important, because it attempts to identify the relationship between social capital and the knowledge sharing and their effect on improving the quality of educational service for universities. The study problem was determined in several questions related to the nature of the correlation relationship - the impact between the different independent variables (

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Director's leadership features and Impact on productive efficiency Study at Iraqi general insurance company: Study at Iraqi general insurance company

أدى التغير السريع في البيئة الخارجية للمنظمة إلى  ظهور حالة من التنافس الشديد مما زاد تخوف الشركات من فقدان الحصة السوقية والخسارة . مما حدا بالمنظمات إلى الاهتمام بوجود مدير يحمل صفات وخصائص قيادية لما فيه من ميزات في تنظيم الإنتاج  ومقابلة الطلب وتقليل التكاليف وتطوير الأداء للحصول على ميزة تنافسية تحافظ او تزيد من حصتها السوقية وإرباحها .

تسعى الدراسة الى تحديد عدد من الاهداف كان اهمها معرفة الع

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social responsibility and its role in enhancing the quality of services: an analytical study of the views of a sample of employees in the Directorate of Electricity Distribution Nineveh / Center

The current research aims to diagnose the role of social responsibility as a contributing factor in enhancing the quality of services provided by the public sector in Iraq, where the research sought to demonstrate the relationship and impact of social responsibility dimensions (economic, legal, moral, and human) on the sector Services related to the electric field in Nineveh governorate because of its importance and its direct relationship with the citizen especially after the end of military operations in the destruction of the electricity sector by a large percentage in the city of Mosul. Nineveh Electricity Distribution Directorate / Center was chosen as a research community including (administrators and staff) of the research

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluate the Levels of Serum Eotaxin-1, Myelin Basic Protein, and Some Immunological and Biochemical Markers in Iraqi Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

     The central nervous system (CNS) disease known as multiple sclerosis (MS) is essentially an inflammatory demyelinating condition with a variety of clinical manifestations and variable histological findings. A number of immunological and biochemical markers may alter MS, which is also characterized as an autoimmune illness. MS patients (n = 100) were divided into two groups: newly diagnosed (n = 42) and patients with ongoing treatments (n = 58). These groups were compared to healthy subjects (n = 55); the mean age ±SD was (30±8.46 years), (37±8.06 years), and (31±8.73 years) for MS newly diagnosed patients, patients with ongoing treatments, and healthy subjects, respectively. Studies for serum levels of eotaxin-1, myelin basi

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