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Evaluation of cellular immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani comparing with cellular immune response against chicken Red Blood Cells.

The Evaluation of the immune response in Golden Hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania donovani was determined in this study, particularly, the cellular immune response. Follow up has maintained to determine the Delayed Type of Hypersensitivity using skin test both in infected and control lab animals. Chicken red blood cells were used as a parameter to evaluate the immune system; they are dull and have the ability of immunization. Two concentrations of chicken R.B.C were examined to determine which gives the higher titration in Hamsters and those were 1.5 X 109 cell/ml and 3 X 109 cell/ml , the second concentration gave the maximum titration where then used in this work. After sensitization with Chicken R.B.C for both infected and control groups, delayed type of hypersensitivity has been used against Leishmania donovani antigen and 4 days of follow up were adopted and they were (14, 30, 60, 90) day after infection. Results showed that skin test against both antigens ( L.donovani and chicken R.B.C) was significantly higher than normal at the first day of follow up ( day 14) then gradual decreasing were noticed till the last day of follow up (90). This can indicate that the infection with L.donovani activated the immune response at the beginning of infection, then leads to cellular immune suppression against both L.donovani antigen and chicken R.B.C., so that this immunosuppression is not specific.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Plasmid Role in Crystals Protein Production in Locally Isolated Bacillus Thuringiensis

The ability of crystals protein production was studied in local isolate Bacillus
thuringiensis by microscope examination, and the crystals protein production were seen
after 48 hour from growth starting, the study of plasmid profile of the isolate using gel
electrophoresis technique in 0.7% of agaros gel, revealed that it had one Mega plasmid
band, the plasmid role in production of crystals protein was studied by using conjugation experiments, that they applied on the local isolate B. thuringiensis which was crystals
protein producer and Rifamycin sensitive as donor cells, with Bacillus spp. which didn’t
produce crystals protein and Rifamycin resistance as recipient cells. Conjugation
experiments assured the transm

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The RoleThe Role of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904) of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904)

The Risks Faced by Britain in their Areas of Influence at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Drove her to the Alliance with the State of European such as France, and Contributed to the Tireless and made by the British and French Politicians in the Consolidation of Friendly Relations between the two Countries Efforts and Strengthened Cooperation in a Positive Way to Visit the king of Britain's Edward VII to France, Offset by Visit French President Loubet to Britain in the Same Year, those Negotiations Bore Fruit between the two Countries for Reaching a Contract Arbitration and Decisiveness between Britain and France Treaty on the Fourteenth of November 1903, Promised that Treaty First Step that Paved the Way for a General Agreement be

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Following the Parashot Strategy in Developing Reading Understanding Skills among Female Students in the1st Middle Grade in Reading Material

The research aimed to know the effect of the Parashot strategy in developing the reading comprehension skills of first-grade intermediate students in reading. The researchers put the following two null hypotheses: There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study the subject Reading with the Parashot strategy in the pre and post-tests in developing reading comprehension skills as a whole. There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students who study the reading material using the Parashot strategy and the average scores of the control group students who study the same subje

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Eurasian Chemical Communications
Assessment of hypoxemia status by measuring serum level of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha in relation to tumor suppression protein p53, estradiol and tumor proliferation markers of breast cancer in Thi-Qar province/Iraq

Scopus (9)
Scopus Clarivate
Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Business Economics For Applied Research
The Relationship between Authentic leadership and Knowledge Sharing through the mediating Role of Creative work Behaviors: An applied study on a sample of managers in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ НАГЛЯДНОСТИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ КАК ИНОСТРАННОМУ В ИРАСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ The Role of the Use of Visual Aids in the Process Of Learning Russian Language in Lraq as a Foreign Language

В статье рассматриваются понятие наглядности и ее классификация, эффективное применение принципа наглядности, возможность и преимущество использования наглядности и современные инструменты ее реализации в ираке.


Вследствие глобальных изменений во всем мире изменилась и роль иностранного языка в системе образования. Современный человек, шагающий в ногу со временем, не мыслит себя без зна

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 03 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Using Elisa and nested PCR for detection of the toxoplasmosis in milk and the influence of infection and some factors on milk composition in the Iraqi local and Shami goats

This study concluded detection of Toxoplasma gondii in milk, immunologically by using Elisa and nested PCR)nPCR (based on B1 gene, also to investigate the effect of toxoplasmosis, parity, breed and flock on some milk composition in the Iraqi local and Shami goats in the middle of Iraq. A total of 80 milk samples of the lactating goats were collected. Results of this study showed the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis was 21.25% and 28.75% by Elisa and nPCR respectively without significant differences. The sensitivity of Elisa was a low (30.43%) whereas the specificity was a high (82.45%). The degree of agreement estimated by Kappa coefficient revealed a slight agreement (0.14) between two methods. The results indicated that goats infected

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection


The research aims to study the effect of the commodity dumping phenomenon that Iraq suffered after 2003 on the consumption pattern of individuals, towards the acquisition of non-essential goods (luxury). To achieve our goal we relied on the questionnaire as a main tool for obtaining information related to the research, and it was distributed on a random sample of consumers in the city of Baghdad with 250 questionnaires. The answers of the research sample were analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS). The percentage weights and the factorial analysis method were used also to arrange the variables that affected on changing consumption patterns. The research reached a set of conclusions:

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The degree of using electronic educational alternatives in education from the teachers 'and female teachers' point of view Intermediate stage in southern border schools and its relationship to some variables

The aim of the current research is to know the degree to which middle school teachers and female teachers in the southern border schools use electronic educational alternatives in the field of education from their point of view and its relationship to some variables, and to achieve this goal, a random sample of (200) teachers was selected in southern border schools, and a questionnaire was prepared to collect The data, as well as the descriptive approach was used to achieve this goal. T-test and analysis of variance were used for the statistical treatment. The results concluded that the educational courses provided to male and female teachers are not sufficient. It has also been concluded that the use of electronic educational alternativ

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Audit of accounting disclosure for potential liabilities and contingent obligations In light of the Corona pandemic and its reflection on the auditor's opinion: . Applied research in the National Insurance Company

                 Accounting disclosure is the main means and effective tool for communicating business results to users in support of their decisions, especially those with thought and specialization from academics and professionals in the field of accounting and auditing about the importance of accounting disclosure and transparency in financial reports.

Contingent liabilities represent commitments based on the occurrence of one or more events in the future to confirm the value due, the party entitled to it, the maturity date, or to confirm the existence of the obligation itself, and therefore they should not be recognized as a contingent liability i

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