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The effect of crude alcoholic extracted for the Seeds and Leaves of Apium graveolens Var dulce. In the level of some female hormones in albino Mice.
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The quantitative determination of the estrogen E2, Progestron P4 & follicle stimulating hormones FSH in the serums of Albino mice used in the experiments & treated by crude alcoholic extracted 95% of the seeds & leaves of Apium graveolens was a significant increase in the concentration of estrogen of different kinds of the extracted in comparison with the values of the coefficient of the control group, that is the study recorded a significant increase of the concentration of estrogen; it was the highest in the mice which was administrated by the methanolic extracted 95%, then it was less in the mouse which was administrated by the ethanolic extracted., and it was the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethanolic-methanoloic extracted of the seeds of Apium graveolens; while the increase of the concentration of estrogen of different crude alcoholic extracted leaves of Apium graveolens was the highest than the extracted of the seeds, & it was less concentration in the mice which were administrated by the methanolic extracted 95%, & then it was the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethanolic-methanolic extracted leaves of Apium graveolens in comparison with the values of the control group. Further, the plant extracted created a significant increase of the concentration of progestron P4; the statistics analysis recorded that the concentration of progestron was the highest in the mice which were administrated by the methanolic extracted 95%, then it was less in the mice which were administrated by the ethanolic extracted 95%, and the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethanolic-methanolic extracted of the seeds of apium graveolens whereas, a significant increase of the concentration of progrstrone was recorded in the leaves of Apium graveolens as follows: it was the highest in the mice which were administrated by the ethanolic extracted 95%, then it was less in the mice which were administrated by the crude methanolic extracted 95%, and it was the least in the mice which were administrated by the crude ethnolic-methanolic extracted in comparison with the coefficient of control group. The study also proved that there was a significant increase of the concentration of the follicle stimulating hormone FSH whose greatest concentration in the mice which was administrated by the crude ethanolic-methanolic for the seeds of Apim graveolens, it was less concentration in the mice which was administrated by crude methanolic extracted 95% of the seeds, and it was the least in the mice which was administrated by the methanolic extracted 95% of the leaves of Apium graveolens in comparison with the concentrations of the coefficient of the control group. While, the results recorded a significant decrease of the FSH in the mice which was administrated by the crude ethanolic extracted of the seeds & leaves of Apium graveolens a highest decrease, it was less concentration in the mice which was administrated by the crude ethanolic-methanolic extracted of the leaves of apium graveolens, in comparison with the concentration in the control group.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of cytotoxic Effects Alcoholic Nerium Oleander L. Extract on female Albino mice
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This study involved the evaluation of Alcoholic extract of Nerium Oleander L. plant that have a promising anticancer cell. This extract was compared to the well known anticancer drug Cis – Platinum by utilizing an in vivo system in female Albino mice. The first direction was cytogenetically using the mitotic Index of bone marrow cells as a parameter for the cytotoxic effect of this extract. The second direction was enzymatical using a widely distributed enzyme GOT in the different organs of mice: Liver , kidney , spleen and lung . Animals were treated with three doses of Cis-platin , 50 , 200 and 350 Mg/mouse for three days . The same doses were used for the other extract . This study showed that the extract have a promising anticance

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of hot aqueous extract of seeds and leaves of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on embryonic development in swiss albino mice
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The present study has conducted to investigate the effect of hot aqueous extract of seeds and leaves of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) on embryonic development in Swiss albino mice morphologically , the results is showed throught dosage pregnant female orally after period 4, 8, 12days at the beginning of pregnancy by doses 100 , 200 , 300 mg/kg of body weight , the results showed normal period of pregnancy 21 days and abortion did not occur when the pregnant mice take the hot aqueous extract of leaves of fenugreek, but the pregnant mice that take the hot aqueous extract of seeds of fenugreek occurred abortion of embryos and showed some histopathological changes in ovaries and uterus such as congestion, hemorrhage, necrosis, odema,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Methotrexate on the Liver Enzymes and Lipid Profile in Adult Female Albino Mice
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Methotrexate (MTX) was used for treatment of malignancies and now is widely used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In this research the evaluation of the effects of MTX on some liver enzymes and lipid profile was studied. Twenty four adult female mice divided into three groups (8 mice each). The first two groups were treated with MTX while the third group was used as a control. MTX was intraperitoneally given at 50 µg/ml and 75 µg/ml to the first and second groups respectively for 35 days ,whereas the control group was intraperitoneally injected with normal saline. The results showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in serum levels of glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) , glutamic pyruric transaminase (GPT), Alkaline pho

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Microgreens on Drosophila melanogaster
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Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However, this plant contains many antioxidant compounds useful for attenuating neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease. Planting celery in the form of microgreens harvested 15 days was expected to increase the content of bioactive compounds. In the current study, we intended to evaluate the neuromodulatory potential of methanol extract of celery microgreens on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen : family Drosophilidae ; ordo : Diptera) which were exposed to paraquat. Neuroprotective capacity was assessed by survival rate, locomotor performance, lipid peroxidation and dopamine content after being treated wi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Voltarin Drug on Some Genetic Indices in Albino Mice
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   The present study  is designed to reveal the  effect of  Voltarin drug   on some genetic indicators such as  mitotic index(MI) of bone marrow cells and chromosome  aberrations(CA) .The Voltarin is one of non Steroidal Anti-inflammation drug .Three concentrations of Voltarin  were used  1.6 , 2 , 2.5   mg/kg  Albino  mices  (Mus  musculus) were  injected  for 7 days then     mitotic index (MI) was counted and chromosomal aberrations of bone marrow cells  .  The  results  could be  summarized  as   follows :  1-The doses (1.6,2) mg/Kg  showed no  negative effects on&nbs

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous crude extract of ginger on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of hormones estrogen and progesterone in pregnant mice
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of ginger Zingiber officinale Roscoe on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of the hormones progesterone and estrogen during the first trimester of pregnancy (0 - 7) days from fertilization. 30 pregnant mice were divided into five experimental groups: control group (administrated with distilled water), and four groups treated at doses (284, 568, 1136,1420 mg / kg), orally administrated , daily with (0.1 ml). Microscopic examination results have shown histopathological changes in corpus luteum included: Pyknosis in some nuclei of granulosa cells, Karyorrhexis, Karyolysis in some granulosa cells, and necrosis in corpus luteum, with additional significant dec

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Parasitic Diseases
The effect of toxoplasmosis on the level of some sex hormones in males blood donors in Baghdad
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Toxoplasma gondii is a unique intracellular parasite, which infect a large proportion of the world population, but uncommonly causes clinically significant disease. The present study was performed to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in 400 apparently healthy blood donor males, their ages were between 18 and 57 years using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and to examine the effects of infection on total testosterone, free testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in their sera. Seroprevalence showed 10 (2.5 %) and 121 (30 %) of them had IgM and IgG antibodies respectively. Both acute and chronic toxoplasmosis in males recorded higher significant (P < 0.05) mean concentration for total and free testosterone hormone,

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Scopus (32)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Annals Of Biology
The Comparative Effect of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulfate on Reproductive Hormones and Sperm Parameters in Mature Male Albino Mice
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Pollution by Antibiotics and the Level of Some Hormones in Some Canned Meats
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  The study aimed to identify the extent of contamination of some imported canned meat to Iraq through the assessment of the level of certain hormones, antibiotics and parasites which included canned food samples and different types of canned beef and luncheon meat beef and canned luncheon and canned chicken.  The results showed for the level of certain hormones progesterone hormone that has a high level of these models in terms of its value ranged from (21.7-34.5) ng/ml and either hormone testosterone was within allowable level where its value ranged from (1.4-4.4) ng/ml  As for antibiotics , there has been effective inhibitory in all canning toward the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E.Coli

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Cytogenetic Analysis for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Iraqi Propolis in Mice
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This study was conducted to study the cytogenetic effect of both alcoholic and water extracts of propolis on mice. Three different samples of propolis were collected from three different regions of Iraq (Najaf, Arbil and Baghdad) to be used in this study. The cytotoxic effect of two different doses of each extracted sample was measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronucleus index (MN) and sperm abnormalities). Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in MN, CAs and sperm abnormalities percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extract of the three samples when compared with negative control, and alcoholic extrac

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