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Determination of Uranium Concentration in child teeth by track detector CR-39 in same middle and south regions of Iraq
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The study of determing Uranium concentration in samples of teeth is the first of its kind in the Iraq . In this study Uranium concentration has been measured was (32) samples of child teeth distributed on the some of middle and south governorate of Iraq (Muthana – Dekar – Basrah – Najaf – Karbalah – Waset – Babel – Baghdad) . The Uranium concentration in teeth samples has been measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U235) with thermal neutrons falx from (24Am.Be) neutron source that has flux of ( The result obtained show that the Uranium concentrations in governorates were (0.18ppm), (0.172ppm), (0.160ppm), 0.150ppm) (0.89ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm), (0.020ppm) (0.089ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm) , (0.020ppm) (0.089ppm), (0.07ppm) , (0.052ppm) , (0.20ppm) respectively . As a conclusion from the study of Uranium concentration in Muthana governorate that found to be higher than Dekar and Basrah , Najaf , Karbalah, Waset , Babel and Baghdad . These result are higher thin the Uranium concentrations in one studies in Barazil – Bahia state its (0.016ppm) , and in another study in British about (0.018-0.079ppm).

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Public relations have become vital functions in modern institutions in the complex business world. They play an important role in facilitating the process of communication between the institution and its audiences and achieve mutual understanding between the parties as public relations play this important role based on research and analysis, policy formulation and programming programs and communication with the public.

The significance of this research comes from the challenges faced by public relations in state institutions. Misunderstandings and ambiguities still plague most workers in this field, especially in defining the concept, objectives and basic functions of public rela

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Role of Iraqi Woman in the 2021 Elections
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After the political change in Iraq in 2003, Iraq witnessed a stage of social and political development and the strengthening of the legal foundations of the state system, by the approval of the permanent Iraqi constitution of 2005, and stipulating the quota system.

Iraqi women participated in the parliamentary elections from 2005 until 2021, and despite the participation of Iraqi women in all elections, there are challenges that women in Iraq face that prevent their political participation in general and participation in parliament in particular. There are factors behind this, including those related to Iraqi women themselves, including those concerning the political institution and factors related to the nature of society, and it

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Psychological Security of Students in the Kindergarten Department
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The current research aims to identify the psychological security of students in the kindergarten department and identify if there is a significant difference between stage one and stage four students. To do this, the researcher adopted the psychological research scale of (Al-mohamdawi, 2007) that consisted of (30) items. It was administered to (120) female students chosen randomly from the kindergarten department in the college of education for women for the academic year (2029-2021). The results revealed that students in the kindergarten department have psychological security. There is a significant difference between stage one and four students in favor of stage four students.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Contextual Indication of admonition in the Holy Quran
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Context has occupied a distinguished place as far as the understanding of the texts and deducting the rules from them or analyzing them. The context was considered as one of the important presumptions as far arriving at the desired meanings is concerned. The word is worthless and the meaning is not known unless we know the context in which it came. The context in its two types the lingual and non-lingual types. It is the best for knowing the intended meaning of the Quranic verses to know the real meaning.  

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Testosterone Level in Women with Osteopenia
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There is substantial data supporting the importance of both endogenous and exogenous estrogen in maintaining reproductive health and preventing chronic disease, androgens in women's health are rarely discussed. This is one of the first researches to investigate correlates of blood testosterone concentrations in women with osteopenia, in anticipation of the growing interest in the role of androgens in women's health. A 65 volunteer women were enrolled in the current study, they were divided into two groups, 35 postmenopausal women with osteopenia were in the first group, and the second group contained 30 postmenopausal women without osteopenia as a control. Blood samples were collected from all participants and analyzed for testosterone l

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reduction of the error in the hardware neural network
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Specialized hardware implementations of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can offer faster execution than general-purpose microprocessors by taking advantage of reusable modules, parallel processes and specialized computational components. Modern high-density Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer the required flexibility and fast design-to-implementation time with the possibility of exploiting highly parallel computations like those required by ANNs in hardware. The bounded width of the data in FPGA ANNs will add an additional error to the result of the output. This paper derives the equations of the additional error value that generate from bounded width of the data and proposed a method to reduce the effect of the error to give

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role Of Architectural Legacy In Achieving Architectural Sustainability
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Sustainability is a concept embodied in traditional architecture around the world since ancient times through spontaneous experimental compatibility with the environment and efficient exploitation of the natural resources of the environment according to a rapid development of trial and error over the years . Architecture was the basic means that man devised to protect him from the harsh conditions of the external environment by exploiting natural energy sources such as the sun, wind, and soil capabilitie, Many of the principles of sustainability overlapped with the social organization and human behavior of the community as it was reflected in the urban production at the level of standards of city planning and urban agglomerations as well

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Philosophical Visions in the poetry of Abu Fath Basti
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of the research is one of the poetic purposes that expresses the philosophy of the intellectual poet who experienced life and learned the tendencies and the gulf of the human soul and the fact that an intellectual attitude towards them, intensified within the poems do not need to be frequently narrated and elaborated, but based on the few words in the rich meanings and expressed the point of view he wanted to convey to the recipient without taking the position of disorientation and retreat to himself expressing his rejection of this reality, but faced this reality different manifestations and reflections and the conditions of human beings in it detailed His opinion is constructive criticism, and accurate observations reveal the culture o

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
An Epidemiological Approach of Hydrocephaly Parameters in Duhok Province
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Objective(s): This study was conducted to deal with the importance and effect of various variables which might
have influence in hydrocephaly occurrence.
Methodology: A retrospective design was performed and continued for 4 months. It included 89 nonrandomized
consecutive samples collected from the Early Detection of Childhood Disabilities Center (E.D.C.D.C.)
Duhok. The population involved was the entire cases of both sexes that attended the centre during the period from
st.Jan, 1998 to 30th. Dec. 2008 with final diagnosis of hydrocephaly. Patients’ records from the centre were used to
collect data.
Results: Hydrocephaly has been recognized as a public health problem in Duhok province, Iraqi Kurdistan region,<

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Aesthetic discourse in the significance of commercial advertisement designs
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The current research is concerned with the study of (aesthetic discourse in the significance of commercial advertisement designs), according to a knowledge structure defined by function and creativity, and the main goal is to interpret the reality of forms, their various sources, their essence, meanings, formal relationships, and design ideas in order to achieve the visual goal as a typographic achievement. It arises through the designer’s internal mental intuition to produce shapes based on subjective feelings that refer his preconceptions about those shapes with his feelings to creative formations. Aesthetic discourse is produced from the mind depending on the various symbolic, psychological and social functions, production methods,

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