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A study of some Biological Aspects of Procellio scaber(Isopoda : porcellionidae) Latrellile 1804In Al-jadriyia region /Baghdad-Iraq
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A study of some biological aspects of the crustacean Isopod procellio scaber was carried out for the period April 2003 to march 2004 . The study consisted reproductive and morphological characteristies such as size , weight and length of the body . The result showed that the highest population density of P. scaber was 1120 individual/m2 in September 2003 and less density 403 ind/m2 in February 2004. The density was generally high in Spring and Autumn, low in Summer and Winter months.An increase of the sexual ratio appear in the females number compared to males number (p < 0.05) during most of year. Present study showed non significant increase in the length and dry weight for females compared to males in most of year months. There were two seasons for reproduction, first starts in February to the ends of August, the second season starts in September,to the end in January. A number of Juveniles recorded during most time of year. While the percentage decreased during the Winter months and nearly disappeared during December. The large size individuals dominated during the Spring season which may be due to their rapid growth. The results showed that the moult individuals in different sizes class present for most year months, in large numbers small sizes class include due to their rapid growth. Life cycle data showed four biological stages: eggs, Manca, Juvenile and Mature stages. The female put between (2-70) eggs per each breed. There is one or tow breed for female in year.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Epidemiology of Some Parasitic Helminthes in Iraq from 2011 until 2015
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Helminthes are among transmitting pathogens including Ancylostomiasis,
Ascariasis, Enterobiasis, Hymenolepiasis, Strongyloidiasis, Taeniasis, Trichuriasis,
Schistosomiasis, Echinococcosis. These helminthes have high effect on public
health in human population around the world. Iraq is one of the most important
endemic areas in the Middle East.The objective of this study is to determine the
prevalence of some parasitic helminthes in Iraq from 2011 until 2015. This study
was carried out in all Iraqi governorates from 2011until June, 2015.In 2015, the
results showed that 6 patients were infected with Ancylostomiasis, 89 patients were
infected with Ascariasis, 56206 patients were infected with Enterobiasis, 173patient

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
For Sake of The Economic Reform - With some indication for Iraq
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The imbalances and economic problems which it face the countries, it is a result of international economic developments or changes or global crises such as deterioration in trade, sharp changes in oil prices, increasing global indebtedness, sharp changes in foreign exchange rates and other changes, all that, they affect the economic features of any country. and These influences vary from one country to another according to the rigidity of its economy and its potential in maneuvering with economic plans and actions that would reduce the impact or avoidance with minimal damage. Therefore, the countries  that  suffer from accumulated economic problems as a result of mismanagement and poor planning or suffe

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Revision of some trematodes (Plagiorchiida: Microphallidae) from different birds in Iraq
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The adult worms of the Microphallidae family are mainly found as intestinal parasites of birds and mammals, while metacercariae is most commonly found in decapodal crustaceans. The Microphallidaeare family is spread throughout the world. It includes approximately 47 genera. Mature worms usually enter the digestive system of vertebrates, especially birds and mammals. Microphallidae contain eight subfamilies: Androcotylinae - Basantisiinae - Endocotylinae - Gynaecotylinae - Levinseniellinae - MaritrematinaeMicrophallinae - Sphairiotrematinae. Therefore, due to the lack of studies on the Microphallidae family in Iraq, we began to develop a database on this important family.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Prevalence of Some Parasitic Infections in Iraq from 2019 to 2020
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      Parasitic infections are associated with low education, wars and migration, absence of animal control and poor sanitation. Infections like visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis (VL and CL), trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, malaria, echinococcosis and schistosomiasis are all spread worldwide and have harmful effects on individuals and societies. The aim of this survey was to identify the possible association of these infections with spatial distribution (province/governorate) and patient demographics (age and gender). According to the data collected from the Iraqi National CDC from 2019 to 2020, the predominant parasitic infections in both years were trichomoniasis and CL, followed by echinococcosis, VL and toxoplasmosis. Iraq is

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The purpose of this study is to elucidate the microfacies and the biozones present in the studied rocks as well as to determine their environments or deposition. The study depends mainly on the benthonic foraminiferal assemblages identified from (27) rock thin sections made available from an outcrop at Wadi Banat Al-Hassan area in the Upper Euphrates Valley. X-Ray diffraction was also used to determine the type of carbonate minerals present in the studied rocks.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The possibility of manufacturing bricks from Quaternary Deposits from Al-Muthanna Governorate/ southern Iraq
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This study is concerned with the identification of the validity of the Recent sediments deposited in the Playa for the purpose of making the laboratory bricks by extrusion and pressing. The steps followed in this study included the formation and then burning of the pyramids at (950-1100) C° for one hour of maturity to determine their applicability to the brick industry. The study area is located in Al Muthanna province, south of Iraq. It is located south of the district of Samawah at a distance of 80 km and to the north-west of Salman district, 64 kilometers south of Baghdad, represented by three hosts: (DHS 1, DH2 and S). The results of the chemical analysis of the study samples showed that they consist of the following major oxides: S

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Aquifer Properties Between Al-Khassa Dam and Kirkuk Structure - NE Iraq
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This paper aims to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer between Al-khassa dam and Kirkuk structure, Kirkuk/ NE Iraq. Pumping tests applied for selected wells in the area to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, special distribution of the water table and groundwater movement direction of the groundwater, the hydraulic properties results of five single pumping test in the study area showed that the transmissivity (T) is ranged between (2.01 to 7. 5 m2/day ), storage coefficient (Sc) ranged (6.4 * 10-3 to 7.3 * 10-2) and the hydraulic conductivity (K) is ranged between (0.025 to 0.35 m/day) that calculated by Winlog software, groundwater discharge of the area is equal to

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation the Radioactive Pollution by Uranium in the Soil of Al-Kut City/ Iraq
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The aim of the present work, was measuring of uranium concentrations in 25 soil samples from five locations of Al-Kut city. The samples taken from different depths ranged from soil surface to 60cm step 15 cm, for this measurement of uranium concentrations .The most widely used technique SSNTDs was chosen to be the measurement technique. Results showed that the higher concentrations were in Hai Al- Kafaat which recorded 1.49 ± 0.054 ppm . The uranium content in soil samples were less than permissible limit of UNSCEAR(11.7ppm).

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
Isolation and Detection of Candida tropicalis from Aborted Placenta in Al-Najaf city/Iraq
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Background: Candida tropicalis is one of the most causes of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) in women. Systemic candidiasis and candidemia may also occur in pregnancies. Objective: This study was carried out to detect and isolate of this yeast from aborted placenta, which may cause severe complications such as spontaneous abortion. Materials and methods: Fresh aborted placenta were collected and washed by normal saline to remove the blood. Then, cut it into portions and place it in test tube containing 5 ml of normal saline. Finally, shake for 10 minutes, after that, cultured for microbial isolation. Isolation and detection were done by some conventional methods with Api candida and CHROMagar. Results: The results showed that four iso

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Investigation of several heavy metals in Al-Saddah agricultural drainage in Hilla city /Iraq
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Abstract<p>This study was done to determine the concentration of several heavy metals in the water of Al-Saddah agricultural drainage in Al-Saddah District in Babylon Province/Iraq. The concentrations of six heavy metals were measured (Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg, Fe, Zn). It was found that Pb concentration ranged from 0.06 mg/L at St.2 in autumn to 0.13 mg/L at St.2 in winter. Fe concentrations ranged from 0.04 mg/L at St.2 in autumn and winter to 0.41 at St.2 in Summer. Cd concentrations ranged from 0.008 mg/L at St.2 in summer to 0.05 mg/L at St.2 in winter. Cu concentrations ranged from 0.01 mg/L at St.1 in both autumn and winter to 0.63 mg/L at St.2 in winter. Hg concentrations was ranged from 0.002 mg/</p> ... Show More
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