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Design and Implementation for optical fiber communication system using frequency shift coding

In this research, optical communication coding systems are designed and constructed by utilizing Frequency Shift Code (FSC) technique. Calculations of the system quality represented by signal to noise ratio (S/N), Bit Error Rate (BER),and Power budget are done. In FSC system, the data of Nonreturn- to–zero (NRZ ) with bit rate at 190 kb/s was entered into FSC encoder circuit in transmitter unit. This data modulates the laser source HFCT-5205 with wavelength at 1310 nm by Intensity Modulation (IM) method, then this data is transferred through Single Mode (SM) optical fiber. The recovery of the NRZ is achieved using decoder circuit in receiver unit. The calculations of BER and S/N for FSC system at maximum fiber length at 61.2 km equal to 2.30551×10-12, 47.88526 dB respectively. The power budget for FSC system was calculated to be 29 dB. Results show that the BER increases when the received optical power decreases the due to increase of the optical fiber length61.2 km. while S/N decreases. The optical power budget increases as the transmitted optical power increases.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Optical signal transmission for the visible light communication system through the water–air interface link

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems Ii: Express Briefs
Adaptive Multibit Crosstalk-Aware Error Control Coding Scheme for On-Chip Communication

The presence of different noise sources and continuous increase in crosstalk in the deep submicrometer technology raised concerns for on-chip communication reliability, leading to the incorporation of crosstalk avoidance techniques in error control coding schemes. This brief proposes joint crosstalk avoidance with adaptive error control scheme to reduce the power consumption by providing appropriate communication resiliency based on runtime noise level. By switching between shielding and duplication as the crosstalk avoidance technique and between hybrid automatic repeat request and forward error correction as the error control policies, three modes of error resiliencies are provided. The results show that, in reduced mode, the scheme achie

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Control for Two Axis Tracking System for Applications of Concentrated Solar Thermal Power

The present work presents design and implementation of an automated two-axis solar tracking system using local materials with minimum cost, light weight and reliable structure. The tracking system consists of two parts, mechanical units (fixed and moving parts) and control units (four LDR sensors and Arduino UNO microcontroller to control two DC servomotors). The tracking system was fitted and assembled together with a parabolic trough solar concentrator (PTSC) system to move it according to information come from the sensors so as to keep the PTSC always perpendicular to sun rays. The experimental tests have been done on the PTSC system to investigate its thermal performance in two cases, with tracking system (case 1) and without trackin

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Exergy - New Technologies And Applications
High Synthetic Image Coding System

Compressing an image and reconstructing it without degrading its original quality is one of the challenges that still exist now a day. A coding system that considers both quality and compression rate is implemented in this work. The implemented system applies a high synthetic entropy coding schema to store the compressed image at the smallest size as possible without affecting its original quality. This coding schema is applied with two transform-based techniques, one with Discrete Cosine Transform and the other with Discrete Wavelet Transform. The implemented system was tested with different standard color images and the obtained results with different evaluation metrics have been shown. A comparison was made with some previous rel

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Design and Implementation of Electronic Infrastructure for Academic Establishment

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Communications
Design mode filtering interferometer using etched double clad fiber
Abstract<p>Mode filtering technique is one of the most desired techniques in optical fiber communication systems, especially for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) coherent optical communications that have mode-dependent losses in communication channels. In this work, a special type of optical fiber sensing head was used, where it utilizes DCF13 that is made by Thorlabs and has two numerical apertures (NA’s). One is for core and 1st cladding region, while the 2nd relates the 1st cladding to the 2nd cladding. Etching process using 40 % hydro-fluoric (HF) acid was performed on the DCF13 with variable time in minutes. Investigation of the correlation between the degree of etching and the re</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women

This research include design and implementation of an Iraqi cities database using spatial data structure for storing data in two or more dimension called k-d tree .The proposed system should allow records to be inserted, deleted and searched by name or coordinate. All the programming of the proposed system written using Delphi ver. 7 and performed on personal computer (Intel core i3).

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 10 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Design and Implementation of Appliance Controller using Traditional or Smart Phone

Mobile phones are widely used nowadays, for different application such as wireless control and monitoring due to its availability and ease of use. The implemented system is based on "global system mobile (GSM)" network by using "short message service (SMS)". The design mainly contains a GSM modem and interfacing unit circuit with microcontrollers. This system could control up to eight different electrical devices such as light, Air conditioner, washing machine and many more applications which needed in daily life in different area (House, Office, or factory, etc.). The control is done by sending a specific SMS messages from traditional or smart phone. The controlling devices are restricted to a pre-defined phone number and are set in the so

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Sculptured Surface Design and Implementation by Lofting Design Method Using Cross-sectional B-Spline Curves

This research presents a particular designing strategy for a free form of surfaces, constructed by the lofting design method. The regarded surfaces were created by sliding a B-spline curves (profile curves), in addition to describing an automatic procedure for selective identification of sampling points in reverse engineering applications using Coordinate Measurement Machine. Two models have been implemented from (Ureol material) to represent the different cases of B-spline types to clarify its scope of application. The interior data of the desired surfaces was designed by MATLAB software, which then were transformed to UG-NX9 software for connecting the sections that were designed in MATLAB program and obtaining G-code programs for the

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation for 3-DoF SCARA Robot based PLC


This paper presents mechanical and electrical design, and implementation  process of industrial robot, 3-DoF type SCARA (selective compliment assembly robot arm),with two rotations and one translation used for welding applications.The design process also included the controller design which was based on PLC(programmable logic controller) as well as selection of mechanical and electrical components.The challenge was to use the available components in Iraq with reasonable costs. The robot mentioned is fully automated using programmable logic controller PLC(Zelio type SR3-B261BD),with 16inputs and 10 outputs. The PLC was implemented in FBD logic to obtain three different automatic motions with hi

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